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Yuzo Morishita

March 08, 2016

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  1. ͸͡Ίʹ ໰୊ͷഎܠ ɹὊҠಈࣄ৅ʹ͸ண఺ࢤ޲(Goal-Oriented)ͱ͍͏ੑ࣭͕ݟΒΕΔ ɹɹ⾣Verspoor et al. (1999), cf. Stefanowitsch and

    Rohde (2004) ɹὊண఺ࢤ޲ͱ͍͏ੑ࣭͸ຊ౰ʹଘࡏ͢Δͷ͔ʁɹ ɹ ͸͡ΊʹὊઌߦݚڀὊσʔλͷαϯϓϦϯάὊ݁Ռͱߟ࡯Ὂ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊ 1
  2. ͸͡Ίʹ ໰୊ͷഎܠ ɹ(1) a. They went into the saloon. (BNC-CH10)

    b. Scud missiles streaked through the sky. (BNC-ABS) c. He and an Iranian doctor flew from Paris as directly as they could. (BNC-G3R) ɹɹὊܦ࿏දݱ(e.ginto through from)ʹ஫໨ ɹɹὊ ӳޠͷҠಈࣄ৅Λද͢ίʔύεσʔλΛ΋ͱʹݕূ 2 ͸͡ΊʹὊઌߦݚڀὊσʔλͷαϯϓϦϯάὊ݁Ռͱߟ࡯Ὂ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊
  3. ઌߦݚڀ Ҡಈࣄ৅ͷߏ੒ཁૉ ɹ(1) a. They went into the saloon. ɹɹɹὊҠಈ෺(Figure)

    ɹ 5 ͸͡ΊʹὊઌߦݚڀὊσʔλͷαϯϓϦϯάὊ݁Ռͱߟ࡯Ὂ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊
  4. ઌߦݚڀ Ҡಈࣄ৅ͷߏ੒ཁૉ ɹ(1) a. They went into the saloon. ɹɹɹὊҠಈ(Motion)

    ɹ 5 ͸͡ΊʹὊઌߦݚڀὊσʔλͷαϯϓϦϯάὊ݁Ռͱߟ࡯Ὂ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊
  5. ઌߦݚڀ Ҡಈࣄ৅ͷߏ੒ཁૉ ɹ(1) a. They went into the saloon. ɹɹɹὊҠಈͷܦ࿏(Path)

    ɹ 5 ͸͡ΊʹὊઌߦݚڀὊσʔλͷαϯϓϦϯάὊ݁Ռͱߟ࡯Ὂ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊
  6. ઌߦݚڀ Ҡಈࣄ৅ͷߏ੒ཁૉ ɹ(1) a. They went into the saloon. ɹɹɹὊҠಈͷج४෺(Ground)

    ɹ 5 ͸͡ΊʹὊઌߦݚڀὊσʔλͷαϯϓϦϯάὊ݁Ռͱߟ࡯Ὂ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊
  7. ઌߦݚڀ Ҡಈࣄ৅ͷߏ੒ཁૉ ɹҠಈͷܦ࿏ͷৄࡉ ɹɹi)ண఺(goal) ɹɹɹɹ(2) a. to, onto, into etc.

    ɹɹii)ى఺(source) ɹɹɹɹ(2) b. from, out of, off etc. iii)௨ա఺(trajectory) ɹɹɹɹ(2) c. across, through, around, over, past etc. 6 ͸͡ΊʹὊઌߦݚڀὊσʔλͷαϯϓϦϯάὊ݁Ռͱߟ࡯Ὂ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊
  8. ઌߦݚڀ Ҡಈࣄ৅ͷߏ੒ཁૉ ɹਓؒ͸஫໨͍ͯ͠Δ෦෼ͷΈΛݴޠͰදݱ͢Δ(Talmy 1991) ɹ(3) a. It [=the plane] flew

    from Los Angeles to Las Vegas… (BNC-CEM) Ὂى఺Ὂண఺ b. Stroll through the grounds to the lake… (BNC-AMD) Ὂ௨ա఺Ὂண఺ 7 ͸͡ΊʹὊઌߦݚڀὊσʔλͷαϯϓϦϯάὊ݁Ռͱߟ࡯Ὂ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊
  9. σʔλͷαϯϓϦϯά Levin (1993: 263-270) ɹ123 छྨͷಈࢺ ɹɹὊ Ҡಈͷ༷ଶ͕ؔ༩͢Δಈࢺ + ௚ࣔతҠಈಈࢺ

    (go and come) ɹ(5) advance, amble, bolt, bounce … wind, zigzag, zoom ɹ ɹɹɹ ͸͡ΊʹὊઌߦݚڀὊσʔλͷαϯϓϦϯάὊ݁Ռͱߟ࡯Ὂ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊ 10
  10. σʔλͷαϯϓϦϯά ෺ཧతͳҠಈΛද͢༻ྫҎ֎Λ໨ࢹͰআڈ ɹ(6) a. The idea comes from the Winnie

    The Pooh characters created
 by A. A. Milne. (BNC-K1B) b. I ran out of sugar. (BNC-KBW) ɹὊ Ҡಈࣄ৅Λද͢ 8,621 ͷ༻ྫΛநग़ ɹɹ Ὂ ֤༻ྫͷܦ࿏දݱʹ஫໨ ɹɹ Ὂ֤ܦ࿏දݱʹରͯ͠ى఺ɾ௨ա఺ɾண఺ͷ৘ใΛ෇༩ɹ ͸͡ΊʹὊઌߦݚڀὊσʔλͷαϯϓϦϯάὊ݁Ռͱߟ࡯Ὂ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊ 12
  11. ݁Ռͱߟ࡯ શ 123 ͷҠಈಈࢺ͕ੜى͢Δ෺ཧతҠಈΛද͢ 8,621 ྫΛ੔ཧ ද 1: ಈࢺͱܦ࿏දݱͱͷڞىؔ܎ Verbs

    Null Source Trajectory Goal advance 19 2 14 25 amble 27 13 40 27 … … … … … go 66 15 11 47 … … … … … zigzag 4 1 3 0 zoom 1 3 0 1 ͸͡ΊʹὊઌߦݚڀὊσʔλͷαϯϓϦϯάὊ݁Ռͱߟ࡯Ὂ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊ 14
  12. ݁Ռͱߟ࡯ σʔλͷߟ࡯ ɹண఺ࢤ޲ͷಈࢺ ɹɹe.g. nip, rush, hasten, etc. ௨ա఺ࢤ޲ͷಈࢺ ɹɹe.g.

    tramp, coast, stroll, etc. ɹى఺ࢤ޲ͷಈࢺ ɹɹe.g. jump, leap, etc. ɹɹὊ ӳޠͷҠಈࣄ৅ʹண఺ࢤ޲ͱ͍͏ੑ࣭͸ݟΒΕͳ͍ʁ ͸͡ΊʹὊઌߦݚڀὊσʔλͷαϯϓϦϯάὊ݁Ռͱߟ࡯Ὂ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊ 16
  13. ݁Ռͱߟ࡯ λΠϓͱτʔΫϯͷ۠ผ ɹ௨ա఺ࢤ޲ͷಈࢺͰ͋Δ stroll ͸ BNC શମͰ͸ 406 ྫੜى ɹɹ

    ண఺ࢤ޲ͷಈࢺͰ͋Δ rush ͸ BNC શମͰ͸ 3,088 ྫੜى ɹɹὊ ߴස౓ޠ͕ӳޠͷҠಈಈࢺશମͷੑ࣭ʹӨڹ͍ͯ͠ΔՄೳੑ ɹɹɹ ɹ▶︎ Usage-based Model (Langacker 1987; 2000) ɹ 17 ͸͡ΊʹὊઌߦݚڀὊσʔλͷαϯϓϦϯάὊ݁Ռͱߟ࡯Ὂ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊
  14. ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊ Verspoor et al. (1999) ʹΑΔண఺ࢤ޲ͱ͍͏ੑ࣭ͷੋඇ ɹὊ λΠϓͩͱ֬ೝͰ͖ͳ͍ ɹὊ τʔΫϯͩͱ܏޲͕ݟ͑Δ

    ɹɹ ɹɹ ɹὊ ݴޠݱ৅Λίʔύεස౓Λ΋ͱʹ֬ೝ͢Δ͜ͱͷॏཁੑ ɹɹɹ Ὂ λΠϓͱτʔΫϯͷ۠ผ͕ॏཁʹͳΔ͜ͱ΋͋Δ ɹ ͸͡ΊʹὊઌߦݚڀὊσʔλͷαϯϓϦϯάὊ݁Ռͱߟ࡯Ὂ݁࿦ͱࠓޙͷ՝୊ 19
  15. ࢀߟจݙ Beavers, John, Beth Levin and Shiao Wei Tham (2010)

    The Typology of
 Motion Expressions Revisited. Journal of Linguistics 46, 331-377. Langacker, Ronald (1987) Foundations of Grammar vol. 1: Theoretical 
 Prerequisites. Stanford: Stanford University Press. — (2000) A Dynamic Usage-based Model. In Usage-based Models of 
 Language, Michael Barlow and Suzanne Kemmer (eds.), 1-63. Stanford:
 CSLI Publications.f Stefanowitsch, Anatol and Ada Rohde (2004) The Goal Bias in the 
 Encoding of Motion Events. In Studies in Linguistic Motivation, K. U.
 Panther and G. Radden (eds.), 249-267. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Talmy, Leonard (1985) Lexicalization Patterns: Semantic Structure in 
 Lexical Forms. In Language Typology and Syntactic Description vol. 3,
 Timothy Shopen (ed.), 57-149. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  16. ࢀߟจݙ — (1996) The Windowing of Attention in Language. In

 Constructions, Masayoshi Shibatani and Sandra A. Thompson (eds.), 
 235-287. Oxford: University Press. — (2000) Toward a Cognitive Semantics Vol. 2: Typology and Process in
 Concept Structuring. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press. Verspoor, Marjolijn, René Dirven, and Günter Radden (1999) Putting
 Concepts Together: Syntax. In Cognitive Exploration into Language and
 Linguistics, René Dirven and Marjolijn Verspoor (eds.), 87-115. 
 Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins.