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Building Board Games with Ruby

Yonatan Bergman
September 19, 2014

Building Board Games with Ruby

Given @ GoGaruco 2014

Board games are seeing a huge resurgence right now, everywhere you look people are playing new games. The Internet and crowd funding has made it possible for almost anyone to design and develop a physical board game.

Join me while I share the story of how I used Ruby to design my first board game. How I honed the game mechanics and optimized all the different moving parts. You will leave this talk knowing the process of designing and developing a board game from scratch and how Ruby can help you iterate fast on new ideas using simple code, simulations and some statistics.

Yonatan Bergman

September 19, 2014

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  2. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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  3. ! game = SimpleGame.new(starting_energy: 10, 
 winning_energy: 20) game.run >

    “ --- TURN 1 --- “ 
 > “ #Player 1 (10) defends “
 > “ #Player 2 (10) attacks #Player 3 (10) “ 
 > “ #Player 3 (9) charges (10) “
 > …
 > “ --- TURN 47 --- “
 > “ #Player 1 (13) defends “
 > “ #Player 3 (19) charges (20) “
 > “ Winner: ["#Player 3"] at turn number 47 "
  4. ! games = MultiGames.new(games: 1000) games.simulate! ! game.average_turns
 > 24.821

 > “ [["Player 1", 314], “ 
 > “ ["Player 2", 354], “
 > “ ["Player 3", 340]] “

  5. ! class ActionResolver def resolve
 case player.action
 when :attack then

 when :charge then resolve_charge
 when :block then resolve_block
 end def resolve_charge
 Result.new(player: +1)
 end end
  6. ! class RoundResolver def resolve
 @players.each do |player|
 resolver =

 result = resolver.resolve()
 player.energy += result.player
 player.target.energy += result.target
 end end
  7. ! class ActionResolver def resolve
 case player.action
 when :attack then

 when :charge then resolve_charge
 when :block then resolve_block
 end def resolve_charge
 Result.new(player: +1)
 end end
  8. ! class ActionResolver def resolve
 case player.action
 when :attack then

 when :charge then resolve_charge
 when :block then resolve_block
 end def resolve_charge
 unless under_attack?
 Result.new(player: +1)
  9. ! class ActionResolver class Result < Hashie::Dash
 property :player, default:

 property :target, default: 0
 end . . . Result.new(player: +1, target: -1)
  10. ! class Player::Random < Player::Abstract def choose_aim
 end def

 end def change
 end end
  11. ! class Player::Simple < Player::Random def choose_action
 if low_energy?

 end def change
 targeted? ? :block : false
 end end
  12. ! games = MultiGames.new(players: [

    games.simulate! game.victory_count_per_player
 > “ [["Random 1", 30.08], “ 
 > “ ["Random 2", 31.93], “
 > “ ["Simple 3", 38.13]] “

  13. 2 1 5 4.0913 LMS 90.37% VP 9.63% 2 2

    5 6.0226 LMS 73.47% VP 26.53% 2 3 5 6.1922 LMS 50.30% VP 49.70% 2 4 5 4.0649 VP 77.52% LMS 22.48% 2 1 6 4.7287 LMS 93.21% VP 6.79% 2 2 6 7.4563 LMS 82.80% VP 17.20% 2 3 6 8.8977 LMS 66.31% VP 33.69% 2 4 6 8.2597 VP 53.56% LMS 46.44% 2 5 6 5.0287 VP 79.29% LMS 20.71% 2 1 7 5.0806 LMS 95.63% VP 4.37% 2 2 7 8.6032 LMS 87.94% VP 12.06% 2 3 7 11.1296 LMS 76.95% VP 23.05% 2 4 7 11.9691 LMS 61.34% VP 38.66% 2 5 7 10.266 VP 58.27% LMS 41.73% 2 6 7 5.9262 VP 80.90% LMS 19.10% 2 1 8 5.406 LMS 97.02% VP 2.98% 2 2 8 9.4609 LMS 91.88% VP 8.12% 2 3 8 12.9289 LMS 83.70% VP 16.30% 2 4 8 14.8757 LMS 72.81% VP 27.19% 2 5 8 15.0612 LMS 56.91% VP 43.09% 2 6 8 12.5056 VP 60.03% LMS 39.97% NUMBER OF PLAYERS STARTING ENERGY ENERGY TO WIN —————————— AVERAGE TURNS
  14. 2 1 5 4.0913 LMS 90.37% VP 9.63% 2 2

    5 6.0226 LMS 73.47% VP 26.53% 2 3 5 6.1922 LMS 50.30% VP 49.70% 2 4 5 4.0649 VP 77.52% LMS 22.48% 2 1 6 4.7287 LMS 93.21% VP 6.79% 2 2 6 7.4563 LMS 82.80% VP 17.20% 2 3 6 8.8977 LMS 66.31% VP 33.69% 2 4 6 8.2597 VP 53.56% LMS 46.44% 2 5 6 5.0287 VP 79.29% LMS 20.71% 2 1 7 5.0806 LMS 95.63% VP 4.37% 2 2 7 8.6032 LMS 87.94% VP 12.06% 2 3 7 11.1296 LMS 76.95% VP 23.05% 2 4 7 11.9691 LMS 61.34% VP 38.66% 2 5 7 10.266 VP 58.27% LMS 41.73% 2 6 7 5.9262 VP 80.90% LMS 19.10% 2 1 8 5.406 LMS 97.02% VP 2.98% 2 2 8 9.4609 LMS 91.88% VP 8.12% 2 3 8 12.9289 LMS 83.70% VP 16.30% 2 4 8 14.8757 LMS 72.81% VP 27.19% 2 5 8 15.0612 LMS 56.91% VP 43.09% 2 6 8 12.5056 VP 60.03% LMS 39.97%
  15. 2 1 5 4.0913 LMS 90.37% VP 9.63% 2 2

    5 6.0226 LMS 73.47% VP 26.53% 2 3 5 6.1922 LMS 50.30% VP 49.70% 2 4 5 4.0649 VP 77.52% LMS 22.48% 2 1 6 4.7287 LMS 93.21% VP 6.79% 2 2 6 7.4563 LMS 82.80% VP 17.20% 2 3 6 8.8977 LMS 66.31% VP 33.69% 2 4 6 8.2597 VP 53.56% LMS 46.44% 2 5 6 5.0287 VP 79.29% LMS 20.71% 2 1 7 5.0806 LMS 95.63% VP 4.37% 2 2 7 8.6032 LMS 87.94% VP 12.06% 2 3 7 11.1296 LMS 76.95% VP 23.05% 2 4 7 11.9691 LMS 61.34% VP 38.66% 2 5 7 10.266 VP 58.27% LMS 41.73% 2 6 7 5.9262 VP 80.90% LMS 19.10% 2 1 8 5.406 LMS 97.02% VP 2.98% 2 2 8 9.4609 LMS 91.88% VP 8.12% 2 3 8 12.9289 LMS 83.70% VP 16.30% 2 4 8 14.8757 LMS 72.81% VP 27.19% 2 5 8 15.0612 LMS 56.91% VP 43.09% 2 6 8 12.5056 VP 60.03% LMS 39.97%
  16. 2 1 5 4.0913 LMS 90.37% VP 9.63% 2 2

    5 6.0226 LMS 73.47% VP 26.53% 2 3 5 6.1922 LMS 50.30% VP 49.70% 2 4 5 4.0649 VP 77.52% LMS 22.48% 2 1 6 4.7287 LMS 93.21% VP 6.79% 2 2 6 7.4563 LMS 82.80% VP 17.20% 2 3 6 8.8977 LMS 66.31% VP 33.69% 2 4 6 8.2597 VP 53.56% LMS 46.44% 2 5 6 5.0287 VP 79.29% LMS 20.71% 2 1 7 5.0806 LMS 95.63% VP 4.37% 2 2 7 8.6032 LMS 87.94% VP 12.06% 2 3 7 11.1296 LMS 76.95% VP 23.05% 2 4 7 11.9691 LMS 61.34% VP 38.66% 2 5 7 10.266 VP 58.27% LMS 41.73% 2 6 7 5.9262 VP 80.90% LMS 19.10% 2 1 8 5.406 LMS 97.02% VP 2.98% 2 2 8 9.4609 LMS 91.88% VP 8.12% 2 3 8 12.9289 LMS 83.70% VP 16.30% 2 4 8 14.8757 LMS 72.81% VP 27.19% 2 5 8 15.0612 LMS 56.91% VP 43.09% 2 6 8 12.5056 VP 60.03% LMS 39.97%
  17. 2 1 5 4.0913 LMS 90.37% VP 9.63% 2 2

    5 6.0226 LMS 73.47% VP 26.53% 2 3 5 6.1922 LMS 50.30% VP 49.70% 2 4 5 4.0649 VP 77.52% LMS 22.48% 2 1 6 4.7287 LMS 93.21% VP 6.79% 2 2 6 7.4563 LMS 82.80% VP 17.20% 2 3 6 8.8977 LMS 66.31% VP 33.69% 2 4 6 8.2597 VP 53.56% LMS 46.44% 2 5 6 5.0287 VP 79.29% LMS 20.71% 2 1 7 5.0806 LMS 95.63% VP 4.37% 2 2 7 8.6032 LMS 87.94% VP 12.06% 2 3 7 11.1296 LMS 76.95% VP 23.05% 2 4 7 11.9691 LMS 61.34% VP 38.66% 2 5 7 10.266 VP 58.27% LMS 41.73% 2 6 7 5.9262 VP 80.90% LMS 19.10% 2 1 8 5.406 LMS 97.02% VP 2.98% 2 2 8 9.4609 LMS 91.88% VP 8.12% 2 3 8 12.9289 LMS 83.70% VP 16.30% 2 4 8 14.8757 LMS 72.81% VP 27.19% 2 5 8 15.0612 LMS 56.91% VP 43.09% 2 6 8 12.5056 VP 60.03% LMS 39.97%
  18. ! games = MultiGames.new(players: [
 Player::SingleMinded.new(action: :block),

    ]) games.simulate! game.victory_count_per_player
 > “ [["Simple 1", 44.95], “ 
 > “ ["Simple 2", 45.28], “
 > “ [“Single Minded block", 9.77]] “

  19. ! games = MultiGames.new(players: [
 Player::SingleMinded.new(action: :block),

    ]) games.simulate! game.victory_count_per_player
 > “ [["Simple 1", 44.95], “ 
 > “ ["Simple 2", 45.28], “
 > “ [“Single Minded block", 9.77]] “