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Paper Presentation for ICDE 2021


July 13, 2021

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  1. Hate is the New Infodemic: A Topic-aware Modeling of Hate

    Speech Diffusion on Twitter Contributors: Sarah, Subhabrata, Sakshi, Chhavi, Dr. Vikram, Dr. Amitava, Dr. Tanmoy
  2. • Hate speech detection has become a much needed/explored area

    of research. • How different topics can lead to generation and spread of hate speech in a user network is underexplored. • We aim to determine how a hateful tweet diffuses via retweet and which users are likely to generate hate in the first place. Motivation
  3. Approach • Crawl a large-scale Twitter dataset of tweets, retweets,

    user activity history, and follower networks. (spanning 20+ topics) • Manually annotated a total of 17k tweets and trained a Hate Detection model for our dataset. • Additionally crawled online news articles published during the timeframe of Twitter dataset. • We design 2 models one for determining generation of hate and other for diffusion of hate in the follow network.
  4. Proposed Models: Hate Diffusion RETINA Model • Static retweeter prediction:

    ∆t is ∞ (i.e., all the retweeters irrespective of their retweet time) • Dynamic retweeter prediction: Where we predict on successive time intervals
  5. Conclusion: • It is a very first attempt to study

    hate generation and spread on twitter. • We developed multiple supervised models powered by rich feature representation to predict the probability of any given user tweeting something hateful. • We proposed RETINA, a neural framework exploiting extra-Twitter information (in terms of news) with attention mechanism for predicting potential retweeters for any given tweet. • Reference Code: https://github.com/LCS2-IIITD/RETINA • Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.04377