on perceived utility, not execution speed or error rate. Choose simple metrics. KPIs are summaries, not the whole story. Performance Indicators Define Success
base i mport Kpi Enum, Kpi EnumValue class ExampleKpi (Kpi Enum) : WIDGETS = Kpi EnumValue(1, ' wi dgets' , _(' Wi dgets Produced' ) ) PERCENT_GNOME = Kpi EnumValue( 2, ' percent_gnome' , _(' % Made by Gnomes' ) , explanati on=' Gnomes are small humanoi ds' ) First Define your KPIs.
pi llar from . your_pi llar_name i mport ExampleKpi class Pi llar(OrderedRi chEnum) : . . . EXAMPLE = _Pi llar(4, ' example' , _(' Example' ) , ExampleKpi )
debug, send to KPI queue from fanmgmt i mport kpi @kpi . task(kpi . Pi llar. EXAMPLE) def count_wi dgets(organi zati on, start, end, track) : # Type si gnature i s i mportant! wi dgets = Wi dget. obj ects. fi lter(**params) . count() gnome = Wi dget. obj ects. fi lter(**other_params) . count() track. count(ExampleKpi . WIDGETS, wi dgets) ) track. fracti on(ExampleKpi . PERCENT_GNOME, gnome, wi dgets) Last Write some tasks.
s already i n the global scope. var kpi = new HearsayEvents. Tracker("myPi llar") ; // Start si mple. kpi . track("myEvent") ; // More complex. . . i f you must. kpi . track("complexEvent", "subtype1", 100) ; }; First Track your events.
s already i n the global scope. var kpi = new HearsayEvents. Tracker("myPi llar") ; // Start si mple. kpi . track("myEvent") ; // More complex. . . i f you must. kpi . track("complexEvent", "subtype1", 100) ; }; First Track your events.
// Easy to take an obj ect and do some di spatch logi c thi s. trackComplex = functi on(j sObj ect) { thi s. track("cli cked_" + j sObj ect. name) ; thi s. track("num_" + j sObj ect. name, "", j sObj ect. length) ; }; }; myTracker. prototype = new HearsayEvents. Tracker("myPi llar") ;