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Yuzo Morishita
September 24, 2016


Yuzo Morishita

September 24, 2016

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  1. 1. ಋೖ Ҡಈࣄ৅ͱ͸ (1) a. They went into the saloon.

    (BNC-CH10) b. Scud missiles streaked through the sky. (BNC-ABS) c. He and an Iranian doctor flew from Paris as directly as they could. (BNC-G3R) 1
  2. 1. ಋೖ Ҡಈͷߏ੒ཁૉ (Talmy 1985; 2000) (1) a. They went

    into the saloon. Ὂ Ҡಈ෺ (Figure) 2
  3. 1. ಋೖ Ҡಈͷߏ੒ཁૉ (Talmy 1985; 2000) (1) a. They went

    into the saloon. Ὂ ج४෺ (Ground) 5
  4. 1. ಋೖ Ҡಈͷߏ੒ཁૉ (Talmy 2000; cf. 1985) (1) b. Scud

    missiles streaked through the sky. Ὂ Ҡಈͷ༷ଶ (Manner) 6
  5. 1. ಋೖ ܦ࿏ͷৄࡉ (Talmy 2000; cf. 1985) i) ண఺ (Goal)

    ɹ e.g. to, onto, into, etc. ii) ى఺ (Source) e.g. from, out of, off, etc. iii) ௨ա఺ (Via) e.g. across, through, around, over, past, etc. 7
  6. 1. ಋೖ ܦ࿏ͷදग़ (2) a. It [=the plane] flew from

    Los Angeles to Las Vegas […]. ɹ (BNC-CEM) b. Stroll through the grounds to the lake […]. (BNC-AMD) ɹ ▶︎ ਓؒ͸஫໨͍ͯ͠Δ෦෼ʢͷΈʣΛݴޠͰදग़ (Talmy 1996) 8
  7. 1. ಋೖ ࣮ূతݚڀ ɹὊ ৺ཧ࣮ݧʹجͮ͘λΠϓͷݚڀ (e.g., Papafragou 2010, Lakusta and

    Landau 2012) ɹὊ ίʔύεΛ༻͍ͨݚڀ
 ɹɹ(e.g., Stefanowitsch and Rohde 2004, দຊҹ࡮த, cf. Arnold 2001) 10
  8. 1. ಋೖ ݴޠͱೝ஌ͷؔ܎ ɹὊ ࣮ূతσʔλ͸ೝ஌Λ൓ө͍ͯ͠Δͷ͔ʁ ɹɹ ▶︎ ৺ཧ࣮ݧݚڀऀͷओு ɹɹ ɹ⾣

    ඇݴޠతද৅ (non-linguistic representation)
 ͸ݴޠͱରԠؔ܎ (homology) ʹ͋Δ ɹɹ ▶︎ ίʔύεݴޠֶ͔Β͸Կ͕ݴ͑Δͷ͔ʁ 11
  9. 2. ઌߦݚڀ ண఺ࢤ޲ੑΛࣔࠦ͢Δ࣮ݧݚڀ ɹὊ ʢҠಈࣄ৅ͷʣݴޠϨϕϧ͔Βඇݴޠతද৅΁ (Lakusta et al. 2007) ɹɹ

    ▶︎ ༮ࣇ͕ҠಈͷͲͷଆ໘ʹ஫ࢹ͢Δ͔ ɹɹɹ ▶︎ ࣮ݧ 1 (mean age 12 months, 6 days) ɹɹɹɹ▶︎ Ξώϧͷ͓΋ͪΌ͕Ҡಈ͢Δ৔໘ͷ஫ࢹ࣌ؒΛଌఆ 14
  10. 2. ઌߦݚڀ ண఺ࢤ޲ੑΛࣔࠦ͢Δ࣮ݧݚڀ ɹὊ ʢҠಈࣄ৅ͷʣݴޠϨϕϧ͔Βඇݴޠతද৅΁ (Lakusta et al. 2007) ɹɹ

    ▶︎ ࣮ݧ 1 ݁Ռ ɹɹɹ ▶︎ ண఺ͷϞϊ͕มԽ͢Δͱ஫ࢹ͢Δ͕࣌ؒ৳ͼΔ ɹɹɹɹ▶︎ ى఺ͷϞϊ͕มԽͯ͠΋஫ࢹ͢Δ࣌ؒ͸৳ͼͳ͍ ɹɹɹɹ⾣ ى఺͕໨ཱͭ΋ͷͰ͋Ε͹஫ࢹ͢Δ͕࣌ؒ৳ͼΔɹɹɹ 15
  11. 2. ઌߦݚڀ ண఺ࢤ޲ੑΛࣔࠦ͢Δ࣮ݧݚڀ ɹὊ ʢҠಈࣄ৅ͷʣݴޠϨϕϧ͔Βඇݴޠతද৅΁ (Lakusta et al. 2007) ɹɹ

    ▶︎ ༮ࣇ͕ҠಈͷͲͷଆ໘ʹ஫ࢹ͢Δ͔ ɹɹɹ ▶︎ ࣮ݧ 2 (mean age 11 months, 29 days) ɹɹɹɹ▶︎ Ξώϧͷ͓΋ͪΌ͕Ҡಈ͢Δ৔໘ͷ஫ࢹ࣌ؒΛଌఆ 16
  12. 2. ઌߦݚڀ ண఺ࢤ޲ੑΛࣔࠦ͢Δ࣮ݧݚڀ ɹὊ ʢҠಈࣄ৅ͷʣݴޠϨϕϧ͔Βඇݴޠతද৅΁ (Lakusta et al. 2007) ɹɹ

    ▶︎ ࣮ݧ 2 ݁Ռ ɹɹɹ ▶︎ ໨ཱͭى఺ͱී௨ͷண఺Ͱ΋ண఺Λ஫ࢹ͢Δ ɹɹɹɹɹ 17
  13. 2. ઌߦݚڀ ண఺ࢤ޲ੑΛࣔࠦ͢Δ࣮ݧݚڀ ɹὊ ʢҠಈࣄ৅ͷʣݴޠϨϕϧ͔Βඇݴޠతද৅΁ (Papafragou 2010) ɹɹ ▶︎ ҠಈͷͲͷଆ໘͕هԱʹ࢒Γ΍͍͔͢

    ɹɹɹ ▶︎ ࣮ݧ 1 (mean age 4;7 and adults) ▶︎ ى఺͔Βண఺΁ੜ͖෺͕Ҡಈ͢ΔΞχϝΛݟͤͯɺى఺
 ʹਘͶΔ 18
  14. 2. ઌߦݚڀ ண఺ࢤ޲ੑΛࣔࠦ͢Δ࣮ݧݚڀ ɹὊ ʢҠಈࣄ৅ͷʣݴޠϨϕϧ͔Βඇݴޠతද৅΁ (Papafragou 2010) ɹɹ ▶︎ ҠಈͷͲͷଆ໘͕هԱʹ࢒Γ΍͍͔͢

    ɹɹɹ ▶︎ ࣮ݧ 2 (mean age 5;6 and adults) ▶︎ ى఺͔Βண఺΁Ϟϊ͕Ҡಈ͢ΔΞχϝΛݟͤͯɺى఺
 ʹਘͶΔ 20
  15. 2. ઌߦݚڀ ίʔύεݚڀ ɹὊ Stefanowitsch and Rohde (2004) ɹɹ ▶︎

    ଟ͘ͷҠಈಈࢺ͸ண఺ࢤ޲ܕ ɹɹɹ ▶︎ ௐࠪޠኮ͕ዞҙత & ݶఆత ▶︎ fly, climb, flee, jump, fall, escape, stroll, cruise, march, run ɹɹɹɹ▶︎ ޠ͝ͱͷੜىස౓ͷࠩΛແࢹ 22
  16. 3. ίʔύεௐࠪͱߟ࡯ ௐࠪํ๏ ɹὊ ޠͷબ୒ ɹɹ ▶︎ 120 छྨͷಈࢺΛબ୒ (Levin

    1993: 263–270) ɹɹɹɹ▶︎ Ҡಈ༷ଶಈࢺ (e.g., walk)+௚ࣔతҠಈಈࢺ (e.g., go) ɹɹ ▶︎ ౷ܭతख๏Λ༻͍ͯ BNC ͔ΒαϯϓϦϯά ɹɹɹ ▶︎ ໿ 1 ԯޠ (98,363,783 ޠ) ɹɹɹɹ ▶︎ spoken (10,409,851 ޠ) ɹɹɹɹɹɹ▶︎ written (87,953,932 ޠ) 24
  17. 3. ίʔύεௐࠪͱߟ࡯ αϯϓϦϯάͱσʔλͷऩूํ๏ ɹὊ Ҡಈಈࢺ͸ BNC શମͰ 504,036 ྫ ɹɹ

    ▶︎ ߹ܭ 21,238 ྫΛαϯϓϦϯά ɹɹ ɹ ▶︎ ಈࢺλά͕෇͍͍ͯΔҠಈಈࢺͷස౓Λௐ΂Δ <w c5="VVD" hw="go" pos=“VERB”>went</w> ɹɹɹɹ ▶︎ go ͷ৔߹͸ 211,897 ྫ Ὂ 384 ྫ ɹɹɹ ⾣ trek ͷ৔߹͸ 158 ྫ Ὂ 113 ྫ 25
  18. 3. ίʔύεௐࠪͱߟ࡯ αϯϓϦϯάͱσʔλͷऩूํ๏ ɹὊ ࣗ཯తͳҠಈΛද͢༻ྫҎ֎ΛऔΓআ͘ (4) a. Corbett marched Ranulf

    out into the porch. b. […] the Smithfield porters were alone in
 marching on Westminster demanding: […]. 26
  19. 3. ίʔύεௐࠪͱߟ࡯ αϯϓϦϯάͱσʔλͷऩूํ๏ ɹὊ ൺᄻతɾڏߏҠಈɾway ߏจͳͲͷ༻ྫ΋ഉআ (5) a. The idea

    comes from the Winnie The Pooh
 characters created by A. A. Milne. (BNC-K1B) b. […] the Cotswold Way, which runs for 102 miles
 from Chopping Campden to Bath. (BNC-CJK) c. […] they watched a little, hustling minx sashay
 her way across the floor. (BNC-ASD) 27
  20. 3. ίʔύεௐࠪͱߟ࡯ αϯϓϦϯάͱσʔλͷऩूํ๏ ɹὊ ֤༻ྫͷܦ࿏දݱΛ෼ྨɾ੔ཧ ɹ(6) a. He marched out

    of the barracks […]. Ὂ source b. When the eight legs marched across my forehead I was
 already beyond shock. Ὂ via 28
  21. 3. ίʔύεௐࠪͱߟ࡯ σʔλͷ֓ཁ ɹὊ ֤ಈࢺ͝ͱͷ֤ܦ࿏දݱͷස౓Λ੔ཧ͢Δ VERBS SOURCE VIA GOAL NULL

    SUM advance 2 14 25 19 60 amble 13 40 27 27 107 … … … … … … go 15 11 47 66 139 … … … … … … zigzag 4 1 3 0 8 zoom 1 3 0 1 5 29
  22. 3. ίʔύεௐࠪͱߟ࡯ ίϨεϙϯσϯε෼ੳʢରԠ෼ੳʣ Ὂ ස౓දͷߦͱྻͷରԠؔ܎ʹ஫໨ ɹɹ ▶︎ ಈࢺͱܦ࿏දݱͷ૬͕ؔ࠷େʹͳΔΑ͏ʹฒ΂ସ͑ ɹ Ὂ

    2 ࣍ݩʢ·ͨ͸ 3 ࣍ݩʣ্ʹϓϩοτ ▶︎ Ͳͷಈࢺ͕Ͳͷܦ࿏දݱͱڞى͠΍͍͔͕͢ࢹ֮
 ɹɹɹɹతʹ֬ೝͰ͖Δ 30
  23. 3. ίʔύεௐࠪͱߟ࡯ ίϨεϙϯσϯε෼ੳʢରԠ෼ੳʣ -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2

    0.0 0.2 0.4 null goal trajectory source -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 advance amble bolt bounce bound bowl canter cavort charge clamber climb clump coast come crawl creep dart dash dodder drift file flit float fly gallop gambol glide go hasten hike hobble hop hurry hurtle inch jog journey jump leap limp lollop lope lumber lurch march meander mince mosey nip pad parade perambulate plod prance promenade prowl race ramble roam roll romp rove run rush sashay saunter scamper scoot scramble scud scurry scutter scuttle shamble shuffle sidle skedaddle skip skitter skulk sleepwalk slide slink slither slog slouch sneak somersault speed stagger stomp stray streak stride stroll strut stumble stump swagger sweep swim tack tear tiptoe toddle totter traipse tramp travel trek troop trot trudge vault waddle wade walk wander whirl whiz wind zigzag zoom 31
  24. 3. ίʔύεௐࠪͱߟ࡯ ಈࢺͷछྨͱܦ࿏ͷࢤ޲ੑ ɹ⾣ ى఺ ɹ (7) a. Ruth jumped

    out of the jeep at the heavy
 wrought-iron gates. (BNC-JY4) b. When Dong, 24, leapt from the window to
 escape […]. (BNC-CH6) 32
  25. 3. ίʔύεௐࠪͱߟ࡯ ಈࢺͷछྨͱܦ࿏ͷࢤ޲ੑ ɹ⾣ ௨ա఺ ɹ (8) a. Again the

    craft coasted along and she became
 weightless once more. (BNC-FNW) b. The clouds were scudding across the expanse of
 blue. (BNC-HGT) 33
  26. 3. ίʔύεௐࠪͱߟ࡯ ಈࢺͷछྨͱܦ࿏ͷࢤ޲ੑ ɹ⾣ ண఺ ɹ (9) a. He went

    back to his office. (BNC-AB9) b. A dozen policemen rushed into the room […].
 (BNC-HGT) 34
  27. 3. ίʔύεௐࠪͱߟ࡯ τʔΫϯස౓ͷௐࠪํ๏ ɹὊ ۠ؒਪఆͱ͍͏౷ܭతख๏Λ༻͍Δ ɹɹ ▶︎ ֤ಈࢺͷى఺ɾண఺ͷ৴པ۠ؒΛܭࢉ ɹɹ ▶︎

    ֤ಈࢺͷ૯ޠ਺ͱֻ͚߹ΘͤΔ ɹɹ ▶︎ ֤ಈࢺͷ߹ܭΛܭࢉ͢Δ ɹɹɹ ▶︎ 14,976 < ى఺ͷਪఆ஋ < 38,126 ɹɹɹ ▶︎ 42,308 < ண఺ͷਪఆ஋ < 75,394 37
  28. 3. ίʔύεௐࠪͱߟ࡯ ίʔύεσʔλΛ౿·͑ͯԿ͕ݴ͑Δ͔ʁ ɹὊ ಛʹߴස౓ͳޠ (i.e., go, come) ͷӨڹ͕େ͖͍ ɹὊ

    ண఺ࢤ޲ͱ͍͏ੑ࣭͸ຊ౰ʹೝ஌ͷ൓ө͔ʁ ɹɹ ▶︎ ೝ஌͸τʔΫϯʹҾ͖ͣΒΕΔ…ʁ ɹὊ ࣮ݧͷΑ͏ͳዞҙతͳ؀ڥҎ֎ͷྫ΋ଟ͍ 38
  29. 5. ·ͱΊͱࠓޙͷ՝୊ ࠓޙͷ՝୊ ɹ ɹὊ Ҡಈͷଞͷཁૉʹ஫໨ ɹɹ ▶︎ Ҡಈ෺ (cf.

    Fisher et al. 1994) ɹɹ ▶︎ Ҡಈͷ༷ଶ (cf. Malt et al. 2014) ɹɹ ▶︎ Ҡಈͷج४෺ (cf. Landau and Jackendoff 1993) ɹὊ ʢࣗ཯తͳʣҠಈࣄ৅ΛҰൠԽ 44
  30. References Arnold, J. (2001) The effect of thematic roles on

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 foundations of spatial language: Evidence for a goal bias in Infants.
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  31. References Lakusta, L. and B. Landau (2012) Language and memory

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  32. References Papafragou, A. (2010) Source-goal asymmetries in motion
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