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The State of Python

The State of Python

Keynote at PyCon Korea. Theme of the conference is "Connecting the Pythonistas". This talk gives highlights of Python 2019, its future, the ecosystem including Jupyter, neteract, and Binder, challenges/opportunities for Python, and the impact of community.

Carol Willing

August 17, 2019

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  1. Python Steering Council Core Developer PSF Fellow PSF Director (past)

    Frank Willison Award 2019   Hello. I'm Carol.
  2. !4 Jupyter Steering Council Core Developer JupyterHub, BinderHub, mybinder.org nteract

    Core maintainer Papermill, Scrapbook, Bookstore, Commuter
  3. The State of Python ‣ Python Today ‣ Communicating through

    code ‣ Keys to Python's Future ‣ Code and Community ‣ Connect the Pythonistas
  4. PEP 13: Python Language Governance ‣ Quality and Stability ‣

    Contributing accessible, inclusive, sustainable ‣ Core team and PSF relationship ‣ Decision making processes for PEPs ‣ Seek consensus
  5. Positional only parameters Assignment operator (walrus operator) "equals" specifier added

    to f-string PEP 587: Python Initialization Configuration PEP 574: pickle protocol 5 !22 Key features in 3.8
  6. !26 In reality, programming languages are how programmers express and

    communicate ideas — and the audience for those ideas is other programmers, not computers. http://neopythonic.blogspot.com/2016/04/kings-day-speech.html Guido van Rossum Language Design
  7. !33 ‣ Growth ‣ ACM Award ‣ Industry adoption ‣

    Creative uses ‣ Open Source Book Jupyter
  8. !38 ‣ Papermill ‣ Scrapbook ‣ Bookstore ‣ Commuter Netflix:

    data at scale https://medium.com/netflix-techblog/notebook-innovation-591ee3221233
  9. !41 Binder mybinder.org Binder 2.0 blog post elifesciences: Share your

    interactive research environment Nature article about Binder
  10. !50 https://github.com/data-exp-lab/rust-yt-tools/ npm package @data-exp-lab/yt-tools Irber Junior LC. Oxidizing Python:

    writing extensions in Rust [version 1; not peer reviewed]. F1000Research 2018, 7(ISCB Comm J):955 (poster) (https://doi.org/ 10.7490/f1000research.1115726.1) https://github.com/munkm/widgyts yt and jupyter widgets
  11. !52

  12. !65 What can you do ‣ Keep up with WebAssembly

    news ‣ Give a Rust / wasm / Python project a try ‣ Try Beeware and its tools. Great project for first time contributors too. ‣ Think about the User Experience for your work
  13. –Tim O'Reilly “Contributions can encompass so much more than code.

    A successful software community requires time, dedication, communication, and education as well as elegant code.”  
  14. – Guido van Rossum ...a programming language created by a

    community fosters happiness in its users around the world.   http://neopythonic.blogspot.com/2016/04/kings-day-speech.html
  15. Matplotlib documentation Carol Willing papers and photos Project Jupyter nteract

    project Python website Fernando Perez website ipyvolume project yt project and Madicken Munk Binder Team Kirstie Whitaker