we may make forward looking statements regarding future events or the expected performance of the company. We cau@on you that such statements reflect our current expecta@ons and es@mates based on factors currently known to us and that actual events or results could differ materially. For important factors that may cause actual results to differ from those contained in our forward-‐looking statements, please review our filings with the SEC. The forward-‐ looking statements made in the this presenta@on are being made as of the @me and date of its live presenta@on. If reviewed aPer its live presenta@on, this presenta@on may not contain current or accurate informa@on. We do not assume any obliga@on to update any forward looking statements we may make. In addi@on, any informa@on about our roadmap outlines our general product direc@on and is subject to change at any @me without no@ce. It is for informa@onal purposes only and shall not, be incorporated into any contract or other commitment. Splunk undertakes no obliga@on either to develop the features or func@onality described or to include any such feature or func@onality in a future release.
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guerrilla marke@ng which remain as always — achieving conven@onal goals, such as profits and joy, with unconven@onal methods, such as inves@ng energy instead of money.”
of associates need to directly touch nodes (approaching zero) • These tools maUer – improve the lives of our users • Tools should be hardened -‐ so that we can find the root cause and drive correc@ve ac@on
mee@ng ! Person in the room with: – troubleshoo@ng knowledge of applica@on (which logs are valuable) – root access to the node (so we can bootstrap Chef) – knowledge of Splunk and Chef (someone from my team)
role in stabilizing our Jira environments. In what would have taken weeks of manual correla@on and analysis can be summarized in Splunk in maUer of minutes. For example we were able to iden@fy a server was excessively calling our server, then moving straight from that to the URI’s that the server was accessing. We were able to contact the team that was abusing our service and they were able to scale back their web calls correc@ng our slowness issue. Without Splunk I feel that this process would have taken weeks to discover, if at all. This is saving my team @me in inves@ga@on, not to men@on the @me of all other associates by resolving this slowness issue quicker. Joe Hostler System Engineer, CWx Emerging Technology Services
• Defined and explained evenUype usage • First major use of pivot tables • Many internal presenta@ons to other teams and leadership • Push for standardiza@on
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