“If they can do it, we can do it, but better” › Marketing-DrivenVersioning People are waitingforv2 tobuy Let’s call it v4 Platform Update SP3 November Edition KB2348063 RTW Refresh
Find Packages {Re}Use Packages Produce Packages “NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to install and update open source libraries and tools in Visual Studio.”
specify lowerbound Use a version range {lowerbound + upperbound} when versioning of package you depend on is messed up Major Breaking changes Minor Backwards compatible API additions/changes Patch Bugfixes not affecting the API
UI up to you to build it › No granular security only 1 API-key for entire feed › Conclusion: requires you todevelop if you want something more useful
...and also Project/_bin_deployable_assemblies ...and also /References/old ...and also /..././../.././References › Usually references GAC-ed assemblies
are those YOUR intellectual property? YOUR reason to build software? YOUR product? › No. They are dependencies. And they don’t belong in source control.
with NuGet packages › Do commit packages\repositories.configfile › Use Enable-PackageRestore › Set package-source location(s) (NuGet.settings.targets in $(SolutionDir)\.nuget folder)
30 seconds you should begin to see a Boat appear in the background. Amazing! *** Some men report ittakes them several minutes tosee the boat, sobe patient andreally focus!!! ***