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Workflows in the OCaml Platform

Workflows in the OCaml Platform

Describe progress towards codifying concrete supported workflows in the forthcoming OCaml Platform

Anil Madhavapeddy

August 22, 2019

More Decks by Anil Madhavapeddy

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  1. Workflows in the OCaml Platform With many contributions from the

    OCaml community contributors and particularly Jeremie Dimino, Louis Gesbert, Raja Boujbel, Thomas Gazagnaire, Nathan Rebours for the content here
 (full list on slide 3) OCaml Workshop @ ICFP August 2019 Anil Madhavapeddy (speaker),
 Gemma Gordon, David Allsopp
 University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
  2. The OCaml Platform opam packaging LTS (2.0.5) LGPLv2 dune building

    LTS (1.11.1) MIT DCO merlin editing stable (3.3.2) MIT utop exploring stable (2.4.1) BSD3 ocp-indent editing stable (1.7.0) LGPLv2 mdx testing stable (1.4.0) ISC bun testing devel (0.3.3) MIT odoc documenting devel (1.4.1) ISC dune-release packaging devel (1.3.2) ISC ocamlformat editing devel (0.11.0) MIT CLA in 2019
  3. Platform Contributors: 250+ Akinori Abe, Ashish Agarwal, Ion Alberdi, David

    Allsopp, Leo Andres, Olivier Andrieu, Florian Angeletti, Edgar Aroutiounian, Nicolas Assouad, Tuncer Ayaz, Anton Bachin, Nicolas Ojeda Bar, Mathieu Barbin, Yotam Barnoy, Jochen Bartl, Jacob Bass, Romain Beauxis, Daniel Below, Matthias Andreas Benkard, Josh Berdine, Vincent Bernardoff, Vincent Berthoux, Francois Bobot, Richard Bonichon, Nick Borden, Mehdi Bouaziz, Raja Boujbel, Frédéric Bour, Daniel Buenzli, Elliott Cable, Romain Calascibetta, Benjamin Canou, Hezekiah Carty, Pierre Chambart, Amir Chaudhry, Kaustuv Chaudhuri, Xavier Clerc, Raphael Cornet, Roberto di Cosmo, Simon Cruanes, Tim Cuthbertson, Milo Davis, Richard Davison, Enguerrand Decorne, Ian Denhardt, Kate Deplaix, Dani Dickstein, Jeremie Dimino, Stephen Dolan, Damien Doliguez, Matthieu Dubuget, Tim Dysinger, Spiros Eliopoulos, John Else, Mohamed Elsharnouby, Shon Feder, Fabrice Le Fessant, Jean- Christophe Filliatre, Jared Forsyth, Simon Fowler, Alain Frisch, Anders Peter Fugmann, Sylvain Le Gall, Jacques Garrigue, Thomas Gazagnaire, Louis Gesbert, Gaetan Gilbert, Geoff Gole, Gemma Gordon, Ivan Gotovchits, Rudi Grinberg, Michael Grunewald, Oliver Gu, Adrien Guatto, Xavier Guerin, Armaël Gueneau, Mads Hartmann, Andreas Hauptmann, Philipp Haselwarter Gregoire Henry, Hugo Heuzard Daniel Hillerström, Sebastien Hinderer, Juergen Hoetzel, Wilfred Hughes, Ronan Le Hy, Takayuki Imada, Keigo Imai, Riso Isrof, Vincent Jacques, Martin Jambon, Kevin Ji, David Kaloper-Mersinjak, Brandon Kase, Anton Kochkov, Tomasz Kolodziejski, Chis Konstad, Marek Kubica, Marc Lasson, Theo Laurent, Qi Li, Nandor Licker, Jon Ludlam, Thomas Leonard, Rodolphe Lepigre, Maxime Lesourd, Gabe Levi, Martin Lucina, Ximin Luo, Anil Madhavapeddy, Louis Mandel, Luc Marange, Claude Marche, Thierry Martinez, Laurent Mazare, Tim McGilchrist Hannes Mehnert, Perry E. Metzger, Wojciech Meyer, Etienne Millon, Ben Millwood, Samuel Mimram, Yaron Minsky, Cedric Le Moigne, Sebastien Mondet, Florent Monnier, Richard Mortier, Darin Morrison, Markus Mottl, Max Mouratov, Tony Narlock, Andre Nathan, Olivier Nicole, Jason Nielsen, Gregory Nisbet, Andrew Noyes, Leandro Ostera, Saswat Padhi, Egor Panfilov, Vasilis Papavasileiou, Guillaume Petiot, Bryan Phelps, Zach Ploskey, Lucas Pluvinage, Francois Pottier, Nicolas Pouillard, Mindy Preston, Bobby Priambodo, Dominic Price, Raphael Proust, Steve Purcell, Gabriel Radanne, Tahina Ramananandro, Daniel de Rauglaudre, Andrew Ray, Nathan Rebours, Thomas Refis, Jan Rehders, Chris Reichert, Andrea Richiardi, Marshall Roch, Louis Roche, Mario Rodas, Leonid Rozenberg, Julien Sagot, Gabriel Scherer, Bernhard Schommer, David Scott, Pavel Senchanka, Marcello Seri, David Sheets, Mark Shinwell, Zach Shipko, KC Sivaramakrishnan, Magnus Skjegstad, Ryan Slade, Romain Slootmaekers, Roma Sokolov, Anurag Soni, Benjamin San Souci, Patrick Stapfer, Jason Staten, Quentin Stievenart, Alessandro Strada, Sander Spies, Yury Sulsky, Thibault Suzanne, Willy Tan, Dario Teixeira, Rijnard van Tonder Edwin Torok, Christophe Troestler, Martin Trojer, Frederic Tuong, Pierre Vandenhove, Raman Varabets, Ramana Venkata, Ricky Vetter, Jordan Walke, Liang Wang, Philippe Wang, Marc Weber, Pierre Weis, Sebastian Wiesner, Leo White, John Whitington, Maverick Woo, Justin Wood, Hao Wu, Hongchang Wu, Jeremy Yallop, Syohei Yoshida, Jianxin Zhao, aalekseyev, art-w, asmanur, Axiles, chrismamo1, copy, dkim, Fourchaux, gerdstolpmann, Kakadu, madroach, mfp, mwweissmann, nberth, ncihnegn, nv-vn, Nyavlys, orbitz, polazarus, prometheansacrifice, pszilagyi, pveber, sliquister, tategakibunko, tddsg, torkve, whitequark, ygrek, zogg
  4. The OCaml Platform makes users productive with the OCaml language

    But who are these users? This talk will focus on the use-cases we are building the OCaml tooling for
  5. OS Distributions Big OCaml Project OCaml compiler sourceforge Debian RedHat

    OpenBSD ocamlforge inria Big OCaml Project in 2009
  6. OS Distributions Big OCaml Project OCaml compiler sourceforge Debian RedHat

    OpenBSD ocamlforge inria Big OCaml Project Primary mechanism for users to get software Packaged with apt, rpm, ports, etc No centralised distribution or version control in 2009
  7. opam-repository OS Distributions Big OCaml Project OCaml compiler sourceforge Debian

    RedHat OpenBSD ocamlforge inria Big OCaml Project lwt re extlib cryptokit async pxp xen in 2012 opam
  8. opam-repository OS Distributions Big OCaml Project OCaml compiler sourceforge Debian

    RedHat OpenBSD ocamlforge inria Big OCaml Project lwt re extlib cryptokit async pxp xen Centralised git repository of community code Chunk projects into shareable libraries in 2012 opam
  9. opam-repository OS Distributions Big OCaml Project OCaml compiler github Debian

    RedHat OpenBSD github Big OCaml Project lwt re extlib cryptokit async pxp dbm ocaml labltk camlp4 xen github in 2014 opam
  10. opam-repository OS Distributions Big OCaml Project OCaml compiler github Debian

    RedHat OpenBSD in 2014 github Big OCaml Project lwt re extlib cryptokit async pxp dbm ocaml labltk camlp4 xen github Almost everyone shifts to GitHub for hosting Compiler starts moving packages into opam opam
  11. opam-repository OS Distributions Big OCaml Project OCaml compiler github Debian

    RedHat OpenBSD github Big OCaml Project lwt re extlib cryptokit async pxp dbm ocaml labltk camlp4 xen github Arch macOS Alpine OpenSUSE Windows FreeBSD ocamlbuild ppx in 2015 opam
  12. opam-repository OS Distributions Big OCaml Project OCaml compiler github Debian

    RedHat OpenBSD github Big OCaml Project lwt re extlib cryptokit async pxp dbm ocaml labltk camlp4 xen github Arch macOS Alpine Lots more packaging work for OS distros opam used by most OCaml developers OpenSUSE Windows FreeBSD ocamlbuild ppx in 2015 opam opam CI tests many distributions on every PR
  13. opam-repository OS Distributions Big OCaml Project OCaml compiler github Debian

    RedHat OpenBSD github Big OCaml Project opam lwt re extlib cryptokit async pxp dbm ocaml labltk camlp4 xen github Arch macOS Alpine OpenSUSE Windows FreeBSD ocamlbuild ppx Reason
 ML in 2017 Package Managers npm yarn esy
  14. opam-repository OS Distributions Big OCaml Project OCaml compiler github Debian

    RedHat OpenBSD github Big OCaml Project opam lwt re extlib cryptokit async pxp dbm ocaml labltk camlp4 xen github Arch macOS Alpine OpenSUSE Windows FreeBSD ocamlbuild ppx Reason
 ML in 2017 Package Managers npm yarn esy Now packaging gets complex! Different workflows Poor opam is being overloaded
  15. make ocaml dpkg apt manual process of wrapping OCaml packages

    fixed versions of OCaml and libraries OS distro packaging done by distro maintainers
  16. make ocaml dpkg apt opam ocaml source oriented developer workflow

    opam-repo ocamlbuild multiple versions of OCaml and packages wrapping “make” or “ocamlbuild” OS distro Dev Workflow distro maintainers take a snapshot of opam-repo regularly
  17. make ocaml dpkg apt opam ocaml opam-repo ocamlbuild opam ocamlbuild

    opam-repo make esy npm OS distro Dev Workflow ReasonML ocaml
  18. OS distro Dev Workflow ReasonML make ocaml dpkg apt opam

    ocaml opam-repo ocamlbuild “distros cant keep up with package volume!” - Debian maintainer “pinning 100 packages takes a long time!” - MirageOS developer opam ocamlbuild opam-repo make esy npm ocaml “opam needs lock files to match the npm workflow!” - ReasonML maintainer “everyone is complaining about different things!” - Anil Madhavapeddy
  19. opam lib merlin lib debian redhat openbsd alpine arch macos

    npm brew esy lib ounit ppx mdx yarn cygwin wsl odoc format ocamlfind ocamlbuild SLOW ocaml
  20. User archetypes • “Library author” - Reusable ML logic, not

    directly executable - OCaml algorithms, protocols, data structures, numeric methods, … • “End user” - Wants to use an application written in OCaml - Has little patience to learn tools, wants to solve problems! • “Distribution maintainer” - Works on maintaining a Linux distro like Debian or RedHat - Needs to make OCaml apps interoperate with their own policies • “Web/mobile/unikernel developer” - Write in a frontend syntax like ReasonML - Cross-compile to targets like JavaScript, wasm, iOS, Android end-to-end workflows to improve
  21. The OCaml Platform Challenge #1:
 incrementally update tools without breaking

    any workflow Challenge #2:
 remove endless layers of tools wrapping tools 
 Our answer: dune and opam 
 - composable, declarative builds: specialised to OCaml - reduce choice: deprecate ocamlbuild, omake, make - far higher performance and reproducibility in return. in 2017 in 2019
  22. Rearranging responsibilities opam the tool has been overloaded! • We

    have two distinct styles of workflows: • libraries: collections of OCaml modules • projects: executables, data • shift build logic into new tool: dune • packaging is what opam continues to do
  23. foo.1.0 foo.2.0 bar.0.2 bar.0.3 bar.1.0 opam install foo ocaml.4.07.1 bar.0.3

    foo.1.0 make foo.1.0 install foo.1.0 make bar.0.3 install bar.0.3 opam solver ocaml.4.08.1 bar.1.0 foo.2.0
  24. foo.1.0 foo.2.0 bar.0.2 bar.0.3 bar.1.0 opam install foo ocaml.4.07.1 bar.0.3

    foo.1.0 make foo.1.0 install foo.1.0 make bar.0.3 install bar.0.3 opam solver make; ocamlbuild; ocamlfind; ocamldep; ocamlc; ocamlopt ocaml.4.08.1 bar.1.0 foo.2.0 install bin/foo install lib/ocaml/bar make; ocamlbuild; ocamlfind; ocamldep; ocamlc; ocamlopt
  25. foo.1.0 foo.2.0 bar.0.2 bar.0.3 bar.1.0 opam install foo ocaml.4.07.1 bar.0.3

    foo.1.0 make foo.2.0 install foo.2.0 make bar.1.0 install bar.1.0 opam solver make; ocamlbuild; ocamlfind; ocamldep; ocamlc; ocamlopt ocaml.4.08.1 bar.1.0 foo.2.0 install bin/foo install lib/ocaml/bar make; ocamlbuild; ocamlfind; ocamldep; ocamlc; ocamlopt
  26. foo.1.0 foo.2.0 bar.0.2 bar.0.3 bar.1.0 opam update foo ocaml.4.07.1 bar.0.3

    foo.1.0 make foo.2.0 install foo.2.0 make bar.1.0 install bar.1.0 opam solver make; ocamlbuild; ocamlfind; ocamldep; ocamlc; ocamlopt ocaml.4.08.1 bar.1.0 foo.2.0 install bin/foo install lib/ocaml/bar make; ocamlbuild; ocamlfind; ocamldep; ocamlc; ocamlopt
  27. foo.1.0 foo.2.0 bar.0.2 bar.0.3 bar.1.0 opam install foo ocaml.4.07.1 bar.0.3

    foo.1.0 opam solver ocaml.4.08.1 bar.1.0 foo.2.0 opam source bar.0.3 opam source foo.1.0 dune build ocamldep ocamlc ocamlopt bin/foo
  28. foo.1.0 foo.2.0 bar.0.2 bar.0.3 bar.1.0 opam install foo ocaml.4.07.1 bar.0.3

    foo.1.0 opam solver ocaml.4.08.1 bar.1.0 foo.2.0 opam source bar.0.3 opam source foo.1.0 dune build ocamldep ocamlc ocamlopt bin/foo Packaging
  29. foo.1.0 foo.2.0 bar.0.2 bar.0.3 bar.1.0 opam install foo ocaml.4.07.1 bar.0.3

    foo.1.0 opam solver ocaml.4.08.1 bar.1.0 foo.2.0 opam source bar.0.3 opam source foo.1.0 dune build ocamldep ocamlc ocamlopt bin/foo Packaging Build
  30. User archetypes • “Library author” - Reusable ML logic, not

    directly executable - OCaml algorithms, protocols, data structures, numeric methods, … • “End user” - Wants to use an application written in OCaml - Has little patience to learn tools, wants to solve problems! • “Distribution maintainer” - Works on maintaining a Linux distro like Debian or RedHat - Needs to make OCaml apps interoperate with their own policies • “Web/mobile/unikernel developer” - Write in a frontend syntax like ReasonML - Cross-compile to targets like JavaScript, wasm, iOS, Android end-to-end workflows to improve
  31. Libraries foo.1.0 foo.2.0 bar.0.2 bar.0.3 bar.1.0 opam install version constraints

    multiple valid choices of versions Role: Library Author
  32. Projects unison.git tezos.git /lib /foo /src /bar /lib /foo /src

    /bar /bin unison /bin tezos git clone dune install Role: End User
  33. Projects unison.git tezos.git /lib /foo /src /bar /lib /foo /src

    /bar /bin unison /bin tezos binary is the only public output of projects git clone dune install every library needed is in source tree Role: End User dubbed a “duniverse”
  34. Projects unison.git tezos.git /lib /foo /src /bar /lib /foo /src

    /bar /bin unison /bin tezos Libraries foo.1.0 foo.2.0 bar.0.2 bar.0.3 bar.1.0 Role: Project Maintainer
  35. Projects unison.git tezos.git /lib /foo /src /bar /lib /foo /src

    /bar /bin unison /bin tezos Libraries foo.1.0 foo.2.0 bar.0.2 bar.0.3 bar.1.0 duniverse init uses opam solver to pull libraries into project library upgrade is per project Role: Project Maintainer
  36. Projects unison.1.2.0 tezos.2.3.0 /lib /foo /src /bar /lib /foo /src

    /bar /bin unison /bin tezos Libraries foo.1.0 foo.2.0 bar.0.2 bar.0.3 bar.1.0 Role: Distribution Maintainer
  37. Projects unison.1.2.0 tezos.2.3.0 /lib /foo /src /bar /lib /foo /src

    /bar /bin unison /bin tezos Libraries foo.1.0 foo.2.0 bar.0.2 bar.0.3 bar.1.0 debian can solve for a coinstallable library / project set dune can generate deb package metadata Role: Distribution Maintainer
  38. Projects unison.git tezos.git /lib /foo /src /bar /lib /foo /src

    /bar /bin unison /bin tezos Libraries foo.1.0 foo.2.0 bar.0.2 bar.0.3 bar.1.0 esy / npm can vendor multiple versions of libraries dune artefact cache does sharing Role: Web developer
  39. merlin ocamlformat mdx ppx ounit dune composable build specifications bun

    cohttp ctypes infer coq flow mirageos f* zarith libs/ app/ tools/
  40. opam merlin ocamlformat mdx ppx ounit dune multiple versions of

    libraries composable build specifications bun cohttp ctypes infer coq flow mirageos f* zarith libs/ app/ tools/
  41. opam merlin debian redhat *bsd alpine arch macos ocamlformat mdx

    ppx ounit generate upstreamable OS packages dune cygwin wsl ubuntu multiple versions of libraries composable build specifications bun cohttp ctypes infer coq flow mirageos f* zarith libs/ app/ tools/
  42. opam merlin debian redhat *bsd alpine arch macos npm esy

    ocamlformat mdx ppx ounit generate upstreamable OS packages dune cygwin wsl generate package manager metadata ubuntu multiple versions of libraries composable build specifications bun cohttp ctypes infer coq flow mirageos f* zarith libs/ app/ tools/ yarn
  43. User archetypes • “Library author” - Reusable ML logic, not

    directly executable - OCaml algorithms, protocols, data structures, numeric methods, … • “End user” - Wants to use an application written in OCaml - Has little patience to learn tools, wants to solve problems! • “Distribution maintainer” - Works on maintaining a Linux distro like Debian or RedHat - Needs to make OCaml apps interoperate with their own policies • “Web/mobile/unikernel developer” - Write in a frontend syntax like ReasonML - Cross-compile to targets like JavaScript, wasm, iOS, Android end-to-end workflows to improve
  44. Next Steps: Library Author • Continue to use opam as

    you do today! • 1.2 -> 2.0 switch - everyone has switched now. Regular point releases of 2.0.x to cover portability, workflow fixes, sandboxing improvements. • New maintainer Raja Boujbel has cut recent releases, along with Louis Gesbert and David Allsopp. • Plans for opam 2.1 and 2.2 are: a new solver based on Z3, Windows support, integrated depext.
  45. Next Steps: Library Author 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000

    12000 01/01/12 01/01/13 01/01/14 01/01/15 01/01/16 01/01/17 01/01/18 01/01/19 01/01/20 %s Time unique opam packages
  46. Next Steps: Library Author • Existing CI system is popular

    and useful, but cumbersome to use • https://ci.ocaml.org/ • Working on next generation CI to make life easier: • https://github.com/ocaml-ci/ • https://ci.ocamllabs.io • Based on a DSL similar to dune rules, so can express complex workflows. • Term language that can work with CLI and web • Automate bug triage — revdep breakage • Easy to extend with Discourse, Slack, etc
  47. Next Steps: End User • Projects using duniverse now: •

    https://github.com/realworldocaml/book • https://github.com/avsm/duniverse • https://github.com/avsm/platform • Dune has been one of the fastest adopted Platform efforts since opam. • git clone; dune build
  48. Next Steps: End User opam dune merlin odoc ocamlformat ocp-indent

    utop bun publishing autoformatting editing documenting ppx_expect testing building "duniverse" monorepo for Platform project mdx
  49. Next Steps: End User • Coming soon in dune 2.0:

    dune artefact cache • https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/2493 • Reliable per-rule caching of binary artefacts • Works locally first, eventually networking • Will eventually support reproducible builds throughout our stack, and therefore safe networked binary caches of OCaml code.
  50. Next Steps: Project Maintainer • duniverse tool to bridge opam

    and dune https://github.com/avsm/duniverse • currently supports: • duniverse init: turn opam packages into git refs • duniverse pull: fetch git refs to local tree • coming soon: • duniverse update: merge new opam packages • duniverse install: add new opam packages
  51. Next Steps: Project Maintainer • Do you have to use

    dune to get these benefits? • Yes, but we maintain a transition remote: • https://github.com/dune-universe/opam-overlays • duniverse prototype tool automates inserting overrides. • We will provide a formal specification of dune files, so other implementations can be built.
  52. Next Steps: Project Maintainer commit 632bc2eed00704bbbcdb5531d709c8d3f0cb0939 Author: Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas@gazagnaire.org>

    Date: Wed Mar 28 15:49:16 2012 +0200 Initial commit commit db943c24fe3ed5cec4dd432b1a01c66602d5f2f3 Author: Xavier Leroy <xavierleroy@users.noreply.github.com> Date: Sun Jul 24 19:04:21 2016 +0200 Add depexts for CentOS et al ~4 years opam-repo
  53. Next Steps: Project Maintainer commit 632bc2eed00704bbbcdb5531d709c8d3f0cb0939 Author: Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas@gazagnaire.org>

    Date: Wed Mar 28 15:49:16 2012 +0200 Initial commit commit db943c24fe3ed5cec4dd432b1a01c66602d5f2f3 Author: Xavier Leroy <xavierleroy@users.noreply.github.com> Date: Sun Jul 24 19:04:21 2016 +0200 Add depexts for CentOS et al ~4 years commit 93b5d9bdb9c25d1ea86a96a9c9fce93ecebd5c6d Author: Jeremie Dimino <jeremie@dimino.org> Date: Sun Oct 30 19:07:53 2016 +0000 initial import opam-repo dune
  54. Next Steps: Project Maintainer • But seriously, do not switch

    until ready. • Transitions for big projects can take years. • dune project is ready and willing to help users transition (e.g. coq, mirage, why3, frama-c) • ocaml 4.08.x has early dune files
  55. Next Steps: Project Maintainer • But seriously, do not switch

    until ready. • Transitions for big projects can take years. • dune project is ready and willing to help users transition (e.g. coq, mirage, why3, frama-c) • ocaml 4.08.x has early dune files (lang dune 1.10) ;; every metadata file is versioned
  56. Next Steps: Project Maintainer • But seriously, do not switch

    until ready. • Transitions for big projects can take years. • dune project is ready and willing to help users transition (e.g. coq, mirage) • ocaml 4.08.x has early dune files CHANGES in one year: 1.2.0: polling mode for build, private modules 1.3.0: robust merlin file generation, colors on Windows! 1.4.0: automatic code formatter targets, menhir rules 1.5.0: @check target for rapid type checking, cross compilation for ocamlfind 1.6.0: more flexible directory layouts for embedding in other projects 1.7.0: improved optimisation for cmx, install metadata, formally specified cycle detection 1.8.0: code promotion improvements, better c++ support, merlin on Windows 1.9.0: library variants and default implementations, coq support 1.10.0: generate opam metadata, future syntax shims, compile-time selection of os/arch 1.11.0: dune init, cinaps support, build version embedding, inline test improvements
  57. Next Steps: Distribution Maintainer • Our Linux distribution friends need

    more assistance! • Historically they have had good tooling to bridge, but now need better opam/dune integration. • Challenging new project in 2020 is Deb/RPM generation from duniverses.
  58. Next Steps: Distribution Maintainer • Vision: multiple coinstallable and buildable

    trees that represent all of Debian’s or CentOS’s OCaml code in one git tree. • This is incredibly essential for the future of OCaml development. • A single dune build can test tens of millions of lines of OCaml code with multicore, flambda, algebraic effects and other new features in OCaml.
  59. Next Steps: web/mobile/unikernel developer • duniverses make cross compilation to

    exotic targets extremely viable. • see talk on MirageOS 4 later today! • wrapping just a build system like dune frees esy / npm to do their own packaging • huge ecosystem potential of JavaScript, wasm, iOS/Android, unikernel, unlocked by OCaml
  60. The OCaml Platform opam LTS (2.0.5) LGPLv2 dune LTS (1.11.1)

    MIT DCO merlin stable (3.3.2) MIT utop stable (2.4.1) BSD3 ocp-indent stable (1.7.0) LGPLv2 mdx devel (1.4.0) ISC bun devel (0.3.3) MIT odoc devel (1.4.1) ISC dune-release devel (1.3.2) ISC ocamlformat devel (0.11.0) MIT CLA in 2019 discuss.ocaml.org
  61. The OCaml Platform in 2019… opam dune merlin odoc ocamlformat

    ocp-indent mdx utop bun publishing autoformatting editing documenting ppx_expect testing Closer integration between tools dune-release building
  62. Contact Lead Maintainers opam LTS (2.0.5) Raja Boujbel, Louis Gesbert

    dune LTS (1.11.1) Jeremie Dimino, Rudi Grinberg merlin stable (3.3.2) Fred Bour, Thomas Refis utop stable (2.4.1) Jeremie Dimino ocp-indent stable (1.7.0) Louis Gesbert mdx devel (1.4.0) Thomas Gazagnaire bun devel (0.3.3) Mindy Preston odoc devel (1.4.1) Anton Bachin, Jon Ludlam dune-release devel (1.3.2) Thomas Gazagnaire, Nathan Rebours ocamlformat devel (0.11.0) Josh Berdine, Guillaume Petiot in 2019 discuss.ocaml.org
  63. The OCaml Platform in 2019… opam dune merlin odoc ocamlformat

    ocp-indent utop bun publishing autoformatting editing documenting ppx_expect testing building "duniverse" monorepo for Platform project mdx
  64. The OCaml Platform opam LTS (2.0.5) LGPLv2 dune LTS (1.11.1)

    MIT DCO merlin stable (3.3.2) MIT utop stable (2.4.1) BSD3 ocp-indent stable (1.7.0) LGPLv2 mdx devel (1.4.0) ISC bun devel (0.3.3) MIT odoc devel (1.4.1) ISC dune-release devel (1.3.2) ISC ocamlformat devel (0.11.0) MIT CLA