Manager, 92 Profiling process Apache JMeter, 214 editing and running, 226 installation, 224 JMeter plan, 225 Maven JMeter plugin, 225 Attach Settings window, 223 built-in NetBeans Profiler, 214 Lock contentions, 222 Methods task All Classes modes, 217 CPU snapshot window, 218 default sort order, 218 Project Classes modes, 217 NetBeans profiler, 212 Objects task allocated objects, 220 Avg. Age, 220 Configure Session, 220 CPU snapshot window, 221 Generations value, 220 heap memory, 219 live bytes, 220 live objects, 220 Profiler, 214 Telemetry task high-level statistics, 215 surviving generations, 216 Threads task, 221 Project group, 90 Projects window, 89–90 R Real application creation application server setup, 106 database creation, 105–106 GlassFish application, 106–107 JPA entity classes database, 111 data exposing, 117 data source, 112 deployment, 120 Entity Classes step, 114 foreign key relationships, 113 JSF pages, 117 persistence unit, 111 resource sharing filter, 120 RESTful JavaScript client, 119 RESTful Web Service, 118 settings, 115 Maven system application creation, 108 server name, 110 settings, 109 Refactoring batch-automated tasks, 144 definition, 127 Encapsulate Fields feature, 149 Extract Interface feature, 157 Extract Method feature, 156 Extract Superclass feature, 158 Keymap tab, 163 method’s signature Access combo box, 149 Change Method Parameters, 148 Move feature, 151 Pull Up features, 153 Destination Supertype drop-down, 154 Make Abstract checkbox, 154 Push Down features, 153 Keep Abstract checkbox, 155 subclasses, 155 Safely Delete feature, 146 unnesting classes Convert Anonymous Class to Inner, 162 features, 161 Move Inner to Outer Level, 161 Use Supertype Where Possible feature, 160 S Safely Delete feature, 146 Selenium, 171 Services window, 92 SonarQube, 179 Source editor Action Items tab, 82 Action Items window, 81 Appearance panel, 45 code completion, 33 anonymous inner classes, 53 Camel Case, 54 chaining methods, 54 class members, 51 Comma (,) and semicolon (;) keys, 54 customizing settings, 55 dynamic code templates, 52 getter and setter methods, 52–53 mechanisms, 54 names of classes, 51 override inherited methods, 53 Tab, 55