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OperabilityIO 2016 – Achieving Cloud-Native Ope...

Casey West
September 19, 2016

OperabilityIO 2016 – Achieving Cloud-Native Operability

Similarly presented at OperabilityIO 2016 and ASAS 2016.

Casey West

September 19, 2016

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  1. Achieving Cloud-Native Operability — Twitter @caseywest — Email casey@geeknest.com —

    Web http://caseywest.com ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 3
  2. What even is cloud-native? — Old and busted? Not cloud-native.

    — New and good? Cloud-native. ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 5
  3. What even is cloud-native? "Continuous delivery, DevOps, and microservices describe

    the why, how, and what of being cloud- native. In the most advanced expression of these concepts they are intertwined to the point of being inseparable."1 1 https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/the-cloud-native-future by Casey West, August 2015 ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 6
  4. What even is operability? "Operability is the ability to keep

    an equipment, a system or a whole industrial installation in a safe and reliable functioning condition, according to pre-defined operational requirements."2 2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operability ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 7
  5. What even is operability? "Able to be used effectively." !

    @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 9
  6. Cloud-Native Operability is 1. Microservices Architecture 2. Continuous Delivery Process

    3. Devops Culture Pick any three. ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 10
  7. Cloud-Native Operability is 1. Microservices Architecture 2. Continuous Delivery Process

    3. Devops Culture 4. Platform Automation Pick any four. ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 11
  8. Cloud-Native Operability is 1. Microservices Architecture 2. Continuous Delivery Process

    3. Devops Culture 4. Platform Automation Pick any four. ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 12
  9. Microservices Architecture — What is a microservice? — How big

    can it be? — Are "serverless" [insert words here] microservices? Questions people ask about microservices. ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 13
  10. Microservices Architecture A microservice is an application small enough that

    an engineer new to the source code can reason about it in a day or less.3 3 Paraphrasing Kenny Bastani, @kennybastani on Twitter ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 14
  11. Continuous Delivery Process The ability to deploy to production whenever

    the organization chooses without anyone setting themselves on fire. ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 15
  12. Continuous Delivery Process — Reduce risk with small batch sizes.

    — Decouple deployments from feature releases. — Automate your path to production. ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 16
  13. Devops Culture — Collaboration — Automation — Learning — Measuring

    — Sharing ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 18
  14. Platform Automation It doesn't matter how beautiful your architecture is,

    how easy deployment is, or how great your culture is if production is a tire fire. ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 19
  15. Platform Automation Minimum Viable Platform (MVP) — Dynamic DNS, routing

    and load balancing — Backing service brokering — Infrastructure orchestration — Health management, monitoring, and recovery — Immutable artifact repository — Log aggregation ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 20
  16. Cloud-Native Operability is 1. Microservices Architecture 2. Continuous Delivery Process

    3. Devops Culture 4. Platform Automation Pick any four. ! @caseywest #cloudnative #operability 30