DevOps is the melding of minds between the development/engineering and operations communities to form a super-discipline with the best of the experience of both sides as a force for stability, flexibility, efficiency and agility in the management of large-scale application or service deployments. DevOps is about automating out day-to-day monotony, and then going further to bridge many of the things operations people are used to doing manually with the best-practices developed on the other side of the fence, particularly around automated testing and agility.
Go! But wait a minute! That's not enough for everyone to know what they should be doing, you say. You're right, it's not. There is a wealth of information on specific DevOps issues on the internet, and some good introductory material, but few comprehensive, opinionated overviews of what you *should* do. This talk will solve that problem and have you 100% ready to embark on or fix-up your DevOps journey to blissful nights sleep while rocking regular new features for your users.
We'll talk Puppet & Chef, testing and turbulence, robots and thermo-nuclear weapons. If you've just started with DevOps and need to know what you need to know, or have been muddling for a little while with some Puppets but the show always turns into a fight, then this is for you!