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InnerSource Commons: Introduction and Patterns

InnerSource Commons: Introduction and Patterns

Slides used for the presentation of the InnerSource Commons.

This presentation focuses on two InnerSource Patterns: 30 days Warranty, and the Review Committee.


March 26, 2020

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  1. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Share this! @Bitergia InnerSource Commons ...because

    not everyone has the time to stumble over the same stone twice
  2. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia “growing community of practitioners with the

    goal of creating and sharing knowledge about InnerSource” http://innersourcecommons.org/
  3. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Only one rule Chatham House Rule

  4. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia “[...] participants are free to use

    the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed” https://www.chathamhouse.org/chatham-house-rule
  5. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Share this! @Bitergia Learning Path “...series

    of short videos and articles explaining and teaching various aspects of InnerSource…” http://innersourcecommons.org/resources/learningpath/
  6. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Share this! @Bitergia Patterns “...a set

    of proven and reviewed solutions to InnerSource problems…” http://innersourcecommons.org/patterns
  7. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Share this! @Bitergia Summits “...target soft.

    development managers and executive managers in particular because adopting InnerSource requires significant efforts to make changes in the organization—whether these are implemented top-down or bottom-up…” http://innersourcecommons.org/events/isc-spring-2020/
  8. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia InnerSource Commons Spring Summit 2020 Madrid,

    April 2020 #innersource http://innersourcecommons.org/events/isc-spring-2020/
  9. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia More about Patterns A level of

    abstraction showing a proven solution to a problem with a context
  10. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia More about Patterns A level of

    abstraction showing a proven solution to a problem with a context
  11. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Problem Short description. This describes what

    the issues and challenges are. Context Forces Resulting Context Solution
  12. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Problem Context What are the pre-conditions

    of this problem? This is unchangeable before the solution goes into place. Forces Resulting Context Solution
  13. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Problem Context Forces What makes the

    problem difficult? These are the constraints that can be changed at a cost. Resulting Context Solution
  14. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Problem Context Forces Resulting Context Solution

    Verified or potential solutions to the problem. This solution will change some of the forces.
  15. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia We do not know all the

    solutions But we have donuts! We know the problem, the context, the forces, and the desired resulting context But we’re missing the solution...
  16. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Patterns - Review Committee Context InnerSource

    Introduction Managers not familiar with OSS Top-down control
  17. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Patterns - Review Committee Forces Control

    & Support OSS Experience & Control Risks Micro-manage & InnerSource works
  18. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Patterns - Review Committee Resulting Context

    Manager apply a method and feel comfortable Managers let developers work alone (IS bubble) Developers self-organize [Proven and applied at Bosch]
  19. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Patterns - 30 Days Warranty Context

    Team A depends on Team B for accepting contributions That functionality is key for Team A The receiving team does not have resources/knowledge to write the contributed component
  20. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Patterns - 30 Days Warranty Problem

    Team (B) developing is resisting to accept/reject contributions Progress is blocked or disrupted several times
  21. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Patterns - 30 Days Warranty Forces

    Distrust of contributions between teams If there is code ‘not invented here’ developers are reluctant Each team looks for their top-managers to achieve goals (loyalty may complicate resolution) Aversion to taking responsibility for others’ code
  22. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Patterns - 30 Days Warranty Solution

    Address the fears of both dev. teams by establishing a 30 (+) day warranty period Provide clear contribution guidelines to set expectations (when giving and receiving)
  23. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Patterns - 30 Days Warranty Resulting

    Context The receiving team is willing to accept external contributions Increase transparency and fairness across business units Keeps in track the total effort and avoid this to become to heavy weight [Proven and Applied at PayPal]
  24. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Where to start? A level of

    abstraction showing a proven solution to a problem with a context
  25. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Where to start? A level of

    abstraction showing a proven solution to a problem with a context Trusted Committer Start as an Experiment Dedicated Community Leader Metrics to make Decisions
  26. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia How to connect? InnerSource Commons Spring

    Summit Madrid Online Slack, Mailing list, GitHub
  27. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia InnerSource Commons Website - https://innersourcecommons.org InnerSource

    Commons GitHub - https://github.com/innersourcecommons InnerSource Commons Madrid Summit - http://innersourcecommons.org/events/isc-spring-2020/ InnerSource Commons Madrid Summit Registration - https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4450343 InnerSource Commons Resources - http://innersourcecommons.org/resources/ InnerSource Commons Patterns - http://innersourcecommons.org/patterns/ InnerSource Commons Learning Path - http://innersourcecommons.org/resources/learningpath/
  28. Share this! @Bitergia Bitergia Bitergia Share this! @bitergia Let’s go

    for questions Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar <dizquierdo@bitergia.com> Bitergia - Director of Consulting and Customer Care, Cofounder InnerSource Commons - Member at the Board of Directors CHAOSS - Board Member @dizquierdo