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Quasars behind M31 from PTF survey.

Yuhan Yao
August 24, 2017

Quasars behind M31 from PTF survey.

This slides is used for my final presentation on 2017 Caltech SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship) seminar day. I searched for quasars behind M31 using light curves from the PTF (Palomar Transient Factory) survey.

Yuhan Yao

August 24, 2017

More Decks by Yuhan Yao

Other Decks in Research


  1. Searching for Quasars Behind the Andromeda Galaxy Yuhan Yao Peking

    University Mentor: Shri Kulkarni Aug, 24, 2017
  2. Searching for Quasars Behind the Andromeda Galaxy Artist’s rendering of

    a quasar in the center of a distant galaxy. Yuhan Yao Peking University Mentor: Shri Kulkarni Aug, 24, 2017
  3. Quasars: powerful beacons to probe the gas clouds between galaxies

    Distant Galaxies Milky Way Quasar Quasar Spectrum 10 billion years ago
  4. Absorption lines Quasars: powerful beacons to probe the gas clouds

    between galaxies Distant Galaxies Milky Way Quasar 8 billion years ago
  5. Data collection: Variability - 32 features 28 Basic Statistics: Mean

    magnitude, Root Mean Squared deviation, …… 4 Model Parameters: Damped Random Walk, Structure Function. (Kelly 2009, Schimidt2010, Macleod 2012, Graham 2014) Star Quasar
  6. Data collection: Color - 8 features Optical: Infrared: LGGS: U-B,B-V

    W1-W2 SDSS: u-g Pan-STARRS: g-r, r-i, i-z, z-y 3.4 µm 4.6 µm
  7. Data analysis: machine learning (ML) method • 32 (variability) +

    8 (color) = 40 features • Find quasars from 190,000 objects • Training set: 59 known quasars + 500 known stars ( Known objects from: Flesch, 2015; Massey, 2016 )
  8. Data analysis: machine learning (ML) method • Training set: 59

    known quasars + 500 known stars • Distribution in two most informative features:
  9. Data analysis: machine learning (ML) method • Find quasars from

    190,000 objects • Use 10 features to do classification – 122 quasar candidates.
  10. Results 56 spectra from: 50 confirmed to be quasars! à

    (1-6/56)=89% of the remaining 66 candidates are likely real quasars.
  11. • Variability selection suffers less from selection effect. Results R<20.2mag:

    56 + 37 + 42*0.89 = 130 Quasar areal density: 17 deg-2 for B<20.0mag (Boyle, 1987) brighter fainter PTF FoV 17*7.2=122 20.2
  12. Results • Variability selection suffers less from selection effect. •

    Variability selection can fill in the gaps in color selection methods.
  13. Conclusion 33% 28% 3% 36% Quasars Behind the Andromeda Galaxy

    Known (59) New (50) False (6) Candidate (66) • Good sample to study the ISM of Andromeda. • A pilot study of quasars in current and future synoptic surveys.
  14. Acknowledgement • I want to express my immense gratitude to

    my mentors, professor Shri Kurkarni and Dr. Thomas Kupfer. • I would also acknowledge all members in the ZTF group for their constant help and support. • Special thanks to Yuguang Chen, Tianshu Wang, Anno Ho, and Matthew Graham for valuable discussion. • I would extend my appreciation to SFP, and people ever contributed to the SURF program. • Thanks for listening.