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Surah 64

May 24, 2015

Surah 64


May 24, 2015


  1. Reading a surah نُباَغّتلا ُةَر ۡ وُس Surah attagaabun Instructions:

    translate each ayah and check yourself. Translations of words that are not part of the 80% of the Quran course are given right away. If you have not studied Arabic grammar yet, you can do this at http://www.memrise.com/course/205680/2-learn- grammar-sequal-to-80-of-the-quran/
  2. َو ِّتٲ َوٰـَمهسلٱ ىِّف اَم ِّ ه ِّ لِلّ ُحِّ

    بَسُي ألُمألٱ ُهَل ۖ ِّ ض أ رَ أ لۡٱ ىِّف اَم ُهَل َو ُك ٍ۬ ء أىَش ِّ لُك ٰ ىَلَع َوُه َو ۖ ُد أ مَحألٱ َق ريِّد ( ١ )
  3. َو ِّتٲ َوٰـَمهسلٱ ىِّف اَم ِّ ه ِّ لِلّ ُحِّ

    بَسُي ألُمألٱ ُهَل ۖ ِّ ض أ رَ أ لۡٱ ىِّف اَم ُهَل َو ُك ٍ۬ ء أىَش ِّ لُك ٰ ىَلَع َوُه َو ۖ ُد أ مَحألٱ َق ريِّد ( ١ ) • Translation: What is in the sky’s and what is in the earth praises Allah. For him is the dominion and for him is the praise and he is upon all thing all- powerful. • ُُحِّ بَسُي : 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb • The verb is mentioned before the subject. The verb can have the form of 3th person male singular before mentioning a subject that is 3th male plural.
  4. ِّم َو ٍ۬ رِّفاَڪ أمُكنِّمَف أمُكَقَلَخ ىِّذهلٱ َوُه َت اَمِّب

    ُ ه لِلّٱ َو ۚ ٍ۬ نِّم أ ؤُّم مُكن َنوُلَمأع ري ِّ صَب ( ٢ ) • ُ نِّم ۡ ؤُّم: believer
  5. ِّم َو ٍ۬ رِّفاَڪ أمُكنِّمَف أمُكَقَلَخ ىِّذهلٱ َوُه َت اَمِّب

    ُ ه لِلّٱ َو ۚ ٍ۬ نِّم أ ؤُّم مُكن َنوُلَمأع ري ِّ صَب ( ٢ ) • Translation: He is the one who created you, and among you is a disbeliever and a believer and Allah is all-seeing with what you do. • َُقَلَخ : 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb • َُنوُلَمۡعَت: 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb
  6. َو ِّ قَحألٱِّب َ ض أ رَ أ لۡٱ َو

    ِّتٲ َوٰـَمهسلٱ َقَلَخ َوُص َنَس أ حَأَف أمُكَر هوَص ۖ أمُكَر ِّهأيَلِّإ َو ُري ِّ صَمألٱ ( ٣ ) • َُر َّوَص: to form (form II) • ر َوُص : form • ري ِّ صَم: destination, final return
  7. َو ِّ قَحألٱِّب َ ض أ رَ أ لۡٱ َو

    ِّتٲ َوٰـَمهسلٱ َقَلَخ َوُص َنَس أ حَأَف أمُكَر هوَص ۖ أمُكَر ِّهأيَلِّإ َو ُري ِّ صَمألٱ ( ٣ ) • Translation: He created the sky’s and the earth with the truth and he formed you, then he made your form good. And to him is the final return • َُر َّوَص :3rd person masculine singular perfect verb(form II) • َُنَس ۡ حَأ: 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb (form IV)
  8. ِّ ض أ رَ أ لۡٱ َو ِّتٲ َوٰـَمهسلٱ ىِّف

    اَم ُمَلأعَي َنوُّرِّسُت اَم ُمَلأعَي َو اَم َو لٱ ِّتاَذِّب ُُۢميِّلَع ُ ه لِلّٱ َو ۚ َنوُنِّلأعُت ِّ روُدُّص ( ٤ ) • َّ رَسَأ: to conceal (IV)
  9. ِّ ض أ رَ أ لۡٱ َو ِّتٲ َوٰـَمهسلٱ ىِّف

    اَم ُمَلأعَي َنوُّرِّسُت اَم ُمَلأعَي َو اَم َو لٱ ِّتاَذِّب ُُۢميِّلَع ُ ه لِلّٱ َو ۚ َنوُنِّلأعُت ِّ روُدُّص ( ٤ ) • Translation: He knows what is in the sky’s and the earth. And he knows what you conceal and what you reveal. And Allah is all-knowing with what is in the hearts • ُُمَلۡعَي: 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb • َُنوُّرِّسُت : 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verb
  10. ِّم ْاوُرَفَك َنيِّذهلٱ ْاُؤَبَن أمُكِّتأأَي أمَلَأ ِّه ِّ ر أ

    مَأ َلاَب َو ْاوُقاَذَف ُلأبَق ن أمُهَل َو أم ٍ۬ ميِّلَأ باَذَع ( ٥ ) • ُْاُؤَبَن: news • َُلاَب َو: bad consequence
  11. ِّم ْاوُرَفَك َنيِّذهلٱ ْاُؤَبَن أمُكِّتأأَي أمَلَأ ِّه ِّ ر أ

    مَأ َلاَب َو ْاوُقاَذَف ُلأبَق ن أمُهَل َو أم ٍ۬ ميِّلَأ باَذَع ( ٥ ) • Translation: Did not come to you the news of those before who disbelieve, thus they tasted the bad consequence of their affair and for them is a painful torment? • ُِّتۡأَي :3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood (the ى at the end dissapeared) • ُْاوُرَفَك :3rd person masculine plural perfect verb • اوُقاَذ :3rd person masculine plural perfect verb • Adjectives are placed behind the noun: ٌُ۬ ميِّلَأُ باَذَع= a painful torment
  12. ُههنَأِّب َكِّلٲَذ ُسُر أمِّہيِّتأأهت تَناَك ۥ َقَف ِّتٰـَنِّ يَبألٱِّب مُهُل

    اَنَنوُدأہَي ٍ۬ رَشَبَأ ْا ٓوُلا ىَنأغَتأسٱ هو ۚ ْاوهل َوَت َو ْاوُرَفَكَف يِّمَح ٌّىِّنَغ ُ ه لِلّٱ َو ۚ ُ ه لِلّٱ ٍ۬ د ( ٦ ) • َُّنَأِّب: Because • رَشَب: human being, man (see 90% course) • ىَنۡغَتۡسٱ: To be self-sufficient, to be able to do without (X) • ٌُّىِّنَغ : Self-sufficient
  13. ُههنَأِّب َكِّلٲَذ ُسُر أمِّہيِّتأأهت تَناَك ۥ َقَف ِّتٰـَنِّ يَبألٱِّب مُهُل

    اَنَنوُدأہَي ٍ۬ رَشَبَأ ْا ٓوُلا ىَنأغَتأسٱ هو ۚ ْاوهل َوَت َو ْاوُرَفَكَف يِّمَح ٌّىِّنَغ ُ ه لِلّٱ َو ۚ ُ ه لِلّٱ ٍ۬ د ( ٦ ) • Translation: That is because messengers had come to them with (clear) proofs. Then they said: Shall a human lead us? thus they disbelieved and they turned away. And Allah is can do without them. And Allah is self-sufficient and praiseworthy. • ُتَناَك: 3rd person feminine singular perfect verb • يِّتۡأَّت: 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb • ُ ْا ٓوُلاَق: 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb • نوُدۡہَي: 3rd person masculine plural imperfect verb (the ى at the end dissapeared) • اوُرَفَك :3rd person masculine plural perfect verb • ُُۚ ْاوَّل َوَت: 3rd person masculine plural (form V) perfect verb (the ى at the end dissapeared) • ىَنۡغَتۡسٱ: 3rd person masculine singular (form X) perfect verb
  14. وُثَعأبُي نهل نَأ ْا ٓوُرَفَك َنيِّذهلٱ َمَعَز أبُتَل ىِّ بَر

    َو ٰ ىَلَب أ لُق ۚ ْا همُث هنُثَع َلَع َكِّلٲَذ َو ۚ أمُتألِّمَع اَمِّب هنُؤهبَنُتَل ٍ۬ ريِّسَي ِّ ه لِلّٱ ى ( ٧ ) • مَعَز: to claim • ريِّسَي: easy
  15. وُثَعأبُي نهل نَأ ْا ٓوُرَفَك َنيِّذهلٱ َمَعَز أبُتَل ىِّ بَر

    َو ٰ ىَلَب أ لُق ۚ ْا همُث هنُثَع َلَع َكِّلٲَذ َو ۚ أمُتألِّمَع اَمِّب هنُؤهبَنُتَل ٍ۬ ريِّسَي ِّ ه لِلّٱ ى ( ٧ ) • Translation: Those who disbelieve claim that they will not be raised. Say: yes indeed by my lord surely you will be raised then you will be informed (passive) with what you did and that is easy for Allah • َُمَع َز: 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb • ا ٓوُرَفَك: 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb • ُ ْاوُثَعۡبُي: 3rd person masculine plural passive imperfect verb, subjunctive mood • ُ ۡ لُق: 2nd person masculine singular imperative verb • َُّنُثَعۡبُت: 2nd person masculine plural passive imperfect verb • َُّنُؤَّبَنُت: 2nd person masculine plural (form II) passive imperfect verb (the alif at the end dissapeared) • ُۡمُتۡلِّمَع : 2nd person masculine plural perfect verb
  16. هلٱ ِّ روُّنلٱ َو ۦِّهِّلوُسَر َو ِّ ه لِلّٱِّب ْاوُنِّمأَـَف

    اَمِّب ُ ه لِلّٱ َو ۚ اَنألَزنَأ ٓىِّذ َنوُلَمأعَت ٍ۬ ريِّبَخ ( ٨ ) • ََّنَماَء: To believe (IV)
  17. هلٱ ِّ روُّنلٱ َو ۦِّهِّلوُسَر َو ِّ ه لِلّٱِّب ْاوُنِّمأَـَف

    اَمِّب ُ ه لِلّٱ َو ۚ اَنألَزنَأ ٓىِّذ َنوُلَمأعَت ٍ۬ ريِّبَخ ( ٨ ) • Translation: So believe in Allah and his messenger and the light that we send down. And Allah is with what you do all-knowing • اوُنَمآ : 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperative verb • ُُۚ اَنۡلَزنَأ :1st person plural (form IV) perfect verb • َُنوُلَمۡعَت: 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb
  18. َي َكِّلٲَذ ۖ ِّع أمَجألٱ ِّم أ وَيِّل أمُكُعَم أ

    جَي َم أ وَي ِّب ُۢ نِّم أ ؤُي نَم َو ۗ ِّنُباَغهتلٱ ُم أ و ِّ ه لِلّٱ َٔـِّ يَس ُهأنَع أ رِّ فَكُي ا ٍ۬ حِّلٰـَص أ لَمأعَي َو ِّ ر أ جَت ٍ۬ تٰـهنَج ُهأل ِّخأدُي َو ۦِّهِّتا اَہِّت أ حَت نِّم ى ٱ َكِّلٲَذ ۚ اٍ۬ دَبَأ ٓاَہيِّف َنيِّدِّلٰـَخ ُرٰـَهأنَ أ لۡٱ ُميِّظَعألٱ ُز أ وَفأل ( ٩ ) • ُِّۗنُباَغَّتلٱ : the mutual loss and gain • َُنَماَء: To believe (IV) • َُرَّفَك: to remove (II) • اٌ۬ دَبَأ: forever • ز ۡ وَفۡلٱ: the succes
  19. َي َكِّلٲَذ ۖ ِّع أمَجألٱ ِّم أ وَيِّل أمُكُعَم أ

    جَي َم أ وَي ِّب ُۢ نِّم أ ؤُي نَم َو ۗ ِّنُباَغهتلٱ ُم أ و ِّ ه لِلّٱ َٔـِّ يَس ُهأنَع أ رِّ فَكُي ا ٍ۬ حِّلٰـَص أ لَمأعَي َو ِّ ر أ جَت ٍ۬ تٰـهنَج ُهأل ِّخأدُي َو ۦِّهِّتا اَہِّت أ حَت نِّم ى ٱ َكِّلٲَذ ۚ اٍ۬ دَبَأ ٓاَہيِّف َنيِّدِّلٰـَخ ُرٰـَهأنَ أ لۡٱ ُميِّظَعألٱ ُز أ وَفأل ( ٩ ) • Translation: The day he gathers you for the day of the gathering, that is the day of the mutual loss and gain. and who beliefs in Allah and he does righteous deeds, he will remove from him his bad deeds and he will let him enter the gardens. Rivers flow under her , abiding (forever) forever in her. That is the success, the great. • عَم ۡ جَي: 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb • ُ ۢ نِّم ۡ ؤُي: 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive mood • لَمۡعَي: 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood • رِّ فَكُي : 3rd person masculine singular (form II) imperfect verb, jussive mood • ل ِّخۡدُي: 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive mood • ُى ِّ ر ۡ جَت: 3rd person feminine singular imperfect verb
  20. َٔـِّب ْاوُبهذَڪ َو ْاوُرَفَك َنيِّذهلٱ َو أصَأ َكِٕٮٰٓـَل ْوُأ ٓاَنِّتٰـَيا

    َنيِّدِّلٰـَخ ِّ راهنلٱ ُبٰـَح ُري ِّ صَمألٱ َ سأئِّب َو ۖ اَہيِّف ( ١٠ ) • باَحْصَأ : companions
  21. َٔـِّب ْاوُبهذَڪ َو ْاوُرَفَك َنيِّذهلٱ َو أصَأ َكِٕٮٰٓـَل ْوُأ ٓاَنِّتٰـَيا

    َنيِّدِّلٰـَخ ِّ راهنلٱ ُبٰـَح ُري ِّ صَمألٱ َ سأئِّب َو ۖ اَہيِّف ( ١٠ ) • Translation: And those who disbelieved and denied (in) our signs, those are the companions of the fire, abiding forever in her. and what an evil is the destination • ُْاوُرَفَك: 3rd person masculine plural perfect verb • اوُبَّذَڪ: 3rd person masculine plural (form II) perfect verb
  22. ِّ ه لِلّٱ ِّنأذِّإِّب ه لَِّّإ ةَبي ِّ صُّم نِّم

    َباَصَأ ٓاَم َي ِّ ه لِلّٱِّب ُۢ نِّم أ ؤُي نَم َو ۗ ُهَبألَق ِّدأہ ۚ ۥ ٍ۬ ميِّلَع ء أىَش ِّ لُكِّب ُ ه لِلّٱ َو ( ١١ ) • ةَبي ِّ صُّم: misfortune, disaster • َُنَماَء: to believe (IV)
  23. ِّ ه لِلّٱ ِّنأذِّإِّب ه لَِّّإ ةَبي ِّ صُّم نِّم

    َباَصَأ ٓاَم َي ِّ ه لِلّٱِّب ُۢ نِّم أ ؤُي نَم َو ۗ ُهَبألَق ِّدأہ ۚ ۥ ٍ۬ ميِّلَع ء أىَش ِّ لُكِّب ُ ه لِلّٱ َو ( ١١ ) • Translation: Not befalls misfortune except with Allah’s permission and who believes in Allah, he guides his heart. And Allah is the knower of all things. • َُباَصَأ : 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) perfect verb • نِّم ۡ ؤُي: 3rd person masculine singular (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive mood • ُِّدۡہَي: 3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood (the ى at the end dissapeared)
  24. َف ۚ َلوُسهرلٱ ْاوُعيِّطَأ َو َ ه لِلّٱ ْاوُعيِّطَأ َو

    َلَع اَمهنِّإَف أمُتأيهل َوَت نِّإ اَنِّلوُسَر ٰ ى ُنيِّبُمألٱ ُغٰـَلَبألٱ ( ١٢ ) • اَمَّنِّإَف: then only • ُُغٰـَلَبۡلٱ: the conveyance
  25. َف ۚ َلوُسهرلٱ ْاوُعيِّطَأ َو َ ه لِلّٱ ْاوُعيِّطَأ َو

    َلَع اَمهنِّإَف أمُتأيهل َوَت نِّإ اَنِّلوُسَر ٰ ى ُنيِّبُمألٱ ُغٰـَلَبألٱ ( ١٢ ) • Translation: And they obey Allah and they obey the messenger, then if you turn away, then only upon our messenger is the clear conveyance • ُ ْاوُعيِّطَأ : 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperative verb (the alif in the middle turned into a ya) • مُتۡيَّل َوَت : 2nd person masculine plural (form V) perfect verb
  26. ِّ ه لِلّٱ ىَلَع َو ۚ َوُه ه لَِّّإ َهٰـَلِّإ

    ٓ َ لَّ ُ ه لِلّٱ ِّم أ ؤُمألٱ ِّلهڪ َوَتَيألَف َنوُن ( ١٣ ) • نوُنِّم ۡ ؤُمۡلٱ : the believers
  27. ِّ ه لِلّٱ ىَلَع َو ۚ َوُه ه لَِّّإ َهٰـَلِّإ

    ٓ َ لَّ ُ ه لِلّٱ ِّم أ ؤُمألٱ ِّلهڪ َوَتَيألَف َنوُن ( ١٣ ) • Translation: Allah, there is no God except him and thus let the believers put trust upon Allah • لَّڪ َوَتَي : 3rd person masculine singular (form V) imperfect verb, jussive mood
  28. أ نِّم هنِّإ ْا ٓوُنَماَء َنيِّذهلٱ اَہُّيَأٰٓـَي َع أمُڪِّدٰـَل أ

    وَأ َو أمُك ِّجٲ َو أ زَأ أمُڪهل ا ٍ۬ وُد ُحَف أصَت َو ْاوُفأعَت نِّإ َو ۚ أمُهوُرَذ أ حٱَف َ ه لِلّٱ هنِّإَف ْاوُرِّفأغَت َو ْاو مي ِّحهر ٍ۬ روُفَغ ( ١٤ ) • َُنَماَء: to believe (IV) • َُرَذَح : to fear, to beware • َُحَفَص: to overlook
  29. أ نِّم هنِّإ ْا ٓوُنَماَء َنيِّذهلٱ اَہُّيَأٰٓـَي َع أمُڪِّدٰـَل أ

    وَأ َو أمُك ِّجٲ َو أ زَأ أمُڪهل ا ٍ۬ وُد ُحَف أصَت َو ْاوُفأعَت نِّإ َو ۚ أمُهوُرَذ أ حٱَف َ ه لِلّٱ هنِّإَف ْاوُرِّفأغَت َو ْاو مي ِّحهر ٍ۬ روُفَغ ( ١٤ ) • Translation: O those who believe, verily of your spouses and your children is an enemy for you. Thus beware of them and if you excuse and you overlook and you forgive, then verily Allah is forgiving and merciful. • ُْا ٓوُنَماَء :3rd person masculine plural (form IV) perfect verb • وُرَذ ۡ حٱ : 2nd person masculine plural imperative verb • ُْاوُفۡعَت : 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb, jussive mood (the ى at the end dissapeared) • اوُحَف ۡصَت : 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb, jussive mood • ُ ْاوُرِّفۡغَت : 2nd person masculine plural imperfect verb, jussive mood
  30. أتِّف أمُكُدٰـَل أ وَأ َو أمُكُلٲ َو أ مَأ ٓاَمهنِّإ

    َُُدنِّع ُ ه لِلّٱ َو ۚ ٍ۬ ةَن أ جَأ ۤۥ ٍ۬ ميِّظَع ر ( ١٥ )
  31. أتِّف أمُكُدٰـَل أ وَأ َو أمُكُلٲ َو أ مَأ ٓاَمهنِّإ

    َُُدنِّع ُ ه لِلّٱ َو ۚ ٍ۬ ةَن أ جَأ ۤۥ ٍ۬ ميِّظَع ر ( ١٥ ) • Translation: Verily your wealth and your children are a trial, and Allah, with him is a great reward.
  32. ُعَمأسٱ َو أمُتأعَطَتأسٱ اَم َ ه لِلّٱ ْاوُقهتٱَف ٍ۬ رأيَخ

    ْاوُقِّفنَأ َو ْاوُعيِّطَأ َو ْاو ا ِّهِّسأفَن هحُش َقوُي نَم َو ۗ أمُڪِّسُفنَ ِّ لۡ ُحِّلأفُمألٱ ُمُه َكِٕٮٰٓـَل ْوُأَف ۦ َنو ( ١٦ ) • َُّحُش : greediness • نوُحِّلۡفُمۡلٱ: the succesful
  33. ُعَمأسٱ َو أمُتأعَطَتأسٱ اَم َ ه لِلّٱ ْاوُقهتٱَف ٍ۬ رأيَخ

    ْاوُقِّفنَأ َو ْاوُعيِّطَأ َو ْاو ا ِّهِّسأفَن هحُش َقوُي نَم َو ۗ أمُڪِّسُفنَ ِّ لۡ ُحِّلأفُمألٱ ُمُه َكِٕٮٰٓـَل ْوُأَف ۦ َنو ( ١٦ ) • Translation: Thus fear Allah. What you are able to and listen and obey and spend (on charity)it is good for your souls/selves. And who is saved from the greediness of his soul, thus those: they are the successful • اوُقَّتٱ: 2nd person masculine plural (form VIII) imperative verb • ُ ۡمُتۡعَطَت ۡسٱ: 2nd person masculine plural (form X) perfect verb • ُ ْاوُعَمۡسٱ: 2nd person masculine plural imperative verb • ُ ْاوُعيِّطَأ: 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperative verb • اوُقِّفنَأ:2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperative verb • َُقوُي :3rd person masculine singular passive imperfect verb, jussive mood (the ى at the end dissapeared in the imperfect verb) • َُّحُش ۦ ِّهِّسۡفَن : = an idafa construction
  34. َضُي اٍ۬ نَسَح ا ض أ رَق َ ه لِلّٱ

    ْاوُض ِّ رأقُت نِّإ َل أ رِّفأغَي َو أمُكَل ُهأفِّعٰـ ُ ه لِلّٱ َو ۚ أمُك ميِّلَح روُكَش ( ١٧ ) • ُ َأ ُُُ َرْق : to lend, to loan (IV) • ُ ْرَق: loan • َُفِّعاَض: to multiply, to double (III)
  35. َضُي اٍ۬ نَسَح ا ض أ رَق َ ه لِلّٱ

    ْاوُض ِّ رأقُت نِّإ َل أ رِّفأغَي َو أمُكَل ُهأفِّعٰـ ُ ه لِلّٱ َو ۚ أمُك ميِّلَح روُكَش ( ١٧ ) • Translation: If you loan Allah a loan goodly, he will multiply it for you and he will forgive you. And Allah is the grateful, the forbearing • ُْاوُض ِّ رۡقُت: 2nd person masculine plural (form IV) imperfect verb, jussive mood • فِّعٰـَضُي: 3rd person masculine singular (form III) imperfect verb, jussive mood • ُۡ رِّفۡغَي:3rd person masculine singular imperfect verb, jussive mood
  36. َعألٱ ِّةَدٰـَہهشلٱ َو ِّبأيَغألٱ ُمِّلٰـَع ُميِّكَحألٱ ُزي ِّ ز (

    ١٨ ) • Translation: The knower of the unseen and the witnessed, the all-mighty, the all-wise • ُُمِّلٰـَع ُ ِّبۡيَغۡلٱ : idafa construction