If you’re looking to get more out of your organisation’s software developers, increase your ROI, spend less money on fixing bugs or increase your development team’s business value release rate, this session is for you. Or you might be a software developer looking to lift your game to the next level.
There are many ways to lift software developers’ productivity and, as a result, the development team’s total output. This session addresses some quick wins, as well as some that take longer to implement.
Maximising Quality with Least Spent: http://blog.binarymist.net/2012/03/24/how-to-optimise-your-testing-effort/
* Improving quality is the best way to increase productivity
Emphasize quality at the end of your project and you emphasize system testing.
Emphasize quality in the middle of your project and you emphasize construction practices.
Emphasize quality at the beginning of your project and you plan for, require, and design a
high-quality product.
Detect errors at the stage when they are least time consuming and costly to correct.
* Bring the quality focus up front. It's much cheaper there
Maximising Quality with Least Spent
Average cost of fixing defects based on when they're...