Visual Studio and Development Technologies Blog : Role : Scrum Master, Agile Coach, Biz&Tech cross-functional paradigm Writing : Build Insider(ALM, DevOps), mynavinews(TeamDev) Community : εΫϥϜಓ, TFSUGίΞϝϯό Speaker
-> Why Why How What change is the root cause of most outages Tool: Automated infrastructure, Shared version control, ɹOne step build and deploy, Feature flags… Culture: Respect, Trust, Healthy attitude about failure, ɹAvoiding Blame
-> Why Why How What change is the root cause of most outages Tool: Automated infrastructure, Shared version control, ɹOne step build and deploy, Feature flags… -> How Culture: Respect, Trust, Healthy attitude about failure, ɹAvoiding Blame -> How
-> Why Why How What change is the root cause of most outages Tool: Automated infrastructure, Shared version control, ɹOne step build and deploy, Feature flags… -> How Culture: Respect, Trust, Healthy attitude about failure, ɹAvoiding Blame -> How 10+ Deploys Per Day -> What
-> Why Why How What change is the root cause of most outages Tool: Automated infrastructure, Shared version control, ɹOne step build and deploy, Feature flags… -> How Culture: Respect, Trust, Healthy attitude about failure, ɹAvoiding Blame -> How 10+ Deploys Per Day -> What
-> Why Why How What change is the root cause of most outages Tool: Automated infrastructure, Shared version control, ɹOne step build and deploy, Feature flags… -> How Culture: Respect, Trust, Healthy attitude about failure, ɹAvoiding Blame -> How 10+ Deploys Per Day -> What The original(ݪయ) Why͔Β͡Ί͍ͯΔ
Visual Studio and Development Technologies Blog : Role : Scrum Master, Agile Coach, Biz&Tech cross-functional paradigm Writing : Build Insider(ALM, DevOps), mynavinews(TeamDev) Community : εΫϥϜಓ, TFSUGίΞϝϯό Speaker
Ops Cooperation at Flickr ALMͱDevOpsͱϦʔϯελʔτΞοϓԿ͕ҧ͏ͷ͔ʁ DevOpsͷ࠾༻େاۀ͕ઌߦɺDockerͱAnsibleͷར༻1Ͱഒ ૿ɻRightScale͕DevOpsͷௐࠪ݁ՌΛൃද DevOps Trends Report Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action References