This talk is a brief introduction to Kubernetes using examples. Attendees will understand the underlying architecture of Kubernetes, principal objects, and benefits.
Cuemby as a hands-on tech CEO. Angel has in-depth knowledge of the software industry and its ever-changing landscape. He worked as a senior software engineer and architect in various industries including retail, e-commerce, communications, and finance. He is passionate about Cloud-Native Stack and Kubernetes. - Kubernetes Certified Administrator. - CNCF Speaker Bureau Member. Who am I? @ar4mirez
Medellin, Colombia. Our focus is help companies automate end-to-end their software lifecycle (building, deploying, and scaling), resulting in boost performance, increase productivity, and reduce costs. Cloud Native and Kubernetes consulting company. We help teams build reliable infrastructure so no more wake up in the middle of the night. Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP 1 of 100+ worldwide). Kubernetes Training Partner (KTP 1 of 34 worldwide). Who is Cuemby? @cuemby
Horizontal and Vertical autoscaling. • Security via secrets and configmaps. • Isolation and Quotas. • Automated rollouts and rollbacks. • Storage management and orchestration via CSI. • Networking via CNI. • Service discovery and load balancing.
care? Some data to keep in mind from Flexera report. 35 % Of cloud budget is wasted 75 % of companies Still not using containers. *source: Gartner; ID: 555126 **source: ***appendix: Number of cloud tools