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Separate the data logic from your application

October 17, 2016

Separate the data logic from your application


October 17, 2016

More Decks by aquajach

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Object Relational Mapper (ORM) Ruby - Rails - Active Record

    Python - Django - QuerySets PHP - Laravel - Eloquent
  2. ORM Example class User < ActiveRecord::Base validates :email, format: {

    with: /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i, on: :create } end
  3. ORM Example def index @users = User.all end def show

    @user = User.where('email = ? OR phone = ?', params[:login], params[:login]).first end
  4. ORM Example def create @user = User.new(params) if @user.save render

    'show' else @errors = @user.errors render 'error' end end
  5. ORM Example Get http://your_host/user.json?login=jack@chen.com Response: { "name": "Jack Chen", "email":

    "jack@chen.com", "phone": "+85266669999", "registered_at": "2016-10-09T07:13:00.338133" }
  6. ORM Example Post http://your_host/users.json Request: { "user": { "name": "Jack",

    "email": “jack@invalid_email”, "phone": "+86139131239123" } } Response: { "errors": [ { "message": "Email is invalid" } ] }
  7. class Carnival def list_members_by_prize(prize) self.joins('INNER JOIN booths on booth.carnival_id =

    carnivals.id, INNER JOIN games ...') .select('...') .group('...') .where('...') .order('...') end end
  8. PostgreSQL Example create table users( name varchar, email varchar UNIQUE

    CONSTRAINT valid_email CHECK (email ~ '\A\S+@\S+\.\S+\Z'), phone varchar CONSTRAINT valid_phone CHECK (phone ~ '\A\+\d+\Z'), created_at timestamp default now() not null, updated_at timestamp default now() not null );
  9. PostgreSQL Example create type user_json as ( name varchar(255), email

    varchar(255), phone varchar(255), registered_at TIMESTAMP );
  10. PostgreSQL Example -- Get all users create function all_users(OUT data

    jsonb) as $$ DECLARE user_info user_json[]; BEGIN user_info := array_agg(s) from (select name, email, phone, created_at from users) as s; data := array_to_json(user_info); END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL;
  11. PostgreSQL Example -- Get a user create function get_user(login VARCHAR,

    OUT data jsonb) as $$ DECLARE user_info user_json; BEGIN select * from users where email = login or phone = login limit 1 into user_info; data := row_to_json(user_info); END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL;
  12. PostgreSQL Example -- Create a user create function create_user(new_name VARCHAR,

    new_email varchar, new_phone varchar, OUT data jsonb) as $$ BEGIN insert into users(name, email, phone) values(new_name, new_email, new_phone); data := get_user(new_email); Exception when integrity_constraint_violation then if sqlerrm like '%valid_phone%' then RAISE 'The phone format is invalid' USING CONSTRAINT = 'valid_phone'; ELSIF sqlerrm like '%valid_email%' then RAISE 'The email format is invalid' USING CONSTRAINT = 'valid_email'; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL;
  13. def index render json: query('all_users()') end def show render json:

    query('get_user($1)', [params[:login]]) end def create render json: query('create_user($1, $2, $3)', [user_params[:name], user_params[:email], user_params[:phone]]) end
  14. create extension plv8; create or replace function print() returns VARCHAR

    as $$ return 'Hong Kong Code Conf is' + (false == [] ? '' : ' not') + ' awesome'; $$ LANGUAGE plv8; select print();
  15. create extension plv8; create or replace function print() returns VARCHAR

    as $$ return 'Hong Kong Code Conf is' + (false == [] ? '' : ' not') + ' awesome'; $$ LANGUAGE plv8; select print(); // => “Hong Kong Code Conf is awesome!”
  16. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION encrypt_code(data_string varchar, key_string varchar) returns varchar

    as $$ require “base64" require “openssl” cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new("AES-128-CBC") cipher.encrypt cipher.key = key_string crypt = cipher.update(data_string) + cipher.final crypt_string = (Base64.urlsafe_encode64(crypt)) return crypt_string $$ language plruby; select encrypt_code('-1476244774', 'dE2fhq/fD4f8Lq/4qoMXLg');