This is a short presentation I gave at Singapore Ruby Brigade meetup. Code Rippa takes source code and translate this into a single PDF that is themed, bookmarked, and syntax highlighted.
directory and outputs a file named out.tex. Unless specified, 'Made of Code' is used as the default theme. To see all themes, type: code_rippa -l Examples: 1. code_rippa path_to_file.rb (uses default theme) 2. code_rippa -t rubyblue path_to_file.rb (with theme specified) 3. code_rippa -t rubyblue path_to_dir Then run `pdflatex -interaction=batchmode out.tex` to generate the PDF output. Options: -t, --theme THEME Selected theme -n, --list-syntax List all available syntax -l, --list-themes List all available themes -v, --version Display version number -h, --help Display this screen Building a command line tool in Ruby.