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Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly. Go From Newbie To Experi...

Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly. Go From Newbie To Experienced Developer

Adora Nwodo

March 28, 2020

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  1. WHO IS THE CRAWLER? An absolute newbie that has just

    made the decision to become a software developer @adoranwodo
  2. WHO IS THE WALKER? Someone that is ready to start

    learning a particular technology @adoranwodo

    DOING? Don’t worry. We all do sometimes :) @adoranwodo
  4. WHAT ELSE CAN WALKERS DO? Try to reach the goals

    you set Build relationships Join an active community Work on side projects while learning Work on soft skills @adoranwodo
  5. WHAT ELSE CAN WALKERS DO? Try to reach the goals

    you set Build relationships Join an active community Work on side projects while learning Work on soft skills @adoranwodo
  6. WHAT ELSE CAN WALKERS DO? Try to reach the goals

    you set Build relationships Join an active community Work on side projects while learning Work on soft skills @adoranwodo
  7. WHAT ELSE CAN WALKERS DO? Try to reach the goals

    you set Build relationships Join an active community Work on side projects while learning Work on soft skills @adoranwodo
  8. WHAT ELSE CAN WALKERS DO? Try to reach the goals

    you set Build relationships Join an active community Work on side projects while learning Work on soft skills @adoranwodo
  9. WHO IS THE RUNNER? Someone that is ready to kick

    off their career and is looking for valid work experience @adoranwodo
  10. WHAT SHOULD THE RUNNER DO? Job hunt (Full time roles

    or Internships) Learn - Because this never ends @adoranwodo
  11. WHAT MORE SHOULD THE RUNNER DO? Become your own advocate

    Open source software contributions Learn more Share what you learn @adoranwodo
  12. WHAT MORE SHOULD THE RUNNER DO? Become your own advocate

    Open source software contributions Learn more Share what you learn @adoranwodo
  13. WHAT MORE SHOULD THE RUNNER DO? Become your own advocate

    Open source software contributions Learn more Share what you learn @adoranwodo
  14. WHAT MORE SHOULD THE RUNNER DO? Become your own advocate

    Open source software contributions Learn more Share what you learn @adoranwodo
  15. WHO IS THE SUPERHERO? Someone that now has a full

    time coding job and adds value to an organization with their skills @adoranwodo
  16. DECISIONS THAT MAY COME UP Wanting to leave paid employment

    to create a business that adds value Staying in paid employment and staying on the Individual Contributor(IC) career path Staying in paid employment and tilting towards management @adoranwodo
  17. At this time, you’re fully in tech (hopefully) doing what

    you love. But it never stops there. You’d want to see career growth, your job title change over the years and a big fat cheque to match that new title. These things come with the value you add (to your organization, team + other people around you) and the recognition you get for it. @adoranwodo