rules and meet 1:1 Employees matched with an advisor Eligible employees The Business Case For Retiremap Fee compression and commodi-za-on are driving down margins, while industry consolida-on is already underway.
How are you future-proofing your business? Where will your new revenue come from in 3 years? 1 2 Coaching Is a New Level of Service That Your Firm Can Charge For Efficiently Qualify and Meet with New Wealth Management Opportunities
Re-remap engages employees, qualifies them and matches them with the right advisor, while building trust at each step. 1,000 350 50 20 Average revenue per engagement (life9me) $10,000 Total new revenue per 1,000 eligible employees $200,000 One-on-one mee-ngs + online support.
Average Time Spent: 90 minutes per employee/year. Only online support using messaging and email.
Average Time Spent: 30 minutes per employee/year. $9 per employee/month x 200 employees = $21,600 per year Top DC Firms Are Building Their
Wealth Management Practice Now CAPTRUST Financial Advisors is a powerhouse in the realm of re-rement plan advisers. However, the firm…is shihing to retail rather than ins-tu-onal clients to drive its next phase of growth. "We definitely -lted toward doing more wealth management transac-ons," said J. Fielding Miller, chief execu-ve and co- founder of the firm. Private-equity firm Hellman & Friedman's recent $3 billion acquisi-on of Financial Engines is a prominent example of the perceived value of marrying 401(k) and retail advice services. “ “ hnps:/ / advice-firm-ramps-up-its-wealth-management $5 per employee/month x 400 employees = $24,000 per year $30 per hour: Blended hourly rate for admin (80%) and advisor (20%) $30,600 Gross Profit (67% Margin) Request a Pilot of Retiremap