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Hot Technical SEO Tips for Ecommerce Stores - Ά...

Hot Technical SEO Tips for Ecommerce Stores - Άννα Μοραγλή

Τα πιο hot SEO τεχνικά προβληματά που δημιουργούνται σε ένα eshop και πως μπορείς να τα λύσεις.
Μύθοι & Αλήθειες για το technical SEO.
Πως χτίζουμε μια ολοκληρωμένη SEO στρατηγική για ένα ecommerce store.
Ποια είναι τα elements της ιδανική product page και product category page και πως την φτιάχνεις.

WordPress Greek Community

April 09, 2022

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  1. All the websites no ma tt er the size, industry,

    niche and revenue have 1 thing in common when it comes to SEO.. 🤔
  2. 🤩OWN IT 🤩 Own the process, the result and the

 The Technical SEO is not done, once you delivered , a big list of issues..
  3. Zero third-party interpreta ti on. Log fi les provide a

    fast look at crawler behaviour. No wai ti ng for rankings or search console updates.
  4. URL Fragments Use 1 to 2 folders per URL h

    tt ps://example.com/folder1/folder2/folder/subfolder1/page-url h tt ps://example.com/folder1/page-url Use descrip ti ve names h tt ps://example.com/dog-food/page-url h tt ps://example.com/?531kas/page-url
  5. URL Fragments Use 1 to 2 folders per URL h

    tt ps://example.com/folder1/folder2/folder/subfolder1/page-url h tt ps://example.com/folder1/page-url Use descrip ti ve names h tt ps://example.com/dog-food/page-url h tt ps://example.com/?531kas/page-url
  6. Avoid crea ti ng di ff erent product pages, when

    the only di ff erence is the colour, quan ti ty, etc. Best Op ti on:
  7. - Search Func ti on - Checkout - User Pro

    fi le - Login Page - Wishlist - Privacy Policy No-index low value pages
  8. Improve cross-selling product options Add many recommendations, as it helps

    Google understand how pages are connected. Add ONLY super relevant product recommendations eg. Shirts > other shirts, NOT tops, trousers or dresses.
  9. Structured Data Most important types of structured data for Ecommerce:

    -Price -Availability -Reviews -Product Name -Product Description -Image You can get RANKINGS because of Structured Data!
  10. Look at the SERPs! Look at the actual Google’s page

    results and you’ll be able to: 1. See clearly the search intent detected by Google 2. See how to format your content Bonus
  11. Remember this: There are thousands of issues on a website.

    The bigger the website the more the issues. You can’t fi x them all. Priori ti za ti on is the key to not get lost. 🔥
  12. How to priori ti ze the SEO tasks When I

    priori ti ze issues found, I take into considera ti on 2 things: 🎈SEO impact: How much of an impact will this recommenda ti on likely have on the overall organic tra ffi c? 🤖 Dev e ff ort: How much e ff ort this recommenda ti on take? Don't try to answer that yourself on behalf of the developer, ask them directly.
  13. 🎯 High priority: Medium/Small Dev E ff ort + Medium/High

    SEO Impact 🎯 Middle priority: Medium/High Dev E ff ort + Medium/ High SEO Impact 🎯 Low priority: Medium/High Dev E ff ort + Low/Medium SEO Impact How to priori ti ze the SEO tasks
  14. 🔥 This is essen ti al for large websites. Split

    recommenda ti ons by site templates eg. homepage, content hubs, product pages etc. Move on to the implementa ti on of high priority issues 👉 Test and monitor every step of the way. 👉 Test on dev environment before pushing live 👉 When live, monitor changes on logs/tra ffi c/rankings How to priori ti ze the SEO tasks
  15. Above all, keep in mind that there is no "Done"

    when it comes to Technical SEO. It is a con ti nuous process of improvement 🥰
  16. SEO is not about google penal ti es.. It’s a

    list of li tt le things, that are simple, but not easy
  17. Q&A

  18. Do you have any ques ti ons? Find me on:

    Email: anna@searchmagic.io Facebook: facebook.com/anna.moragli/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/anna-moragli/