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Conda: A Cross-Platform Binary Package Manager ...

Conda: A Cross-Platform Binary Package Manager for Any Distribution

Aaron Meurer

July 09, 2014

More Decks by Aaron Meurer

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  1. Installing • setup.py install • easy_install • pip • apt-get

    • rpm • emerge • homebrew • port • fink • …
  2. setup.py install • fine if it’s pure Python, not so

    much if it isn’t • you have to have compilers installed distutils.errors.DistutilsError: Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
  3. pip • Only works with Python • Not so great

    for scientific packages that depend on big C libraries • Try installing h5py if you don’t have HDF5
  4. Problems • distutils is not really designed for compiled packages

    • numpy.distutils “fork” • setuptools is over complicated • import setuptools monkeypatches distutils • Entry points require pkg_resources • pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: flake8==2.1.0 • Each egg adds an entry to sys.path • import sys; new=sys.path[sys.__plen:]; del sys.path[sys.__plen:]; p=getattr(sys,'__egginsert',0); sys.path[p:p]=new; sys.__egginsert = p+len(new)
  5. What about wheels? • Python package specific • Can’t build

    wheels for C libraries • Can’t make a wheel for Python itself • Still doesn’t address problem that some metadata is only in the package itself • You are still a “self integrator”
  6. System Packaging solutions yum (rpm) apt-get (dpkg) Linux OSX macports

    homebrew fink Windows chocolatey npackd Cross-platform conda
  7. Conda • System level package manager (Python agnostic) • Python,

    hdf5, and h5py are all conda packages • Cross platform (works on Windows, OS X, and Linux) • Doesn’t require administrator privileges • Installs binaries (no more compiler woes) • Metadata stored separately in the repository index • Uses a SAT solver to resolve dependency before packages are installed
  8. Basic conda usage Install a package conda install sympy List

    all installed packages conda list Search for packages conda search llvm Create a new environment conda create -n py3k python=3 Remove a package conda remove nose Get help conda install --help
  9. Advanced usage Install a package in an environment conda install

    -n py3k sympy Update all packages conda update --all Export list of packages conda list --export packages.txt Install packages from an export conda install --file packages.txt See package history conda list --revisions Revert to a revision conda install --revision 23 Remove unused packages and cached tarballs conda clean -pt
  10. What is a conda package? Just a tar.bz2 file with

    the files from the package, and some metadata /lib /include /bin /man /info files index.json
  11. What is a conda package? Just a tar.bz2 file with

    the files from the package, and some metadata /lib /include /bin /man /info files index.json Files are not Python specific. Any kind of program at all can be a conda package. Metadata is static.
  12. Python Agnostic • A conda package can be anything •

    Python packages • Python itself • C libraries (GDAL, netCDF4, dynd, …) • R • Node JS • Perl
  13. Installation • The tarball is unarchived in the pkgs directory

    • Files are hard-linked to the install path • Shebang lines and other instances of a place-holder prefix are replaced with the install prefix • The metadata is updated, so that conda knows that it is installed • post-link script is run (these are rare) And that’s it conda install sympy
  14. Environments • Environments are simple: just link the package to

    a different directory • Hard-links are very cheap, and very fast • Conda environments are completely independent installations of everything • No fiddling with PYTHONPATH or symlinking site-packages • “Activating” an environment just means changing your PATH so that its bin/ or Scripts/ comes first. • Unix: • Windows: conda create -n py3k python=3.4 source activate py3k activate py3k
  15. Environments /python-3.4.1-0 /bin/python /sympy-0.7.5-0 /bin/isympy /lib/python3.4/ site-packages/ sympy /envs /sympy-env

    /bin/python /bin/isympy /lib/python3.4/ site-packages/ sympy Hard links /pkgs /test /bin/python
  16. Environments Uses: • Testing (python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3) • Development

    • Trying new packages from PyPI • Separating deployed apps with different dependency needs • Trying new versions of Python • Reproducible science
  17. Conda Recipes • meta.yaml contains metadata • build.sh is the

    build script for Unix and bld.bat is the build script for Windows meta.yaml build.sh bld.bat (optional) fix.patch run_test.py post-link.sh conda build path/to/recipe/
  18. Conda Recipes • Lots more • Command line entry points

    • Fine-grained control over conda’s relocation logic • Inequalities for versions of dependencies (like >=1.2,<2.0) • “Preprocessing selectors” allow using the same meta.yaml for many platforms • See http://conda.pydata.org/docs/build.html for full documentation conda build path/to/recipe/
  19. • conda build is only a convenient wrapper • You

    can also build packages manually just by following the package specification (http://conda.pydata.org/docs/spec.html)
  20. Sharing • Once you have a conda package, the easiest

    way to share it is to upload it to Binstar • Others can install your package with conda install -c binstar_username package • Or add your channel to their configuration with conda config -—add channels binstar_username
  21. Self Hosting • You can also self-host • Store packages

    in a directory by platform (osx-64, linux-32, linux-64, win-32 ,win-64) • Run conda index on that directory to generate the repodata.json • Serve this up, or use a file:// url as a channel • Binstar is just a very convenient hosted wrapper around conda index conda index directory/osx-64
  22. Final words • conda is completely open source (BSD) https://github.com/conda/conda

    • We have a mailing list (conda@continuum.io) • A big thanks to Continuum for paying me to work on open source
  23. Thanks! Sean Ross-Ross (principal binstar.org developer) Bryan Van de Ven

    (original conda author) Ilan Schnell (principal conda developer) Travis Oliphant (Continuum CEO)