CSS, and html and putting them into 1 file Examples: tabs, drop downs. Working together to make a big list of these that can be passed between people. Friday, April 18, 14
lots of difficult problems, new things are coming like everything will be promisified Contributing: it’s easy and everyone should do it htmlbars is coming. Will have no script tags, no bind-attr, clone-able dom fragments and will be a 2-3x optimization Ember-cli: working on making it better and easier with more features. Query Params: do they go in the router or the controller? The controller. And they’re gonna be awesome Friday, April 18, 14
ember like vine, bustle, etc. Ember makes routing much easier Broccoli cli: a build tool that makes it easier to see changes in the browser FND.io presentation talked about creating an app with mixins, components, etc. Ember for children is using ember to teach minority kids to code, making a huge impact on their lives Friday, April 18, 14
to map the nodes of your user path so you don’t miss any Pinpointing performance and tools in the console Closing keynote on evolution of JS and the extensible web manifesto and the need to work together Friday, April 18, 14