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DevOps is dead

DevOps is dead

Originally given at DevOpsDays Oslo 2016

Marta Paciorkowska

September 06, 2016

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  1. Marta Paciorkowska DevOps Heroine @ Acrolinx GmbH Senior Twitter ranter

    (@a_meba) Ex-activist Loves DevOps https://thatmarta.wordpress.com
  2. “DevOps, as we know it, is dead. Perhaps not many

    people agree with me, but the age of DevOps is just about over. Then again, perhaps this won’t come as a surprise to some.”
  3. “And now QA is dying, too; no one can afford

    to have it in the middle of continuous deployment.”
  4. “Rugged-ities” • Availability, • Survivability, • Defensibility, • Security, •

    Longevity, • portability. Joshua Corman & Gene Kim, https://www.rsaconference.com/writable/presentations/file_upload/cld-106.pdf
  5. NoOps is "the goal of completely automating the deployment, monitoring

    and management of applications and the infrastructure on which they run."
  6. “Once the hardware is out of the hands of the

    organization, the operations side of the equation becomes someone else’s problem.”
  7. “While the term ‘NoOps’ can be unpopular with some members

    of the DevOps community, as some take it to mean the exclusion of operations, we mean to describe it as the next level of DevOps.”