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Uke N Sing, Part 2, Session 4- Timestamps

Uke N Sing, Part 2, Session 4- Timestamps

Susie Davies-Splitter

August 25, 2021

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  1. 17 Uke N Sing' part 2 course - recording info

    SESSION 4 Timestamp Topics Notes 0.00 - 1.29 Course Goals REVISION 1.29 - 1.46 New chords E diminished & A7 1.46 - 7.28 *Tango Today Dm, E diminished & A7 Tango rhythm on body Taam ti ta ta Clap the rhythm Listen to the song Tap the rhythm on the uke On the wood Play the uke Revise the 3 chords Dm, E diminished & A7 Play the tango strum Down up down down with nails Play the uke with the recording Tango strum, duck strum Roll at end Fast frog strum 7.28 - 12.47 *G minor blues scale Starting on the D Look at the notation and TAB Sing in solfa with hand signs mi so la do re ri mi Sing and pitch conduct With index fingers that follow the pitch Play uke Pick with thumb Play and sing in letter name Play the uke with the recording Ascending and descending
  2. 18 12.47 - 25.56 *Vegemite, peanut butter, strawberry jam -

    G, C & D7 chords Body Percussion Click fingers Listen to chant Say and click together Analyse the chord chart In the key of G Play the uke Duck strum Say the words Analysis I IV V Progression 12 bar blues In G Swung chicken strum Improvisation G blues scale Fragment 1 - G Bb C Use ingredients from the impro pot Create a riff A melody that keeps repeating Fragment 2 - D F G Use ingredients from the impro pot Play the uke with the recording Swung chicken strum Improvisation Improvisation tips Take the rhythm from the piece 25.56 - 27.24 New chords D & A 27.24 - 34.46 *Senwa Dedende Ghanian folk song - call and response Body Percussion Sing the responses With a do hand sign & listen to the song Sing the responses Watch the hand signs for the calls Sing the responses Watch the pitch contour for the calls Analayse the melody
  3. 19 Play the uke D chord Duck strum Sing and

    play Finger picking TIMR per bar/measure then double Play the melody of the response D Sing and play in a round Play the uke with the recording Duck strum, finger pick Play the responses 34.46 - 47.54 *Allunde Swahili African lullaby Singing Echo sing the chorus Conduct & listen to the Verses Feel the 2 pulses per bar/measure Solfa and hand signs Do & so - I V progression Sing in solfa with handsigns Listen to the sung verses We sang the chord changes D (do) & A (so) chords Play the uke D and A chords Duck strum 2 strums per bar TIMR fingering 6/8 time signature - TIMRIM Play the uke with the recording Duck strum, TIMR fingering 47.54 - 55.47 Q&A Songs are in bold *All songs have been written and/or arranged and recorded by Susie & Phil *All songs are used with permission and part of the Blackbelt Ukulele 2 or 3 Series Some songs are available on music platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music and Itunes.
  4. 20 All songs with lyrics, notation, teacher notes and audio

    tracks are available to purchase from www.welcometomusic.net Uke N Sing, Part 2 Course with Susie and Phil – Session 4 Susie Davies-Splitter and Phil Splitter Welcome to Music www.welcometomusic.net Copying this video is not permitted