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Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Ins...

Philip Tellis
February 24, 2016

Frontend Performance: Beginner to Expert to Insanity

Philip Tellis

February 24, 2016

More Decks by Philip Tellis

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  1. • Pre-gzip static assets (gzip_static in nginx) • eg: foo.js.gz

    is served if Accept-Encoding: gzip is included • For dynamic content, use chunked transfers with gzipped chunks • You can do this by flushing buffers on the server 0.2 enable gzip http://www.slideshare.net/billwscott/improving-netflix-performance-experience
  2. • Understand newer compression formats like ZopFli, Brotli, and WebP.

    • But also understand the trade-off between better compression and complexity of image decoding on mobile devices 0.2 enable gzip… and compression http://google-opensource.blogspot.ca/2015/09/introducing-brotli-new-compression.html http://blog.codinghorror.com/zopfli-optimization-literally-free-bandwidth/ https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/
  3. 1.1 CDN • Serve your root domain through a CDN

    • And make sure your CSS is on the same domain • Chrome opens two TCP connections to the primary host, the second one is "just in case" http://www.jonathanklein.net/2014/02/revisiting-cookieless-domain.html
  4. 1.1 Google Chrome will open two TCP connections to the

    primary host, one for the page, and the second "just in case"
  5. 1.2 Split JavaScript • Critical: in the HEAD • Enhancements:

    loaded async • Flush buffers after the HEAD • for HTTP/2, these would have different priorities
  6. 1.3 Parallelize downloads… or maybe don’t • You can have

    more bandwidth, but you cannot have lower latency • For HTTP/1.1, mitigate latency effects by parallelizing across multiple TCP sockets • But with HTTP/2, this rule is turned on its head since multiplexing and pipelining is built in http://www.soasta.com/blog/more-bandwidth-isnt-a-magic-bullet-for-web-performance/
  7. 1.4 Flush Early and Often • avoid TCP Slow Start,

    • speed up CSS • Help the browser’s lookahead parser Getting bytes to the client ASAP will:
  8. 1.5 Increase initcwnd Initial Congestion Window: Number of packets to

    send before waiting for an ACK http://www.cdnplanet.com/blog/tune-tcp-initcwnd-for-optimum-performance/
  9. 1.7 Don’t just FastClick • FastClick fires a Click onTouchEnd

    • It might be better to initiate a TCP connect onTouchStart and fetch content normally onClick • Load a 0 byte image from the domain to do this, or use <link rel=“preconnect”>
  10. 1.8 Use UserTiming to measure your code • The UserTiming

    API allows you to set performance timeline marks within your code • performance.mark("name") • performance.measure("name",
 "start_mark", "end_mark") http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webperformance/usertiming/
  11. 1.9 Avoid Pre-flighted XHR • Make sure any JS Library

    you use doesn’t automatically add an X-Requested-With header http://www.soasta.com/blog/options-web-performance-with-single-page-applications/
  12. Sort in ascending order of signal latency • Electrons through

    copper • Light through fibre • Pulsars • Station Wagons • Smoke Signals
  13. Sort in ascending order of signal latency 1.Pulsars (light through

    vacuum) 2.Smoke Signals (light through air) 3.Electrons through copper / Light through fibre 4.Station Wagons (possibly highest bandwidth)
  14. 2.1 Use RUM to determine optimum POP location • Use

    RUM to measure latency from user to multiple POPs • Pick POP based on lowest latency • Adapt to changes in network topology http://www.slideshare.net/rmaheshw/velocity-2015-pops-and-rum
  15. 2.1 Use RUM to determine best CDN • Use RUM

    to measure latency from user to multiple CDN providers • Dynamically pick CDN based on what works best
  16. 2.2 pre-browsing <link rel="prerender" href="url"> <link rel="preload" href=“url" as="type"> <link

    rel="dns-prefetch" href=“url"> <link rel="preconnect" href="url"> https://w3c.github.io/resource-hints/ http://w3c.github.io/preload/
  17. 2.2 <link rel=“dns-prefetch”> • Does a DNS lookup for hostname

    mentioned in URL • This could help reduce latency when the request shows up — for first page views at least • Your DNS TTL needs to be long enough to survive past a page load
  18. 2.2 <link rel=“preload”> • Tells the parser that this resource

    will be required later on • Browser can start downloading in the background if it has nothing better to do with its resources • no-cache header only applies to subsequent pages
  19. 2.2 <link rel=“preconnect”> • Tells the browser to open a

    TCP connection to this host, and hold on to it • Any CORS restrictions will apply to this connection
  20. 2.2 <link rel=“prerender”> • Tells the parser that this page

    is likely to be requested by the user • Browser downloads page, and all its resources, renders it, executes JavaScript and fires the onload event. • It’s like opening the page in a hidden Tab
  21. 2.2 <link rel=“prerender”> • When user follows the URL, the

    page just shows up (< 5ms latency) • This is actually faster than switching tabs in the browser • The onVisibilityChange event fires and visibilityState changes from “prerender” to “visible” or “hidden”
  22. 2.2 <link rel=“prerender”> — Caveats • The page needs to

    be requested using GET • The page should not require Authentication (401 response) • Prerender will be aborted if cookies, or localStorage change, or if the prerendered page has non-idempotent components
  23. 2.2 onVisibilityChange And while you’re at it, don’t do expensive

    work if the page is hidden https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/User_experience/ Using_the_Page_Visibility_API
  24. 2.4 Detect broken accept-encoding Many Windows anti-viruses and firewalls disable

    gzip by munging the Accept-Encoding header http://www.lognormal.com/blog/2012/08/17/accept-encoding-stats/
  25. 2.5 HTTP/2 • Only one TCP connection per host •

    Do NOT use domain sharding • Do NOT use sprites • Do use Stream Multiplexing with Priorities • Do use Server Push http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1230000000545/ch12.html
  26. — Tim Kadlec “4:2:0 subsampling of JPEGs gets a 62.5%

    memory savings” 2.6 Use 4:2:0 Chroma Subsampling Chroma Subsampling takes advantage of the fact that the human visual system is less sensitive to changes in colour than luminance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroma_subsampling
  27. 2.7 Resize Images for target Device Dimensions Resizing Images for

    specific screen sizes could be the difference between 1.5s and 30ms https://speakerdeck.com/tkadlec/mobile-image-processing-at-velocity-sc-2015
  28. 2.8 Don’t force layout operations • DOM manipulations followed by

    a read of invalidated properties forces a layout • This has a huge CPU impact • Read before write • Batch update • Move operations into the HEAD Amiya Gupta @ Velocity 2015
  29. 2.9 Understand 3PoFs Use blackhole.webpagetest.org to test for 3rd party

    single points of failure http://blog.patrickmeenan.com/2011/10/testing-for-frontend-spof.html
  30. 2.10 Understand the Iframe Loader Technique Take required but non-critical

    assets out of the critical path http://www.lognormal.com/blog/2012/12/12/the-script-loader-pattern/
  31. 2.14 Become a WebPageTest power user • Check out the

    comparison view • Collect packet captures • Use Wireshark • Test out different network types
  32. References • WebPageTest — http://webpagetest.org • Boomerang — http://www.lognormal.com/boomerang/doc/ •

    SOASTA mPulse — http://www.soasta.com/mpulse • Netflix gzip study — http://www.slideshare.net/billwscott/improving-netflix-performance-experience • Nginx gzip_static — http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpGzipStaticModule • ImageOptim — http://imageoptim.com/ • uncss — https://github.com/giakki/uncss • grunt-uncss — https://github.com/addyosmani/grunt-uncss • Caching — http://www.mnot.net/cache_docs/ • Same domain CSS — http://www.jonathanklein.net/2014/02/revisiting-cookieless-domain.html • initcwnd — http://www.cdnplanet.com/blog/tune-tcp-initcwnd-for-optimum-performance/ • Linux TCP Tuning — http://www.lognormal.com/blog/2012/09/27/linux-tcpip-tuning/ • Prerender — https://developers.google.com/chrome/whitepapers/prerender • DNS prefetching — https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Controlling_DNS_prefetching • Subresource — http://www.chromium.org/spdy/link-headers-and-server-hint/link-rel-subresource • FE SPoF — http://blog.patrickmeenan.com/2011/10/testing-for-frontend-spof.html • Page Visibility API — https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/User_experience/Using_the_Page_Vis... • HTTP/2 — http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1230000000545/ch12.html • More Bandwidth is not a Magic Bullet — http://performancebeacon.com/more-bandwidth-isnt-a-magic-bullet-for... • The UserTiming API — http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webperformance/usertiming/ • The 3.5s dash for attention — http://www.slideshare.net/buddybrewer/the-35s-dash-for-attention-and-other-stuff-we-... • POPs & RUM — http://www.slideshare.net/rmaheshw/velocity-2015-pops-and-rum • Optimizing Images for Mobile — https://speakerdeck.com/tkadlec/mobile-image-processing-at-velocity-sc-2015 • Optimizing the MSN Homepage — Amiya Gupta @ Velocity 2015 • Simon Hearne’s Webperf Tools — http://requestmap.webperf.tools and http://heatmap.webperf.tools • What does my site cost — http://whatdoesmysitecost.com