Lab - Sharif 18 Recently new recognition tasks have been introduced: Attribute[2], Action[3], Memorability[4], Popularity[5], etc. [2] Ali Farhadi, et al, Describing objects by their attributes, CVPR 2009" [3] Bangpeng Yao, et al, Human action recognition by learning bases of action attributes and parts, ICCV 2011" [4] Aditya Khosla, et al, Memorability of Image Regions, NIPS 2012" [5] Aditya Khosla, et al, What makes an image popular? WWW 2014"
object class – Negative training images not containing that object class – Classify a test image whether it contains the object class Image Processing Lab - Sharif 27 Slide Credit: Cordelia Schmid"
Methods – Progress • But they have some drawbacks – Bias[6] – Differ from “the goal” Image Processing Lab - Sharif 28 [6] Antonio Torralba, et al, Unbiased look at dataset bias, CVPR 2011"
widely varied classes + clutter class • Images ~ 200 x 300 pixels • Total of 9144 images Image Processing Lab - Sharif 31 [9] Fei-Fei Li, et al, Learning Generative Visual Models from few training examples: an incremental Baysian approach tested on 101 object categories, CVPR Workshops 2004"
- 256) – Using small number of training images – 1 object/image, centered object in image • VOC – Categories few classes (20) – Using many training examples – In general images Image Processing Lab - Sharif 44
WordNet has 80,000 – 14,197,122 images – 1,034,908 images with bounding boxes – 50% of synsets have more than 500 images Image Processing Lab - Sharif 48
compact representation (histogram) – Small size of codebooks – Results in lower discriminative power of descriptors – O(106) visual words à O(102) code-words – Highly frequent words have low discriminative power[14] Image Processing Lab - Sharif 79 [14] Oren Boiman, et al, “In Defense of Nearest-Neighbor Based Image Classification”, CVPR 2008"
at visual recognition • But machines are not? • Research[16, 17] has shown that features are the weak spot of computer vision Image Processing Lab - Sharif 87 [16] Devi Parikh, et al, “The role of Features, Algorithms and Data in Visual Recognition”, CVPR 2010" [17] Xiangxin Zhu, et al, “Do We Need More Training Data or Better Models for Object Detection?”, BMVC 2012"
for feature extraction • SVM on these features achieve state-of- the-art on several datasets [18] Image Processing Lab - Sharif 88 [18] Ali Sharif Razavian, et al, CNN Features off-the-shelf: an Astounding Baseline for Recognition, CVPR Workshops 2014"