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TechSummit Amsterdam 2017: Enhance! Deploying I...

TechSummit Amsterdam 2017: Enhance! Deploying Image Recognition with TensorFlow and Kubernetes

“Enhance… enhance… enhance…” Have you ever wondered how image recognition works in the movies, or how you can take advantage of it? In this talk you’ll find out. I’ll explain the basics of Machine Learning and Image Recognition and demonstrate how it works with TensorFlow, and Open Source library for machine intelligence. Once we have a working image recognition system I’ll show you how to deploy it in production on Kubernetes, an open source container management system.

Casey West

June 01, 2017

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  1. Enhance! Deploying Image Recognition with TensorFlow and Kubernetes Casey West

    ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 1
  2. I am… —Dad, software architect, technical lead, change agent, programmer,

    beverage enthusiast, rock climber, cyclist, acro yoga person… —An Architecture Advocate at Google. I am not… —A data scientist. —An expert in machine learning. ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 2
  3. In 28 minutes you will also know enough to be

    dangerous. ! ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 5
  4. Project Plan —Phase 0: Understand ML Basics —Phase 1: Create

    TensorFlow Serving model —Phase 2: Create TensorFlow Serving client app —Phase 3: Deploy on Kubernetes ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 7
  5. Training a Model 1. Data 2. Time 3. Procedure !

    @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 10
  6. Training a Model 1. Data Historical or available data. !

    @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 11
  7. Training a Model 2. Time Iterations you have time to

    make. ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 12
  8. Training a Model 3. Procedure Discover data preparation procedures, an

    algorithm to use, and how to configure it. ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 13
  9. Training a Model: Steps 1. Get a data set. 2.

    Split it into training and testing data. 3. Train the algorithm. 4. Test the algorithm. 5. Ship it! ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 14
  10. Training a Model: Know More in Five Minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FmcHiLCwTU —

    Saraj Javal ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 15
  11. Serving the model with TensorFlow Serving —Continuous training pipeline —gRPC

    interface —Production ready https://tensorflow.github.io/serving/ ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 17
  12. Pre-trained models exist! ! Let's containerize them before they get

    away! ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 18
  13. Create a Docker Image: TensorFlow Serving Inception v3 Docker Machine

    docker-machine create \ --driver google \ --google-project goog-caseywest \ --google-zone us-central1-a \ --google-machine-type n1-standard-4 \ docker-machine eval $(docker-machine env docker-machine) ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 19
  14. Create a Docker Image: TensorFlow Serving Inception v3 Run developer

    container git clone git@github.com:tensorflow/serving.git cd serving docker build --pull \ -t $USER/tensorflow-serving-devel \ -f tensorflow_serving/tools/docker/Dockerfile.devel . docker run --name=inception_container -it \ $USER/tensorflow-serving-devel ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 20
  15. Create a Docker Image: TensorFlow Serving Inception v3 Build in

    the devel the container git clone --recurse-submodules \ https://github.com/tensorflow/serving cd serving/tensorflow ./configure # interactive :-( cd .. bazel build -c opt tensorflow_serving/... ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 21
  16. Create a Docker Image: TensorFlow Serving Inception v3 Export inception

    in the devel the container curl -LO http://cwe.st/tf-inception-v3 tar xzf inception-v3-2016-03-01.tar.gz bazel-bin/tensorflow_serving/example/inception_saved_model \ --checkpoint_dir=inception-v3 \ --output_dir=inception-export ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 22
  17. Create a Docker Image: TensorFlow Serving Inception v3 Commit and

    deploy container docker commit inception_container \ $USER/inception_serving docker tag $USER/inception_serving \ gcr.io/goog-caseywest/inception gcloud docker -- push \ gcr.io/goog-caseywest/inception ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 23
  18. Deploy Inception Service on Kubernetes Create a cluster gcloud container

    clusters create \ image-recognition-cluster \ --num-nodes 5 ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 24
  19. Takeaways —Training models is hard. —Serving models is kind of

    easy. —gRPC and protobuf have steep learning curves. —therefore, client libraries are challenging. ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 27
  20. Want the code? —DM me @caseywest —Email me caseywest@google.com —Try

    a similar tutorial —https://tensorflow.github.io/serving/ serving_inception ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 28
  21. Want to try more ML? —TensorFlow —https://www.tensorflow.org/ —MXNet —http://mxnet.io/ —Google

    Cloud Playground —https://cloud.google.com/vision/ ! @caseywest @googlecloud #techsummitio #amsterdam #tensorflow #kubernetes 29