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Test Everything, or just set money on fire | Br...

October 20, 2017

Test Everything, or just set money on fire | Brian Richards


October 20, 2017

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  1. 2 #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. 1. Why bother 2. What

    to test 3. Tools to use 4. Where to start 5. Additional resources
  2. #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. 1. Why bother with testing things?

    Let’s get the big question out of the way first.
  3. #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. Increase avg.

    ticket price Attract more leads Increase conversions Reduce abandonment Prevent errors Improve email open rate Increase clickthrough Reduce churn Produce better products Increase customer lifetime value Eliminate unknowns Eliminate downtime
  4. “ #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. When we wanted to remove

    PayPal as a payment option, instead of just removing it for good, we ran a short-term test. The test showed that our sales dropped 20% when we removed PayPal. — Syed Balkhi, CEO of Awesome Motive
  5. “ #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. If you create a coupon

    code, it's because you want it to a) work, and b) help you generate sales. But if you don't test its performance, it may do neither. Don't use hope as a strategy. Test everything. — Chris Lema, VP of Product, Liquid Web
  6. “ #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. Business is one big test.

    But I prefer the word “experiments.” Ten years doing this, I know that if we stop experimenting, pushing out new products, trying new pricing and packages, etc. is the time we start our descent. — Cory Miller, Founder of iThemes
  7. 20 #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. 1. Marketing offers 2. Sales

    copy 3. Pricing and Positioning 4. Discounts and Coupons 5. Up-sells & Cross-sells
  8. 21 #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. 1. Can your site withstand

    a large, sustained traffic spike? 2. How quickly does your site load? How about on mobile? 3. Is your site online right now? 4. Has there been any downtime?
  9. 22 #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. 1. Can customers buy without

    errors? 2. What is the complete user experience from landing to order confirmation email? 3. How many emails does the visitor get? 4. Are any of those welcoming?
  10. 23 #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. 1. Do complete features behave

    the way they should? 2. Do individual pieces of code function as intended? 3. Have any recent updates broken previously-tested, working code? 4. Does every key device work correctly and quickly?
  11. 24 #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. 1. Does your site meet

    compliance requirements? 2. Can visitors who depend on assistive tech successfully complete an order?
  12. #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. 3. Tools to use There are

    many things to make your work easier.
  13. #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. Testing Tools PHPUnit QUnit Jasmine CodeCeption

    Behat Code Testing Continuous Integration Circle CI Travis CI Magnum CI Scrutinizer CI Saucelabs Bitbucket Pipelines Codeship Local Development WP-CLI WC Cyclone PHPCS PHPMD
  14. #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. Quality Web Hosts Pantheon Liquid Web

    Pagely WPEngine Testing Environments Local Development Local by FlyWheel MAMP Desktop Server Vagrant (Chassis, VVV)
  15. 34 #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. ◆ Add uptime monitoring ◆

    Add one recorded end-to-end test ◆ Try a new call to action (CTA) ◆ Try some new sales copy
  16. 35 #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. ◆ Conduct a performance test

    ◆ Test site accessibility ◆ Test new pricing ◆ Test across devices ◆ Add unit tests to code
  17. 36 #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. ◆ Add acceptance tests to

    code ◆ Introduce complete testing automation ◆ Create a new, comprehensive site upgrade and deployment procedure
  18. #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. Articles Automating WooCommerce testing with Ghost

    Inspector How freemium nearly caused our business to implode The 17 emails we send to engage customers, reduce churn & increase revenue Recommended Reading Have you started to automate website testing? The reason why clients should want to pay for testing
  19. #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. Articles Carl Alexander's “Intro to WP

    Unit Testing” Pippins “Unit Tests for WP Plugins” Tom McFarlin's “Intro to WP Unit Testing” Code testing resources Videos How to write clean, testable code WordPress Unit Testing Tim Nash: Going beyond unit tests (Slides)
  20. #wooconf @rzen Test Everything. WPSessions.com/sessions/wordpress-unit-testing/ Get another 150 minutes (!!)

    of code testing training from several other top-notch experts! Learn from some smarter people