Learn more about Cloudant's ongoing commitment to open source software, re-energised by the IBM acquisition and culminating in the completion of the BigCouch-CouchDB merge.
Futon 2. Support CORS 3. Improve replication interoperability 4. Documentation 5. Global changes feed 6. _changes feed for views 7. OTP compliance refactoring 8. Test suites 9. Plugin interface 10. Improve ini file handling Still to come: • Conflicts are the exception, not the rule • DSL / Richer querying support • Improved user/security model • WebSockets/EventSource/SPDY • More built-in map/reduce funcs • Remove reserved metadata • Partial updates/reads of docs • Enhance background task management And many, many more… 3 †Within one of: Apache CouchDB, Cloudant DB Core, rcouch branch
repository into one-per-application model 2. “Nebraska” merge updated with CouchDB changes since March 2013 3. Build process updated for new multi-repo model (rebar) 4. JS test cases are all passing 5. etap eunit conversion done, many tests pass Next: 1. Merge DB Core changes since March 2013 2. Deprecate Cloudant repos for ASF repos 3. Add tooling to make administration easier 4. Merge rcouch view _changes work (hopefully!) 6
check) • Set up a dev cluster and test all operations • Run your application against the merged code • But please, not in production! ☺ • Send bug reports to dev@couchdb.apache.org or CouchDB JIRA • Chat with developers on Freenode IRC, channel #couchdb 8