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Tools for Modern Web Development Workflow

June 23, 2014

Tools for Modern Web Development Workflow

From web trends, to tools that let us create modern web sites. Given to the NYC Code Camp at the Microsoft Offices on July 23rd, 2014.

Grunt, Gulp, Typecast, Typescript, Coffeescript, Modernizr, AngularJs, Ember, Backbone, Pre-Processors and general junk


June 23, 2014

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  3. So right now in term of design, flat design is

    a trend. We went from skeumorphism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skeuomorph) and have moved to much more flat, simplier designs. Lack of gradients, shadows, depth etc. In many ways, Windows was the leader in this trend with the introduction of their design language and aesthetic with Metro. 4
  4. There is a trend in the color palette for flat

    design as well http://flatuicolors.com/ 6
  5. Kleenex – soon as you get to the bottom, the

    tissues become gray to signal end of the box 13
  6. Search for Fibonacci on Youtube, and it brings up results

    using that sequence. An opportunity to delight the user in a meaningful way https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fibonacci 14
  7. Full page scrolling is the norm, with many plugins and

    functionality that animate the page down for example. We used to say scrolling was bad, that the fold was important. Devices have changed this. We’d rather scroll on a device, than wait for the page to load again. 17
  8. Is it death of the global navigation? We have seen

    a trend in very sparse navigation and it often being hidden. 19
  9. Hamburger icon – drawer icon. Has in some ways become

    the standard, altho this is arguable. 20
  10. “A great name is the difference between selling an idea

    or not” - http://www.slideshare.net/purewest/howto-namethings 27
  11. So now, as we build these modern experiences, we have

    serious device fragmentation. Which means resolution fragmentation. 28
  12. In visual studio - Mindscape Web Workbench It gives you

    support for Sass, Less, CoffeeScript etcs 31
  13. Lots of 3rd party apps that support css preprocessors CodeKit

    Compass.app Less.app Development ides like Coda, Phpstorm, VISUAL STUDIO 32
  14. It will ensure you don’t repeat yourself Code easier –

    use variables that you can repeat CSS more organized Can allow team dev a bit better More object oriented way to write css. Nested selectors etc. They allow: Partials Variables Extending Classes Nested Inheritance Functions Mixins 33
  15. Browser render fonts differently so you need to be testing

    on all the platforms Types as a service – font embedding There are a bunch of services, means that fonts ---- FOUT – the idea that you get a flash of the fonts before the page rendered TYPE KIT, GOOGLE FONTS, FONTS.COM ETC Most important - 34
  16. What do people typically start with? They start with things

    like bootstrap – scaffolding & behavior Modernizr – feature detection. Normalize – reset CSS to a standard baseline as all browsers have varying CSS defaults JQUERY – for dom selection = animation. Bootstrap – layout and behavior. Bloated. 38
  17. There is movement to drop jquery. To move towards a

    more vanilla web, where you write what you need. Jquery was initially released in 2006. November 8th, IE 7 was released. This should put it in perspective. Browsers varied much more back then, and did not adhere to standards. 39
  18. Typescript is a typed superset of JS, compiles to plain

    JS, open source. It allows you to do things like data typing 41
  19. Coffeescript syntax borrows from ruby. It compiles down to JS.

    It adds functionality that the language doesn’t support. 42
  20. Automation and build processes have found their way into web

    development. Many who have used ANT in the past will be familiar with many of these processes. 43
  21. Build processors are typically just things you do when you

    are testing or creating a build. We can do this for things like minifying or concating your code Maybe we wrote stuff in a preprocessor and we want to compile it Perhaps we have development level variables 44
  22. Build processors are typically just things you do when you

    are testing or creating a build. We can do this for things like minifying or concating your code Maybe we wrote stuff in a preprocessor and we want to compile it Perhaps we have development level variables 45
  23. Gulp Grunt Task Js All Javascript task runners. A task

    runner can help you with productivity, by automating some standard repetitive tasks for you. npm install -g grunt npm install -g grunt-cl Gulp is said to be easier npm install -g gulp 46
  24. Gulp Grunt Task Js All Javascript task runners. A task

    runner can help you with productivity, by automating some standard repetitive tasks for you. npm install -g grunt npm install -g grunt-cl Gulp is said to be easier npm install -g gulp 47
  25. Gulp Grunt Task Js All Javascript task runners. A task

    runner can help you with productivity, by automating some standard repetitive tasks for you. npm install -g grunt npm install -g grunt-cl Gulp is said to be easier npm install -g gulp 48
  26. Example of what gulp looks like for a basic task

    such as compiling sass and moving it over. 49
  27. There are a bunch of frameworks. Too many to mention.

    All with there own features, some more lightweight than others. Ember, Angular Can js Backbone Most of these frameworks are MVC - Model View Controller. They separate areas of concerns. Ember and Angular are the most strict – and are less flexible than something like Backbone. Frameworks give you an abstract base – from which you can add custom code. Most frameworks offer things like routing, views, data binding ( auto sync of data between model / view ) . Angular for example provides two way binding. 53
  28. You need to consider features that you need from each

    framework. Does it do routing? Two way binding? How flexible is it? What is the community like? Actively developed? Active documentation? 54
  29. We talk a lot about how things need to be

    modular. Components. Device Agnostic. Mobile first. 56
  30. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asynchronous_module_definition Modules encapsulate a piece of code into a unit

    and allows a way to define or export it It can also refer to other units of code The AMD format – avoids use of globals , encapsulates the definition, allows for many modules in a single file etc 57