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Optimizing APIs for Consumers with GraphQL

Optimizing APIs for Consumers with GraphQL

Presented at Goruco

Brooks Swinnerton

June 24, 2017

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  1. [ { "id": 1, "name": "Garden Of Eat In", "grade":

    "A", "camis": "40394054", "address": "1416 Avenue J, Brooklyn, New York 11230", "cuisine": "Jewish/Kosher", "url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants/1", "inspections_url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants/1/inspections" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Hunan Delight", "grade": "A", "camis": "41188631", "address": "752 Union Street, Brooklyn, New York 11215", "cuisine": "Chinese", "url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants/2", "inspections_url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants/2/inspections" }, ... ] http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants GET
  2. [ { "id": 1, "name": "Garden Of Eat In", "grade":

    "A", "camis": "40394054", "address": "1416 Avenue J, Brooklyn, New York 11230", "cuisine": "Jewish/Kosher", "url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants/1", "inspections_url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/ restaurants/1/inspections" }, ... ] http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants GET
  3. [ { "id": 1, "name": "Garden Of Eat In", "grade":

    "A", "camis": "40394054", "address": "1416 Avenue J, Brooklyn, New York 11230", "cuisine": "Jewish/Kosher", "url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants/1", "inspections_url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/ restaurants/1/inspections" }, ... ] http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants GET
  4. [ { "id": 1, "name": "Garden Of Eat In", "grade":

    "A", "camis": "40394054", "address": "1416 Avenue J, Brooklyn, New York 11230", "cuisine": "Jewish/Kosher", "url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants/1", "inspections_url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/ restaurants/1/inspections" }, ... ] http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants GET
  5. [ { "id": 1, "type": "Trans Fat / Initial Inspection",

    "score": 9, "grade": "A", "inspected_at": "2016-01-27T00:00:00.000Z", "graded_at": "2016-01-27T00:00:00.000Z", "url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants/1/ inspections/1", "restaurant_url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/ restaurants/1", "violations_url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/ restaurants/1/inspections/1/violations" } ] http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants/1/inspections GET
  6. [ { "id": 1, "type": "Trans Fat / Initial Inspection",

    "score": 9, "grade": "A", "inspected_at": "2016-01-27T00:00:00.000Z", "graded_at": "2016-01-27T00:00:00.000Z", "url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants/1/ inspections/1", "restaurant_url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/ restaurants/1", "violations_url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/ restaurants/1/inspections/1/violations" } ] http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants/1/inspections GET
  7. http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/restaurants/1/inspections/1/violations GET [ { "id": 62855, "description": "Food not protected

    from potential source of contamination during storage, preparation, transportation, display or service.", "code": "06C", "url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/ restaurants/1/inspections/29572/violations/62855", "inspection_url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/ restaurants/1/inspections/29572", "restaurant_url": "http://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/api/v1/ restaurants/1" } ]
  8. { me { firstName lastName email } } { "data":{

    "me":{ "firstName":"Brooks", "lastName":"Swinnerton", "email":"brooks@github.com" } } }
  9. { restaurant(name: "Cafe Ghia") { name cuisine } } {

    "data": { "restaurant": { "name": "Cafe Ghia", "cuisine": "American" } } } https://nyc-restaurant-grades.com/graphql POST
  10. { me { firstName lastName email } } type RootQuery

    { me: User } type User { firstName: String lastName: String email: String }
  11. { me { firstName lastName email } } type RootQuery

    { me: User } type User { firstName: String lastName: String email: String }
  12. { me { firstName lastName email } } type RootQuery

    { me: User } type User { firstName: String lastName: String email: String }
  13. type RootQuery { restaurant(name: String): Restaurant } type Restaurant {

    name: String! cuisine: String } { restaurant(name: "Cafe Ghia") { name cuisine } }
  14. type RootQuery { restaurant(name: String): Restaurant } type Restaurant {

    name: String! cuisine: String } { restaurant(name: "Cafe Ghia") { name cuisine } }
  15. type RootQuery { restaurant(name: String): Restaurant } type Restaurant {

    name: String! cuisine: String } { restaurant(name: "Cafe Ghia") { name cuisine } }
  16. type RootQuery { restaurant(name: String): Restaurant } type Restaurant {

    name: String! cuisine: String } { restaurant(name: "Cafe Ghia") { name cuisine } }
  17. type RootQuery { restaurants(borough: RestaurantBorough): [Restaurant]! } enum RestaurantBorough {

    BRONX BROOKLYN MANHATTAN STATEN_ISLAND QUEENS } type Restaurant { name: String! cuisine: String }
  18. type RootQuery { restaurants(borough: RestaurantBorough): [Restaurant]! } enum RestaurantBorough {

    BRONX BROOKLYN MANHATTAN STATEN_ISLAND QUEENS } type Restaurant { name: String! cuisine: String }
  19. type RootQuery { restaurants(borough: RestaurantBorough): [Restaurant]! } enum RestaurantBorough {

    BRONX BROOKLYN MANHATTAN STATEN_ISLAND QUEENS } type Restaurant { name: String! cuisine: String }
  20. { restaurant(name: "Mcdonalds") { name cuisine } restaurant(name: "Wendy's") {

    name cuisine } } { "data": { "restaurant": { "name": "Mcdonalds", "cuisine": "American" }, "restaurant": { "name": "Wendy's", "cuisine": "American" } } }
  21. { restaurant(name: "Mcdonalds") { name cuisine } restaurant(name: "Wendy's") {

    name cuisine } } { "data": { "restaurant": { "name": "Mcdonalds", "cuisine": "American" }, "restaurant": { "name": "Wendy's", "cuisine": "American" } } }
  22. { "data": { "mcdonalds": { "name": "Mcdonalds", "cuisine": "American" },

    "wendys": { "name": "Wendy's", "cuisine": "American" } } }
  23. { mcdonalds: restaurant(name: "McDonalds") { ...RestaurantInfo } wendys: restaurant(name: "Wendy's")

    { ...RestaurantInfo } } fragment RestaurantInfo on Restaurant { name cuisine }
  24. { restaurant(name: "Cafe Ghia") { name cuisine } } type

    RootQuery { restaurant(name: String): Restaurant } type Restaurant { name: String! cuisine: String }
  25. type RootQuery { restaurant(name: String): Restaurant } module Graph::Types RootQuery

    = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'RootQuery' end end
  26. # The query root. type RootQuery { restaurant(name: String): Restaurant

    } module Graph::Types RootQuery = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'RootQuery' description 'The query root.' end end
  27. module Graph::Types RootQuery = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'RootQuery' field :restaurant

    do argument :name, types.String type Graph::Types::Restaurant resolve -> (object, arguments, context) do ::Restaurant.find_by(name: arguments['name']) end end end end type RootQuery { restaurant(name: String): Restaurant }
  28. module Graph::Types RootQuery = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'RootQuery' field :restaurant

    do argument :name, types.String type Graph::Types::Restaurant resolve -> (object, arguments, context) do ::Restaurant.find_by(name: arguments['name']) end end end end type RootQuery { restaurant(name: String): Restaurant }
  29. module Graph::Types RootQuery = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'RootQuery' field :restaurant

    do argument :name, types.String type Graph::Types::Restaurant resolve -> (object, arguments, context) do ::Restaurant.find_by(name: arguments['name']) end end end end type RootQuery { restaurant(name: String): Restaurant }
  30. module Graph::Types RootQuery = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'RootQuery' field :restaurant

    do argument :name, types.String type Graph::Types::Restaurant resolve -> (object, arguments, context) do ::Restaurant.find_by(name: arguments['name']) end end end end type RootQuery { restaurant(name: String): Restaurant }
  31. type Restaurant { name: String! cuisine: String } module Graph::Types

    Restaurant = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'Restaurant' end end
  32. # A place of business serving food. type Restaurant {

    name: String cuisine: String } module Graph::Types Restaurant = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'Restaurant' description 'A place of business serving food.' end end
  33. type Restaurant { name: String cuisine: String } module Graph::Types

    Restaurant = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'Restaurant' field :cuisine do type types.String resolve -> (restaurant, arguments, context) do restaurant.cuisine end end end end
  34. type Restaurant { name: String cuisine: String } module Graph::Types

    Restaurant = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'Restaurant' field :cuisine do type types.String resolve -> (restaurant, arguments, context) do restaurant.cuisine end end end end
  35. type Restaurant { name: String cuisine: String } module Graph::Types

    Restaurant = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'Restaurant' field :cuisine do type types.String resolve -> (restaurant, arguments, context) do restaurant.cuisine end end end end
  36. v4?