This slides is used for my final presentation on 2017 Caltech SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship) seminar day. I searched for quasars behind M31 using light curves from the PTF (Palomar Transient Factory) survey.
magnitude, Root Mean Squared deviation, …… 4 Model Parameters: Damped Random Walk, Structure Function. (Kelly 2009, Schimidt2010, Macleod 2012, Graham 2014) Star Quasar
8 (color) = 40 features • Find quasars from 190,000 objects • Training set: 59 known quasars + 500 known stars ( Known objects from: Flesch, 2015; Massey, 2016 )
Known (59) New (50) False (6) Candidate (66) • Good sample to study the ISM of Andromeda. • A pilot study of quasars in current and future synoptic surveys.
my mentors, professor Shri Kurkarni and Dr. Thomas Kupfer. • I would also acknowledge all members in the ZTF group for their constant help and support. • Special thanks to Yuguang Chen, Tianshu Wang, Anno Ho, and Matthew Graham for valuable discussion. • I would extend my appreciation to SFP, and people ever contributed to the SURF program. • Thanks for listening.