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Real-time analytics with Druid at Appsflyer

Real-time analytics with Druid at Appsflyer

Presentation from the first-ever Druid meetup in Israel


March 16, 2016

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  1. Appsflyer Technology • ~8B events / day • Hundreds of

    machines in Amazon • Tens of micro-services Apache Kafka service service service service service service DB Amazon S3 MongoDB Redshift Druid
  2. Analytics • Roll-up ◦ Summarizing over a dimension • Drill-down

    ◦ Focusing (zooming in) • Slicing and dicing ◦ Reducing dimensions (slice) ◦ Picking values of specific dimensions (dice) • Pivoting ◦ Rotating multi-dimensional cube
  3. We tried... • MongoDB ◦ Operational issues ◦ Performance is

    not great • Redshift ◦ Concurrency limits • Aurora (MySQL) ◦ Aggregations are not optimized • Memsql ◦ Insufficient performance ◦ Too pricy • Cassandra ◦ Not flexible
  4. Druid • Storage optimized for analytics • Lambda architecture inside

    • JSON-based query language • Developed by analytics SAAS company • Free and open source • Scalable to petabytes...
  5. Index • Values are dictionary encoded {“USA” -> 1, “Canada”

    -> 2, “Mexico” -> 3, …} • Bitmap for every dimension value (used by filters) “USA” -> [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] • Column values (used by aggregation queries) [2, 1, 3, 15, 1, 1, 2, 8, 7]
  6. Data Segments • Per time interval ◦ Skip segments when

    querying • Immutable ◦ Cache friendly ◦ No locking • Versioned (MVCC) ◦ No locking ◦ Read-write concurrency
  7. Real-time Ingestion • Via Real-Time Node and Firehose ◦ No

    redundancy or HA, thus not recommended • Via Indexing Service and Tranquility API ◦ Core API ◦ Integrations with Streaming Frameworks ◦ HTTP Server ◦ Kafka Consumer
  8. Batch Ingestion • File based (HDFS, S3, …) • Indexers

    ◦ Internal Indexer ▪ For datasets < 1G ◦ External Hadoop Cluster ◦ Spark Indexer ▪ Work in progress
  9. Ingestion Spec • Parsing configuration (Flat JSON, *SV) • Dimensions

    • Metrics • Granularity ◦ Segment granularity ◦ Query granularity • I/O configuration ◦ Where to read data from • Tuning configuration ◦ Indexer tuning • Partitioning and replication
  10. Real-time ingestion Task 1 Task 2 Interval Window Time Minimum

    indexing slots = Data sources x Partitions x Replicas x 2
  11. Query Types • Group by ◦ grouping by multiple dimensions

    • Top N ◦ like grouping by a single dimension • Timeseries ◦ w/o grouping over dimensions • Search ◦ Dimensions lookup • Time boundary ◦ Find available data timeframe • Metadata queries
  12. Tips for Querying • Prefer topN over groupBy • Prefer

    timeseries over topN and groupBy • Use limits (and priorities)
  13. Query Spec • Data source • Dimensions • Interval •

    Filters • Aggregations • Post aggregations • Granularity • Context (query configuration) • Limit
  14. Sample Query ~# curl -X POST [email protected] -H "Content-Type: application/json"

    http://druidbroker:8082/druid/v2?pretty { "queryType": "groupBy", "dataSource": "inappevents", "granularity": "hour", "dimensions": ["media_source", "campaign"], "filter": { "type": "and", "fields": [{ "type": "selector", "dimension": "app_id", "value": "com.comuto" }, { "type": "selector", "dimension": "country", "value": "RU" }] }, "aggregations": [ { "type": "count", "name": "events_count" }, { "type": "doubleSum", "name": "revenue", "fieldName": "monetary" } ], "intervals": [ "2015-12-01T00:00:00.000/2016-01-01T00:00:00.000" ] }
  15. Caching • Historical node level ◦ By segment • Broker

    level ◦ By segment and query ◦ “groupBy” is disabled on purpose! • By default - local caching • In production - use memcached
  16. Load Rules • Can be defined ◦ On data source

    ◦ On “tier” • What can be set ◦ Replication factor ◦ Load period ◦ Drop period • Can be used to separate “hot” data from “cold” one
  17. Druid Components Historical Nodes Real-time Nodes Coordinator Middle Manager Overlord

    Indexing Service Broker Nodes Deep Storage Metadata Storage
  18. Druid Components Historical Nodes Real-time Nodes Coordinator Middle Manager Overlord

    Indexing Service Broker Nodes Deep Storage Metadata Storage Cache Load Balancer
  19. Druid Components (Explained) • Coordinator ◦ Manages segments • Real-time

    Nodes ◦ Pulling data in real-time, and indexing it • Historical Nodes ◦ Keeps historical segments • Overlord ◦ Accepts tasks and distributes them to Middle Managers • Middle Manager ◦ Executes submitted tasks via Peons • Broker Nodes ◦ Routes query to Real-time and Historical nodes, merges results • Deep Storage ◦ Segments backup (HDFS, S3, …)
  20. Failover • Coordinator and Overlord ◦ HA • Real-time nodes

    ◦ Tasks are replicated ◦ Pool of nodes • Historical nodes ◦ Data is replicated ◦ Pool of nodes ◦ All segments are backed up in the deep storage • Brokers ◦ Pool of nodes ◦ Load balancer at the front
  21. Druid Sink Druid Sink Tranquility API Probably not needed anymore

    due to native support in Tranquility package
  22. Druid in Production • Provisioning using Chef • r3.8xlarge (sample

    configuration is OK) • Redundancy for coordinator and overlord (node per AZ) • Historical and real-time nodes are spread between AZ • LB - Consul from Hashicorp • Service discovery - Consul again • Memcached • Monitoring via Graphite Emitter extension ◦ https://github.com/druid-io/druid/pull/1978 • Alerting via Sensu
  23. IAP Distribution • 3 different node types (instead of 6)

    • Unpack and run • Some useful wrappers • Built-in examples for quick start • Commercial support • PyQL, Pivot inside http://imply.io
  24. Tips • ZooKeeper is heavily used ◦ Choose appropriate hardware/network

    for ZK machines • Use latest version (0.8.3) ◦ Restartable tasks ◦ Indexing time improvement! (https://github.com/druid-io/druid/pull/1960) ◦ Data sketches library • All exceptions are useful
  25. When Not to Choose Druid? • When data is not

    time-series • When data cardinality is high • When number of output rows is high • When setup costs must be avoided
  26. Non-time Series Workarounds • Must have some timestamp still •

    Rebuild everything to order by your timestamp • Or, use single-dimension partitioning ◦ Segments partitioned by timestamp first, then by dimension range ◦ Find optimal target segment size Still, please don’t use Druid for non-time series!