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[PyCon KR] The next-generation SQLAlchemy with ...

Joongi Kim
October 02, 2021

[PyCon KR] The next-generation SQLAlchemy with asyncio

Joongi Kim

October 02, 2021

More Decks by Joongi Kim

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  1. § SQLAlchemy in 1 minute – Core API & ORM

    § Python databases in the asyncio ecosystem – aiopg + aiopg.sa / asyncpg + asyncpgsa § Technical issues when using aiopg & SQLAlchemy § Landing of SQLAlchemy v1.4 § Technical issues during the migration Agenda 1
  2. § “The de-facto standard DBAPI & ORM for Python programs”

    SQLAlchemy in 1 minute ORM Core DBAPI Database Schema / Types SQL Engine Dialect Connection Pool https://speakerdeck.com/zzzeek/introduction-to- sqlalchemy-pycon-2013?slide=8 2
  3. § 1-to-1 translation of Python's chained function constructor to SQL

    statement SQLAlchemy Core API >>> from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, MetaData >>> metadata = MetaData() >>> users = Table('users', metadata, ... Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), ... Column('name', String), ... Column('fullname', String), ... ) >>> metadata.create_all(engine) https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/core/tutorial.html 3
  4. § 1-to-1 translation of Python's chained function constructor to SQL

    statement SQLAlchemy Core API >>> ins = users.insert().values(name='jack', fullname='Jack Jones') >>> str(ins) 'INSERT INTO users (name, fullname) VALUES (:name, :fullname)' >>> s = select(users.c.name, users.c.fullname) >>> result = conn.execute(s) >>> for row in result: ... print(row) (u'jack', u'Jack Jones') (u'wendy', u'Wendy Williams') https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/core/tutorial.html 4
  5. § 1-to-1 mapping of Python objects to SQL table rows

    SQLAlchemy ORM https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/orm/tutorial.html >>> from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base >>> from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String >>> Base = declarative_base() >>> class User(Base): ... __tablename__ = 'users' ... id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) ... name = Column(String) ... fullname = Column(String) ... nickname = Column(String) ... ... def __repr__(self): ... return "<User(name='%s', fullname='%s', nickname='%s')>" % ( ... self.name, self.fullname, self.nickname, ... ) >>> Base.metadata.create_all(engine) 5
  6. § 1-to-1 mapping of Python objects to SQL table rows

    SQLAlchemy ORM https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/orm/tutorial.html >>> from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker >>> Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) >>> session = Session() >>> ed_user = User(name='ed', fullname='Ed Jones', nickname='edsnickname') >>> session.add(ed_user) >>> session.commit() >>> for instance in session.query(User).order_by(User.id): ... print(instance.name, instance.fullname) ed Ed Jones wendy Wendy Williams mary Mary Contrary fred Fred Flintstone 6
  7. § SQLAlchemy core binding for asyncio – aiopg + aiopg.sa

    – asyncpg + asyncpgsa § ORM on the Greenlet ecosystem – peewee § Yet another ORM with multi-database backends – databases + orm Python ORMs in the asyncio ecosystem 7
  8. aiopg + aiopg.sa (Core only!) import asyncio import sqlalchemy as

    sa from aiopg.sa import create_engine metadata = sa.MetaData() tbl = sa.Table(…) async def create_table(conn): await conn.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl') await conn.execute('CREATE TABLE tbl (id serial PRIMARY KEY, val varchar(255))') async def main(): async with create_engine( user='postgres', password='helloworld', host='', port=15432, database='testing', ) as engine: async with engine.acquire() as conn: await create_table(conn) async with engine.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute(tbl.insert().values(val='abc')) async for row in conn.execute(tbl.select()): print(row.id, row.val) tbl = sa.Table( 'tbl', metadata, sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True), sa.Column('val', sa.String(255)), ) 8
  9. asyncpg + asyncpgsa (Core only!) import asyncio import sqlalchemy as

    sa import asyncpgsa metadata = sa.MetaData() tbl = sa.Table(…) async def create_table(conn): await conn.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl') await conn.execute('CREATE TABLE tbl (id serial PRIMARY KEY, val varchar(255))') async def main(): pool = await asyncpgsa.create_pool( host='', port=15432, database='testing', user='postgres', password='helloworld', min_size=5, max_size=10, ) async with pool.acquire() as conn: await create_table(conn) async with pool.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute(tbl.insert().values(val='abc')) for row in await conn.fetch(tbl.select()): print(row['id'], row['val']) tbl = sa.Table( 'tbl', metadata, sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True), sa.Column('val', sa.String(255)), ) 9
  10. databases + SQLAlchemy (Core only) import asyncio import sqlalchemy as

    sa from databases import Database metadata = sa.MetaData() tbl = sa.Table(…) async def create_table(conn): await conn.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl') await conn.execute('CREATE TABLE tbl (id serial PRIMARY KEY, val varchar(255))') async def main(): database = Database( 'postgresql://postgres:helloworld@' ) await database.connect() async with database.connection() as conn: async with conn.transaction(): await create_table(conn) async with database.connection() as conn: async with conn.transaction(): await conn.execute(query=tbl.insert(), values={'val': 'abc'}) for row in await conn.fetch_all(query=tbl.select()): print(row['id'], row['val']) await database.disconnect() 10
  11. § So, we could not use ORM. 😭 – Introduced

    lots of boilerplate codes to convert between Row objects and actual Python objects. § Still, SQLAlchemy offers: – Structured schema version management via alembic – Seamless custom type conversion for complex-type columns (e.g., JSON) § Binding – Tried asyncpgsa at first but later moved to aiopg... Backend.AI + SQLAlchemy 11
  12. § Unable to cancel the async task while beginning a

    transaction – The timing looks like a slit but it happens in production! – Solution: had to wrap many db transactions used in long-running websocket connection handlers with asyncio.shield()... ▹ asyncio.shield() itself is not an ideal API since it still may get cancelled upon event loop shutdown. – Patched after 1.5yr since the first report (aio-libs/aiopg#332) Technical issues with aiopg 12
  13. § No Windows support! – Backend.AI has a plan to

    support Windows setup. – AbstractEventLoop.{add_reader(), remove_reader()} are not implemented on ProactorEventLoop Technical issues with aiopg 13
  14. § Handling schema migrations – One answer for SQLAlchemy: alembic

    – Tricky case: adding/removing enum constants ▹ Need to cast enum constants to text back and forth ▹ Need to handle removal for downgrade – Easy-to-mistake case: Referring other table's schema in migrations ▹ Migrations may run in arbitrary git commits & branches! ▹ Referred table schemas must be duplicated in the migration script to reflect its definition at the time of writing the migration. Technical issues with Alembic 14
  15. § Incremental updates of PostgreSQL JSONB columns – How to

    “update” an hierarchy of nested objects by merging with the existing value? – Solution: wrote a custom helper that generates SQL value expression Technical issues with SQLAlchemy def sql_json_merge( col, key: Tuple[str, ...], obj: Mapping[str, Any], *, _depth: int = 0, ): expr = sa.func.coalesce( col if _depth == 0 else col[key[:_depth]], sa.text("'{}'::jsonb"), ).concat( sa.func.jsonb_build_object( key[_depth], ( sa.func.coalesce(col[key], sa.text("'{}'::jsonb")) .concat(sa.func.cast(obj, psql.JSONB)) if _depth == len(key) - 1 else sql_json_merge(col, key, obj=obj, _depth=_depth + 1) ) ) ) return expr sa.update(tbl).values(status_data=sql_json_merge( tbl.c.status_data, ("scheduler",), {"last_try": datetime.now(tzutc()).isoformat(), "passed_predicates": ["concurrency", "keypair_resource_policy"]}, ) { "scheduler": { "first_try": "2021-05-01T02:01:01.00Z", "last_try": "2021-05-01T02:03:04.55Z", "passed_predicates": ["concurrency"], } } 16
  16. § https://www.sqlalchemy.org/blog/2021/03/15/sqlalchemy-1.4.0-released/ – “This is the most extensive release for

    SQLAlchemy in at least ten years” – Native asyncio support for both Core and ORM! – Type annotation support (sqlalchemy2-stubs) – Universal & transparent SQL compilation cache – 2.0-style transaction models (optional) – Core & ORM queries with unified query composition Landing of SQLAlchemy v1.4 17
  17. § Recommended upgrade path – https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/changelog/migration_20.html SQLAlchemy Roadmap 1.3 1.4

    2.0 ü A stepping stone for existing apps ü Ensure no deprecation warnings raised ü Subtle changes ü Changed behavior of SELECT and join() methods ü Python 3.6+ required ü Turn on "RemovedIn20Warning" ü Explicit connection context manager required ü Explicit binding for metadata required ü Add "future" flag to Engine and Session objects for new transaction behaviors ü No library-level autocommit ü Rows are now named tuples instead of dicts ü session.execute() everywhere in ORM ü ... 18
  18. SQLAlchemy v1.4 Core import asyncio import sqlalchemy as sa from

    sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine metadata = sa.MetaData() tbl = sa.Table(…) async def create_table(conn): await conn.run_sync(metadata.drop_all) await conn.run_sync(metadata.create_all) async def main(): engine = create_async_engine( "postgresql+asyncpg://postgres:helloworld@" ) async with engine.begin() as conn: await create_table(conn) async with engine.begin() as conn: await conn.execute(sa.insert(tbl).values(val='abc')) result = await conn.stream(sa.select(tbl)) async for row in result: print(row.id, row.val) await engine.dispose() 19
  19. SQLAlchemy v1.4 ORM import asyncio import sqlalchemy as sa from

    sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import ( AsyncSession, create_async_engine ) from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base, sessionmaker Base = declarative_base() class A(Base): __tablename__ = "a" __mapper_args__ = {"eager_defaults": True} id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True) val = sa.Column(sa.String(255)) created_at = sa.Column( sa.DateTime, server_default=sa.func.now(), ) async def create_table(conn): await conn.run_sync(Base.metadata.drop_all) await conn.run_sync(Base.metadata.create_all) async def main(): engine = create_async_engine( "postgresql+asyncpg://...", ) async with engine.begin() as conn: await create_table(conn) async_session = sessionmaker( bind=engine, expire_on_commit=False, class_=AsyncSession, ) async with async_session() as session: async with session.begin(): session.add_all( [A(val="abc"), A(val="def")] ) await session.commit() async with async_session() as session: result = await session.execute(sa.select(A)) for a in result.scalars(): print(a.id, a.val, a.created_at) await engine.dispose() 20
  20. § Invisible errors – Transactions silently hangs up! ▹ It

    should have reported “operation in progress” DBAPI error – Patched through a series of v1.4 patch releases (v1.4.13+) ▹ nested transaction begin() missing Technical issues during SA 1.4 migration 21
  21. § Swallowing of task cancellation – Patched in v1.4.19 (discovered

    and not released yet at the time of writing this CFP…..) – Yes, “proper” cancellation is a difficult problem in asyncio…. § greenlet is missing! – pip install "SQLAlchemy[postgresql_asyncpg]" – Update poetry to 1.1.8 or later! – Some envs may still need to install greenlet manually (e.g., M1 Mac) ... Technical issues during SA 1.4 migration 22
  22. § Transaction isolation levels – Status transition of Backend.AI sessions1)

    involves many async tasks on multiple different nodes ▹ Should be globally synchronized to guarantee resource constraints! – READ COMMITTED vs. REPEATABLE READ vs. SERIALIZABLE Technical issues during SA 1.4 migration 1) Backend.AI session is a collection of containers running in one or more computing agent nodes in GPU clusters. 23
  23. § Transaction isolation levels – Solution: SERIALIZABLE + “proper” retrying

    of transactions + advisory lock + marking “read-only” transactions explicitly for performance Technical issues during SA 1.4 migration class ExtendedAsyncSAEngine(sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncEngine): @aiotools.ctxmgr async def begin_readonly(self, deferrable: bool = False) -> AsyncIterator[AsyncConnection]: async with self.connect() as conn: conn_with_exec_opts = await conn.execution_options( postgresql_readonly=True, postgresql_deferrable=deferrable, ) async with conn_with_exec_opts.begin(): yield conn_with_exec_opts @aiotools.actxmgr async def advisory_lock(self, lock_id: int) -> AsyncIterator[None]: async with self.connect() as lock_conn: await lock_conn.exec_driver_sql(f"SELECT pg_advisory_lock({lock_id:d})") try: yield finally: await lock_conn.exec_driver_sql(f"SELECT pg_advisory_unlock({lock_id:d})") 24
  24. § Transaction isolation levels – Solution: SERIALIZABLE + “proper” retrying

    of transactions + advisory lock + marking “read-only” transactions explicitly for performance Technical issues during SA 1.4 migration async def enumerate_instances(self, check_shadow=True): async with self.db.begin_readonly() as conn: query = (sa.select('*').select_from(agents)) ... async for row in (await conn.stream(query)): yield row async def update_instance(self, inst_id, updated_fields): async def _update() -> None: async with self.db.begin() as conn: query = ( sa.update(agents) .values(**updated_fields) .where(agents.c.id == inst_id) ) await conn.execute(query) await execute_with_retry(_update) TQueryResult = TypeVar('TQueryResult') async def execute_with_retry( txn_func: Callable[[], Awaitable[TQueryResult]], ) -> TQueryResult: max_retries: Final = 10 num_retries = 0 while True: if num_retries == max_retries: raise RuntimeError("serialization failed") try: return await txn_func() except DBAPIError as e: num_retries += 1 if getattr(e.orig, 'pgcode', None) == '40001': await asyncio.sleep((num_retries - 1) * 0.02) continue raise 25
  25. § Planning removal of boilerplates like below used due to

    no async ORM... – Still ongoing! SA 1.4 ORM adoption @attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True) class PendingSession: kernels: List[KernelInfo] access_key: AccessKey session_id: SessionId ... internal_data: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]] preopen_ports: List[int] @classmethod def from_row(cls, row: Row) -> PendingSession: return cls( kernels=[], access_key=row['access_key'], session_creation_id=row['session_creation_id'], session_id=row['session_id'], ... internal_data=row['internal_data'], preopen_ports=row['preopen_ports'], ) 26
  26. § Transaction isolation levels – Bigger view of the problem

    ▹ Is RDBMS suitable for strongly-consistent distributed state management? ▹ In early versions of Backend.AI, we used Redis but have migrated to PostgreSQL in favor of well-structured data schemes as more features added. – Why now (with SQLAlchemy v1.4 and not with aiopg)? ▹ Maybe due to their internal connection pooling mechanism differences... ▹ SA reuses the underlying DBAPI connection but recreates the connection wrapper (“fairy”) objects everytime Technical issues during SA 1.4 migration 27
  27. § SQLAlchemy v1.4 is out! – with asyncio-native ORM and

    Core APIs based on asyncpg § Bleeding edge is bleeding edge... – It takes time for everyone (even experience developers) to deeply get used with asyncio (+cancellation) § Strongly-consistent state management on RDBMS is difficult. – Consider non-RDBMS solutions if possible – Use a proper transaction isolation level and retry serialization failures Summary 28
  28. Bonus: What it's like replacing the DB engine of a

    live product EDS TV Commercial (2000) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2zqTYgcpfg