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Growth Hacking Instagram

Growth Hacking Instagram


March 04, 2016

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  1. Use These Clever Tricks  Always include clear CTAs –

    either in the image itself or the caption  Tag people in your videos and photos  Do Shout-outs for Shout- outs
  2. And These…  Brand your photos with your logo, for

    anyone that might want to regram  Take advantage of Instagram Videos and…  Instagram Ads, where your video can be 60 seconds long and you can add links!
  3. Use The Right Tools  Enhance your photos with artistic

    filters: VSCO Cam, Afterlight  Use PicFrame or Layout to combine multiple photos into one, or Flipagram to create powerful collages  Use Mass Planner to schedule your photos and videos
  4. Get Featured On Instagram  Study the accounts where you

    want to be featured and submit your best creations  Know the rules!  Join forces with other influencers  See more tips on how to get featured here
  5. Don’t Be This Guy:  You don’t engage with your

    fans  Your posts overly emotional, low quality or you’re posting too many selfies  You post too many photos at once  Read the full list here.
  6. Learn How To Use Automation Tools  With Mass Planner

    you can setup a folder where you can add your photos and Mass Planner will post them to your Instagram account at the right times  You can cross promote to all your social accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn… you name it.  Regram, Follow, Unfollow, Contact Influencers  See how to save hours by scheduling your posts with Mass Planner.
  7. Use The Right Hashtags  Make sure you add only

    a few hashtags in your caption and the rest in the comments. For a clean look.  Research the most popular hashtags in your niche.  See our list of hashtags to use and get noticed on Instagram
  8. Learn From The Best  Have behind the scenes spontaneous

    photos. As well carefully planned and styled ones.  Inspire others with your personality like Gigi Crouch or Patrick Beach  More influencers
  9. Schedule Your Posts  You can use tools to set

    up timers to go into your app and publish your photo….  Or you can save yourself the trouble and use powerful automation tools like Mass Planner that you can use to schedule your photos and videos on more than one Instagram account.  Read more about Mass Planner – Instagram Edition.
  10. Learn How To Use Instagram Ads  Design the right

    message, find the right people and display your ad at the perfect time for best conversions.  You can add links in your sponsored posts and your video ads are now 60 seconds long.  Read our beginner’s guide to Instagram Ads here.
  11. What is Mass Planner?  Mass Planner is every marketer’s

    go-to tool for social media automation on all the important platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Instagram  We help you put your time to better use ;) Try Mass Planner for FREE Now!