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Role of NLP in Analysing Hate Speech

Role of NLP in Analysing Hate Speech


July 17, 2023

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  1. Outline • Introduction and Motivation • How NLP can help

    in understanding (our contributions)? ◦ Detection of Hate ◦ Diffusion of Hate ◦ Mitigation of Hate • Open Question and Challenges? Disclaimer: Subsequent content has extreme language (verbatim from social media), which does not reflect the opinions of myself or my collaborators. Reader’s discretion is advised.
  2. Hatred is an age old problem [1]: Wiki [2]: Youtube

    [3], [4]: Anti-Sematics Schooling [5]: Radio and Rawanda, Image Fig 1 : List of Extremist/Controversial SubReddits [1] Fig3, 4: Twitter hate Speech [3] Fig 2: Youtube Video Incident to Violence and Hate Crime [2] Fig 5: Rwanda Genocide, 1994 [5] “I will surely kill thee” Story of Cain and Abel
  3. Internet’s policy w.r.t curbing Hate Moderated • Twitter • Facebook

    • Instagram • Youtube Semi- Moderated • Reddit Unmoderated • Gab • 4chan • BitChute • Parler • StormFront • Anonymity has lead to increase in anti-social behaviour [1], hate speech being one of them. • They can be studied at a macroscopic as well as microscopic level. [2] • Exists in various mediums. [1]: Super, John, CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2004 [2]: Luke Munn, Humanities and Social Sciences Communication, Article 53
  4. Definition of Hate Speech • Hate is subjective, temporal and

    cultural in nature. • UN defines hate speech as “any kind of communication that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are.” [1] • Need sensitisation of social media users. [1]: UN hate [2]: Pyramid of Hate Fig 1: Pyramid of Hate [2]
  5. Workflow for Analysing and Mitigating Hate Speech [1]: Tanmoy and

    Sarah, Nipping in the bud: detection, diffusion and mitigation of hate speech on social media, ACM SIGWEB Winter, Invited Publication Our Contributions so far
  6. Questions we ask • Question: Does spread of hate depend

    on the topic under consideration? ◦ Takeaway: Yes, topical information drives hate. ◦ Takeaway: Additionally, exogenous signals are as important as endogenous (in platform) signals to influence the spread of hate. • Question: Is there a middle ground to help users transition from extreme hate to non-hate? ◦ Takeaway: The way to curbing hate speech is more speech. ◦ Takeaway: Free speech and equal opportunity to speech are not same. • Question: How do different endogenous information help in detection of hate? ◦ Takeaway: Context matter in determining hatefulness. ◦ Takeaway: User’s recent history around a tweet captures similar psycho-linguistic patterns.
  7. Hate is the New Infodemic: A Topic-aware Modeling of Hate

    Speech Diffusion on Twitter Sarah Masud, Subhabrata Dutta, Sakshi Makkar , Chhavi Jain , Vikram Goyal , Amitava Das , Tanmoy Chakraborty Published at ICDE 2021
  8. Literature Overview: Hate Analysis [1]: Ribeiro et al., WebSci’18 [2]:

    Mathew et al., WebSci '19 Fig 1: Belief Propagation to determine hatefulness of users [1] Fig 2: Repost DAG [2] • Source: GAB as it promotes “free speech”. • User and Network Level Features. • They curated their own list of hateful lexicons. • Initial hateful users were enlisted based on hate lexicon mapping of users. Fig 3: Difference in hateful and non-hateful cascades [2]
  9. Limitations of Existing Diffusion Analysis • Only exploratory analysis. •

    Consider the hate, non-hate to be separate groups. [1] • Generic Information Cascade models do not take content into account, only who follows whom. [2, 3] • How different topics can lead to generation and spread of hate speech in a user network? • How a hateful tweet diffuses via retweets? Motivativation [1]: Mathew et al., WebSci '19 [2]: Wang et al., ICDM’17 [3]: Yang et al., IJCAI,19
  10. Proposed Hate Diffusion Specific Dataset • Crawled a large-scale Twitter

    dataset. ◦ Timeline ◦ Follow network (2-hops) ◦ Meta data • Manually annotated a total of 17k tweets (k=0.58). • Trained a Hate Detection model for our dataset. • Additionally crawled online news articles (600k). [1]: Masud et al., Hate is the New Infodemic: A Topic-aware Modeling of Hate Speech Diffusion on Twitter, ICDE 2021
  11. Hate Diffusion Specific Dataset Fig 1. #tag level information of

    RETINA [1] [1]: Masud et al., Hate is the New Infodemic: A Topic-aware Modeling of Hate Speech Diffusion on Twitter, ICDE 2021
  12. Some Interesting observations Fig 1: Hatefulness of different users towards

    different hashtags in RETINA [1] Fig 2: Retweet cascades for hateful and non-hate tweets in RETINA [1] • Different users show varying tendencies to engage in hateful content depending on the topic. • Hate speech spreads faster in a shorter period. [1]: Masud et al., Hate is the New Infodemic: A Topic-aware Modeling of Hate Speech Diffusion on Twitter, ICDE 2021
  13. Problem Statement Given a hateful tweet and associated signals, at

    a given time window predict if the given user (a follower account) will retweet the given hateful tweet. [1] [1]: Masud et al., Hate is the New Infodemic: A Topic-aware Modeling of Hate Speech Diffusion on Twitter, ICDE 2021
  14. Proposed Model: RETINA Fig 1: Exogenous Attention Mechanism [1] [1]:

    Masud et al., Hate is the New Infodemic: A Topic-aware Modeling of Hate Speech Diffusion on Twitter, ICDE 2021
  15. Proposed Model: RETINA Fig 1: Exogenous Attention Mechanism [1] Fig

    2: Static Retweet Prediction [1] Fig 3: Dynamic Retweet Prediction [1] [1]: Masud et al., Hate is the New Infodemic: A Topic-aware Modeling of Hate Speech Diffusion on Twitter, ICDE 2021
  16. Experimental Results: RETINA Fig 1: Baseline Comparisons [1] Fig 2:

    Behaviour of cascade for different baselines. Darker bars are hate [1]. [1]: Masud et al., Hate is the New Infodemic: A Topic-aware Modeling of Hate Speech Diffusion on Twitter, ICDE 2021 No- Exgo signal used
  17. Proactively Reducing the Hate Intensity of Online Posts via Hate

    Speech Normalization Sarah Masud, Manjot Bedi, Mohammad Aflah Khan, Md Shad Akhtar, Tanmoy Chakraborty Accepted at KDD 2022
  18. Hate Intensity • Intensity/Severity of hate speech captures the explicitness

    of hate speech. • High Intensity hate is more likely to contain offensive lexicon, and offensive spans, direct attacks and mentions of target entity. Consuming Coffee is bad, I hate it! (the world can live with this opinion) Lets bomb every coffee shop and kill all coffee makers (this is a threat) Fig 1: Pyramid of Hate [1] [1]: Pyramid of Hate
  19. Literature Overview: Intervention during Tweet creation • 200k users identified

    in the study. 50% randomly assigned to the control group • H1: Are prompted users less likely to post the current offensive content. • H2: Are prompted users less likely to post content in future. [1]: Katsaros et al., ICWSM ‘22 Fig 1: User behaviour statistics as a part of intervention study [1] Fig 2: Twitter reply test for offense replies. [1]
  20. NACL Dataset • Hateful samples collected from existing Hate Speech

    datasets. • Manually annotated for Hate intensity and hateful spans. • Hate Intensity is marked on a scale of 1-10. • Manual generation of normalised counter-part and its intensity. (k = 0.88) Fig 1: Original and Normalised Intensity Distribution [1] Fig 2: Dataset Stats [1] [1]: Masud et al., Proactively Reducing the Hate Intensity of Online Posts via Hate Speech Normalization, KDD 2022
  21. Motivation & Evidence • Reducing intensity is the stepping stone

    towards non-hate. • Does not force to change sentiment or opinion. • Evidently leads to less virality. Fig 1: Difference in predicted number of comments per set per iteration. [1] [1]: Masud et al., Proactively Reducing the Hate Intensity of Online Posts via Hate Speech Normalization, KDD 2022
  22. Problem Statement For a given hate sample 𝑡, our objective

    is to obtain its normalized (sensitised) form 𝑡` such that the intensity of hatred 𝜙𝑡 is reduced while the meaning still conveys. [1] 𝜙 𝑡` < 𝜙 𝑡 Fig [1]: Example of original high intensity vs normalised sentence [1] [1]: Masud et al., Proactively Reducing the Hate Intensity of Online Posts via Hate Speech Normalization, KDD 2022
  23. Proposed Method: NACL- Neural hAte speeCh normaLizer Hate Intensity Prediction

    (HIP) Hate Span Prediction (HSI) Hate Intensity Reduction (HIR) Fig 1: Flowchart of NACL [1] [1]: Masud et al., Proactively Reducing the Hate Intensity of Online Posts via Hate Speech Normalization, KDD 2022 Extremely Hateful Input (ORIGINAL) Less Hateful Input (SUGGESTIVE) HATE NORMALIZATION Extremely Hateful Input (ORIGINAL) User’s Choice
  24. Hate Intensity Reduction Overall Loss Reward Fig 1: Hate Normalization

    Framework [1] [1]: Masud et al., Proactively Reducing the Hate Intensity of Online Posts via Hate Speech Normalization, KDD 2022
  25. Hate Intensity Reduction (HIR) Fig 1: Hate Intensity Reduction Module

    [1] [1]: Masud et al., Proactively Reducing the Hate Intensity of Online Posts via Hate Speech Normalization, KDD 2022
  26. Tool: Detects Hateful spans and suggests changes as you type

    Fig 1: Snapshot of NACL tool [1] [1]: Masud et al., Proactively Reducing the Hate Intensity of Online Posts via Hate Speech Normalization, KDD 2022
  27. Revisiting Hate Speech Benchmarks: From Data Curation to System Deployment

    Atharva Kulkarni, Sarah Masud, Vikram Goyal , Tanmoy Chakraborty KDD’23
  28. Literature Overview: Hate Dataset Dataset Source & Language (Modality) Year

    Labels Annotation Waseem & Hovy [1] Twitter, English, Texts 2016 R,S,N 16k, E, k = 0.84 Davidson et al. [2] Twitter, English, Texts 2017 H,O,N 25k, C, k = 0.92 Wulczyn et al. [3] Wikipedia comments, English, Texts 2017 PA, N 100k, C, k = 0.45 Gibert et al. [5] Stormfront, English, Texts 2018 H,N 10k, k = 0.62 Founta et al. [4] Twitter, English, Texts 2018 H,A,SM,N 70k, C, k = ? Albadi et al [6] Twitter, Arabic, Texts 2018 H, N 6k, C, k = 0.81 R- Racism S- Sexism H- Hate PA- Personal Attack A- Abuse SM- Spam O- Offensive L- Religion N- Neither I- Implicit E- Explicit [1]: Waseem & Hovy, NAACL’16 [2]: Davidson et al., WebSci’17 [3]: Wulczyn et al., WWW’17 [4]: Founta at al., WebSci’18 [5]: Gibert et al., ALW2’18 [6]: Albadi et al., ANLP’20 E- Internal Experts C- Crowd Sourced
  29. Dataset Source & Language (Modality) Year Labels Annotation Mathur et

    al. [1] Twitter, Hinglish, Texts 2018 H, O, N 3k, E, k = 0.83 Rizwan et al. [3] Twitter, Urdu (Roman Urdu), Texts 2020 A, S, L, P,N 10k, E, k=? Gomez et al. [4] Twitter, English, Memes 2020 H, N 150k, C, k = ? ElSherief et al. [11] Twitter, English, Texts 2021 I,E,N Literature Overview: Hate Dataset [1]: Mathur et al., AAAI’20 [3]: Rizwan et al., EMNLP’19 [4]: Gomez et al., WACv’20 • HASOC [5], Jigsaw Kaggle [6], SemEval [7], FB Hate-Meme Challenge [8], • WOAH [9], CONSTRAINT [10] [5]: HASOC [6]: Jigsaw Kaggle [7]: SemEval [8]: FB Hate-Meme [9]: WOAH [10]: CONSTRAINT [11]: ElSheried et al., EMNLP’21 E- Internal Experts C- Crowd Sourced R- Racism S- Sexism H- Hate PA- Personal Attack A- Abuse SM- Spam O- Offensive L- Religion N- Neither I- Implicit E- Explicit
  30. Literature Overview: Hate Detection • N-gram Tf-idf + LR/SVM [1,2]

    • Glove + CNN, RNN [3] • Transformer based ◦ Zero , Few Shot [4] ◦ Fine-tuning [5] ◦ HateBERT [6] • Generation for classification [7,11] • Multimodality ◦ Images [8] ◦ Historical Context [9] ◦ Network and Neighbours [10] ◦ News, Trends, Prompts [11] [1]: Waseem & Hovy, NAACL’16 [2]: Davidson et al., WebSci’17 [3]: Barjatiya et al., WWW’17 [4]: Pelican et al., EACL Hackashop’21 [5]: Timer et al. ,EMNLP’21 [6]: Caselli et al., WOAH’21 [7]: Ke-Li et al. [8]: Kiela et al., NeuIPS’20 [9]: Qian et al., NAACL’19 [10]: Mehdi et al., IJCA’20, Vol 13 [11]: Badr et al.,
  31. Limitations of Existing Datasets • A myopic approach for hate

    speech datasets using hate lexicons. [1, 2] • The hate speech in real world goes beyond hateful slurs. [3] • Limited Study in Hinglish context. Motivation • Can we curate a large scale Hinglish Dataset yet compassing different geographies? • Can we model contextual information into detection of hate? [1]: Waseem & Hovy, NAACL’16 [2]: Davidson et al., WebSci’17 [3]: ElSheried et al., EMNLP’21
  32. GOTHate Dataset Curation • Curated from 3 different geographies (India,

    USA, UK) • Intermixing of events like Trump Visit and NCR protests • Neutral seeding • Tweets present in English, Hindi and Hinglish. ◦ 3k tweets in pure devnagri • We additionally collected timelines of users and their 1st hop follower-followee network. Fig 1: Dataset Sample of GOTHate [1] [1]: Kulkarni et al., Revisiting Hate Speech Benchmarks: From Data Curation to System Deployment, KDD 2023
  33. GOTHate Annotation Process Fig 1: 2-phased Annotation Mode [1] Fig

    2: Overview of Annotation Guideline [1] • Phase I: k = 0.80 • Phase II k = 0.70 [1]: Kulkarni et al., Revisiting Hate Speech Benchmarks: From Data Curation to System Deployment, KDD 2023
  34. GOTHate Dataset Statistics Fig 1: Dataset Stats [1] • 50k

    tweets. • 3k hateful. • Delhi Riots related topics garner maximum hate. • NT does have as much hate as expected. [1]: Kulkarni et al., Revisiting Hate Speech Benchmarks: From Data Curation to System Deployment, KDD 2023
  35. Yet Another Hate Speech Dataset Fig 1: Intra-class JS Distance

    of different HS datasets [1] Observations: O1: JS distance (H-P=0.087) and (N-P=0.063) are lower than other pairs. O2: In proposed dataset the hate class is closer to neutral than with offense class. O3: All HS datasets have lower divergence. Reasons: O1: Cause and product of provocative disagreement in human annotation. O2: Due to neutral hate seeding and lack of lexicon for curation. O3: Curation from real-world interactions leads to fuzzy classification of hate. [1]: Kulkarni et al., Revisiting Hate Speech Benchmarks: From Data Curation to System Deployment, KDD 2023
  36. Proposed Method [1]: Kulkarni et al., Revisiting Hate Speech Benchmarks:

    From Data Curation to System Deployment, KDD 2023
  37. Experiments and Ablation Fig 1: Baseline and Ablation Comparison[1] [1]:

    Kulkarni et al., Revisiting Hate Speech Benchmarks: From Data Curation to System Deployment, KDD 2023
  38. Proposed Pipeline [1]: Kulkarni et al., Revisiting Hate Speech Benchmarks:

    From Data Curation to System Deployment, KDD 2023
  39. 1. Large volume of hate 2. Data Collection from multiple

    online sources 3. Data Labeling w.r.t annotation bias and labeling error 4. Modeling Dynamic Context from multiple endo/exogenous sources 5. Modeling Subtext/Implied statements 6. Modeling Multilingual, multimodal/cultural aspect of hate Open Challenges: Major themes
  40. Research @LCS2 • Dialog • LLM/Representation Learning • Hate Speech

    & Harmful memes • Fake news • Opinion Mining