configuration attributes to get stuff done. Recipes Chunks of Ruby code that describe what stuff we need to do to get that stuff done. Tuesday, 19 March 13
"ntp.conf.erb" owner "root" group "root" mode 0644 notifies :restart, resources(:service => "ntp") end service "ntp" do action :start end Install package Create config file from template Define service and start NTP Restart service when config file changes Tuesday, 19 March 13
include_recipe "php" include_recipe "php::module_mysql" include_recipe "apache2::mod_php5" include_recipe "database" Include community cookbooks Tuesday, 19 March 13
"0644" end salt_data = '' ruby_block "fetch-wordpress-salt" do block do salt_data = '<?php ' + node['ch-wordpress']['dir'] + '/wordpress.salt.php') end action :create end Ruby Code in Recipe! Tuesday, 19 March 13