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Hypermedia as the engine for route planning

Hypermedia as the engine for route planning

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  1. Trade-off: load on server or agents? Data dumps Smart servers

    full query language of HTTP Dataset split in fragments Smart agents + server functionality helping certain use cases Read more at http://linkeddatafragments.org
  2. Data, services and apps Servers publishing Open Data web-services e.g.,

    • a SaaS route planner: from → to • the closest station to your current location? • other micro-services end-user apps e.g., profile based routing + ticketing + ... $$$ $$$
  3. Data, services and apps Servers publishing Open Data web-services e.g.,

    • a SaaS route planner: from → to • the closest station to your current location? • other micro-services end-user apps $$$ $$$ If we enable this, adding something in between will be possible as well
  4. Publishing data vs. data services Data dumps Smart servers Data

    publishing (cheap) Data services (rather expensive) Algorithms as a service Dataset split in fragments Smart agents + server functionality helping certain use cases
  5. What does road data look like? a path point 1

    point 2 another path point 2 point 3 yet another path point X point Y
  6. a connection What does transit data look like? departureTime +

    location arrivalTime + location a connection departureTime + location arrivalTime + location a connection departureTime + location arrivalTime + location a connection departureTime + location arrivalTime + location time
  7. Resource ... Resource 3 Resource 2 Resource 1 Route planning

    agent needs X requests time nextPage nextPage
  8. • Cacheable resources → Less server load → Higher availability

    • The agent performs the algorithm • Resources from different locations at once Advantages
  9. github.com/opentransport 1. Transform any GTFS dataset to connections 2. A

    server implementation creating and linking resources 3. A javascript library for route planning using connections To be launched by ~July