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October 24, 2018

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October 24, 2018

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  1. Enroll with an ac-va-on link from HR Employee matched with

 a coach Sign up on an employer landing page Enroll in an onsite workshop One-on-one mee-ng with coach Ongoing employee support Employee
 Segmentation ✓ No mee-ng: Online 
 support only Admin: 80% of work Advisor: 20% of work Build Your DC Wealth Management Practice Now Re-remap helps top re-rement plan advisory firms develop profitable employee wealth management prac-ces by delivering a custom coaching program to work with employees at scale. (a) Meets advisor’s segmenta-on rules
 OR (b) Coach paid to meet Key Ac-on #3 Key Ac-on #2 Key Ac-on #1 Webinar + launch link Coach 
 assesses employee Gets Employees to Take Ac9on Coaching and accountability, not educa-on, get employees to take ac-on. Re-remap is built on this principle. Efficiently Sources Wealth Opportuni9es Re-remap automa-cally iden-fies wealth management prospects and schedules them to meet with your advisors. The Pla@orm Is Built Around Your Team Unlike other plaUorms, Re-remap is customized for your firm with advisor profiles, as well as custom workflows and messages. Behavioral Economics To Build Trust At Scale Thanks to Dan Ariely and our partners at Duke University, Re-remap uses ten key behavioral strategies to build trust and drive ac-on. Employees Receive Specific “To Dos” With personalized “To Dos,” Re-remap breaks financial decisions into ac-onable steps, and coaches employees on taking one step at a -me. Smart Automa9on Boosts Efficiency Your firm defines key workflows, and Re-remap automa-cally sends email, SMS, video and in-app messages to drive ac-on. (a) Does 
 not meet 
 advisor’s segmenta-on 
 AND (b) Coach paid 
 for online support Retiremap’s Customizable Engagement Process Retiremap’s Unique Benefits RETIREMAP
  2. RETIREMAP New wealth management engagements Employees who match advisor’s segmenta-on

    rules and meet 1:1 Employees matched with an advisor Eligible employees The Business Case For Retiremap Fee compression and commodi-za-on are driving down margins, while industry consolida-on is already underway.
 How are you future-proofing your business? Where will your new revenue come from in 3 years? 1 2 Coaching Is a New Level of Service That Your Firm Can Charge For Efficiently Qualify and Meet with New Wealth Management Opportunities
 Re-remap engages employees, qualifies them and matches them with the right advisor, while building trust at each step. 1,000 350 50 20 Average revenue per engagement (life9me) $10,000 Total new revenue per 1,000 eligible employees $200,000 One-on-one mee-ngs + online support. 
 Average Time Spent: 90 minutes per employee/year. Only online support using messaging and email. 
 Average Time Spent: 30 minutes per employee/year. $9 per employee/month x 200 employees = $21,600 per year Top DC Firms Are Building Their 
 Wealth Management Practice Now CAPTRUST Financial Advisors is a powerhouse in the realm of re-rement plan advisers. However, the firm…is shihing to retail rather than ins-tu-onal clients to drive its next phase of growth. "We definitely -lted toward doing more wealth management transac-ons," said J. Fielding Miller, chief execu-ve and co- founder of the firm. Private-equity firm Hellman & Friedman's recent $3 billion acquisi-on of Financial Engines is a prominent example of the perceived value of marrying 401(k) and retail advice services. “ “ hnps:/ /www.investmentnews.com/ar-cle/20180917/FREE/180919933/captrust-prominent-401-k- advice-firm-ramps-up-its-wealth-management $5 per employee/month x 400 employees = $24,000 per year $30 per hour: Blended hourly rate for admin (80%) and advisor (20%) $30,600 Gross Profit (67% Margin) Request a Pilot of Retiremap Re-remapHQ.com/pilot