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Working with Developers as a Product Champion

Working with Developers as a Product Champion

If you’re the Product Champion on a software development project, that means working with a development team. You need to do everything possible to make sure that you’re communicating well, setting expectations, and prioritizing goals. Join us to understand how to support your team, enforce scope, and ensure the quality of your end product.

Catherine Meade

July 26, 2022

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  1. ‣Prioritizing Clear Outcome Goals ‣Enforcing Scope ‣Listening To Developers ‣Building

    Quality Assurance Into Processes & Budgets Working with Developers as a Product Champion
  2. Working with Developers as a Product Champion Prioritize Clear Outcome

    Goals De fi nition of Done Settling Disputes 
 What Success Looks Like
  3. A sentence or two included in the work description that

    explains the behavior of the application after the work is complete. Definition of Done
  4. If there is a disagreement, it’s the Product Champion’s job

    to step in and choose a path forward for the team. Settle Disputes
  5. If there is a disagreement, it’s the Product Champion’s job

    to step in and choose a path forward for the team. Settle Disputes
  6. When work that is unaccounted for in the original project

    plan sneaks its way in. "Scope Creep"
  7. Increasing team size comes with hidden costs, think carefully before

    growing the team. Should I just increase headcount?
  8. Working with Developers as a Product Champion Listen to Devs

 Tech Debt Estimations
  9. Dev Quality of Life improvements keep your team motivated and

    prepared to accomplish business needs. Prioritize Refactors
  10. There may be a faster or more accessible way to

    accomplish a similar goal. Consider Alternatives
  11. Working with Developers as a Product Champion Don't Forget QA

    Browser & Accessibility Support 
 Design Review 
 Automated Testing
  12. Quality Assurance can also be done alongside feature work, not

    just after. Incorporate QA Into Your Process
  13. Your De fi nition of Done can include light browser

    and accessibility testing. Take a note
  14. Working with Developers as a Product Champion Thanks! Twitter: @catheraaine

 Email: catherine@heysparkbox.com 
 SpeakerDeck: speakerdeck.com/catheraaine