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Testing in ManageIQ

Testing in ManageIQ

A talk about testing with RSpec in the ManageIQ cloud management platform. A short tour of some RSpec ManageIQisms, good spec structure and anti-patterns, troubleshooting test failures, and an overview of test runtime performance.

Chris Arcand

June 09, 2016

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  1. @chrisarcand @jrafanie • RSpec ManageIQisms • Spec structure and anti-patterns

    • Troubleshooting (“WAT!?”) • Spec performance
  2. @chrisarcand @jrafanie • RSpec ManageIQisms • Spec structure and anti-patterns

    • Troubleshooting (“WAT!?”) • Spec performance
  3. @chrisarcand @jrafanie factory_girl Technologies RSpec VCR Ruby JavaScript Jasmine *

    Also, tiny sprinkles of MiniTest in gems/pending, but…
  4. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Sweet, sweet suites • Automation • Brakeman (security

    scanner) • Javascript (Jasmine) • ManageIQ Providers - Amazon • Migrations • Replication • VMDB
  5. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Sweet, sweet suites rake test rake test:automation rake

    test:automation:setup rake test:brakeman rake test:javascript rake test:javascript:setup rake test:manageiq-providers-amazon rake test:manageiq-providers-amazon:setup rake test:migrations rake test:migrations:down rake test:migrations:setup rake test:migrations:up rake test:replication rake test:replication:setup rake test:replication:teardown rake test:replication_util rake test:vmdb rake test:vmdb:setup rake test:<suite>:setup rake test:<suite>
  6. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Sweet, sweet suites • Automation • Brakeman (security

    scanner) • Javascript (Jasmine) • ManageIQ Providers - Amazon • Migrations • Replication • VMDB
  7. @chrisarcand @jrafanie VMDB Migrations Replication Automation Controllers Helpers Initializers Mailers

    Models Requests Routing Services Views Presenters Rake Tasks REST API Helpers, helpers everywhere: AuthHelper ViewSpecHelper UiConstants ControllerSpecHelper AutomationSpecHelper MigrationSpecHelper ApiSpecHelper PresenterSpecHelper RakeTaskExampleGroup and more… Up migrations Down migrations REST API environment setup Replication setup Special migration management
  8. @chrisarcand @jrafanie VMDB Migrations Replication Automation Controllers Helpers Initializers Mailers

    Models Requests Routing Services Views Presenters Rake Tasks REST API Helpers, helpers everywhere: AuthHelper ViewSpecHelper UiConstants ControllerSpecHelper AutomationSpecHelper MigrationSpecHelper ApiSpecHelper PresenterSpecHelper RakeTaskExampleGroup and more… Up migrations Down migrations REST API environment setup Replication setup Special migration management WAT
  9. @chrisarcand @jrafanie RSpec knows what to do through metadata called

    ✨tags✨ describe "group with tagged specs" do it "slow example", :slow => true do; end it "ordinary example" do; end end ./some_spec.rb $ rspec ./some_spec.rb --tag ~slow
  10. @chrisarcand @jrafanie describe User, :type => :model do # Model-specific

    helpers, env end …
 config.include ModelHelper, :type => :model … user_spec.rb spec_helper.rb
  11. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Example: All the REST API specs live in

    ./spec/requests/api config.define_derived_metadata( :file_path => /spec\/requests\/api/) do |metadata| metadata[:rest_api] = true end config.include ApiSpecHelper, :rest_api => true config.before(:each, :rest_api => true) do init_api_spec_env end
  12. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Takeaways: 1. Spec location matters a lot. (Location

    matters in all Rails applications, but especially ManageIQ) 2. We have custom RSpec matchers and helpers for different spec types (And you should go check them out. See ./spec/spec_helper.rb)
  13. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Who tests migrations? • Manually testing is hard

    • Setup database • Migrate • Test conversion • Repeat up and down • Migration specs automate this
  14. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Migration spec tips • Don’t mix schema changes

    and data changes • Test data migrations • Migrations are snapshots in time • Don't use application models (app/models/*) • Use model stubs • good_migrations gem (soon™) • Libor
  15. @chrisarcand @jrafanie # db/migrate/20150817213409_clear_tenant_seed.rb class ClearTenantSeed < ActiveRecord::Migration class Tenant

    < ActiveRecord::Base; end def up say_with_time("...") do Tenant.update_all(:name => nil) end end end Model stub
  16. @chrisarcand @jrafanie # spec/migrations/20150817213409_clear_tenant_seed_spec.rb require_migration describe ClearTenantSeed do migration_context :up

    do it "works with one tenant" do tenant = migration_stub(:Tenant).create(…) migrate expect(tenant.reload.name).to be_nil end end end ✨ Magic
  17. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Who tests migrations? • FYI, Rails 5.0 generates

    versioned migrations class AddNameToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] ... end • Existing migrations use 4.2 migration code
  18. @chrisarcand @jrafanie • RSpec ManageIQisms • Spec structure and anti-patterns

    • Troubleshooting (“WAT!?”) • Spec performance
  19. @chrisarcand @jrafanie RSpec structure OH: “Don’t nest contexts EVARRRRRR!” Using

    context and describe blocks correctly will make you happier
  20. @chrisarcand @jrafanie BAD: Contextual tests at the top level! In

    the future: • Harder to understand context • Promotes inefficiencies • Therefore, harder to add tests
  21. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Harder to understand context
 Imagine seeing just this

    snippet buried in other examples as this file grows. WAT?
  22. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Harder to add tests
 I now need to

    edit the setup here just to add a new test to avoid these issues
  23. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Harder to add tests
 I now need to

    edit the setup here just to add a new test to avoid these issues WAT
  24. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Easy to add different cases for #generation Easy

    to add different cases for totally different things at top level
  25. @chrisarcand @jrafanie “I don’t understand what this test is doing.”

    “I have no idea why this test exists.” Complex setup
  26. @chrisarcand @jrafanie before(:each) do _guid_2, _server_2, @zone_2 = EvmSpecHelper.create_guid_miq_ guid,

    server, @zone = EvmSpecHelper.create_guid_miq_server_z @ems = FactoryGirl.create(:ems_vmware_with_auth…, :zone => @ other_ems = FactoryGirl.create(:ems_…_with_auth…, :zone => @ @worker_guid = MiqUUID.new_guid @worker_record = FactoryGirl.create(:miq_vim_broker_worker, :guid => …, :mi @drb_uri = "drb://" allow(DRb).to receive(:uri).and_return(@drb_uri) allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:sync_acti allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:sync_conf allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:set_conne allow_any_instance_of(ManageIQ::Providers::Vmware::InfraMana .to receive(:authentication_check).and_return([true, ""]) allow_any_instance_of(ManageIQ::Providers::Vmware::InfraMana .to receive(:authentication_status_ok?).and_return(true) end
  27. @chrisarcand @jrafanie • Find what you really need for setup

    • Create only what's needed • Figure out where it belongs - Abstractions can hide relevant details - Make setup methods explicit and flexible Beware of setup complexity
  28. @chrisarcand @jrafanie describe User do before do special_magic_setup_method @user =

    User.first end it “has write access when authenticated” do expect(@user).to have_write_access end it “can’t write when unauthenticated” do @user.update_attributes(…) expect(@user).to_not have_write_access end end
  29. @chrisarcand @jrafanie • instance_variable_get • .send • Many mocks, stubs,

    doubles • and the best one of all… Test smells: Write testable code
  30. @chrisarcand @jrafanie PRs that remove these are welcome! git grep

    "any_instance_of" spec |wc -l 534 ✂✂✂
  31. @chrisarcand @jrafanie RSpec anti-patterns:
 Sporadic Failures This will randomly fail.

    Why? vm1 = Vm.create(…) vm2 = Vm.create(…) expect(Vm.pluck(:id)) .to eq([vm1.id, vm2.id]) No explicit order
 Use testing constructs like match_array!
  32. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Fix sporadic failures by… • Limiting the problem

    scope - Automated bisecting - Bisecting by comments! • Ask for help in Gitter!
  33. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Caching “There are only two hard things in

    Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” -- Phil Karlton http://martinfowler.com/bliki/TwoHardThings.html • Add caching only if absolutely required • Clear caches with tests - See spec/support/evm_spec_helper.rb
  34. @chrisarcand @jrafanie • RSpec ManageIQisms • Spec structure and anti-patterns

    • Troubleshooting (“WAT!?”) • Spec performance
  35. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Travis failures • Look at the travis build

    log • Read the error • Now, read the backtrace • No, really, did you read the error?
  36. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Travis failures • Check other builds on travis

    • Master could be broken! • See build history @ github
  37. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Travis failures • Look at bundle install section

    for NEW gems • Share your findings: • https://gitter.im/ManageIQ/manageiq
  38. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Travis failures • Enable travis on your fork

    • Test without waiting behind ManageIQ org • Useful for debugging Travis errors https://travis-ci.org/jrafanie/manageiq/settings
  39. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Useful RSpec CLI switches -t ~slow (--tag)filter by

    tags (~ excludes tag) -f d (--format) [p]rogress(dots), [d]ocumentation, etc. --seed 1234 Run examples with a specific test order --bisect Find the examples to recreate a sporadic bug --only-failures Run the examples that just failed --fail-fast Abort a test run on the first error
  40. @chrisarcand @jrafanie • RSpec ManageIQisms • Spec structure and anti-patterns

    • Troubleshooting (“WAT!?”) • Spec performance
  41. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Boot time improvements • Ongoing: Huge improvements to

    Rails boot time • 2.5 seconds - lazy loading message catalogs, #8525 • bundler 1.12.1+, rubygems 2.5.0+ • Future: • Ruby 2.3.x • Sprockets #211 (lazy stat assets for size) • Bundler bugfix to prevent re-resolve (#4618)
  42. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Rails boot time • Spring • https://github.com/rails/spring •

    Preloads application boot for faster development • Rake tasks • Tests • Migrations • Boot speed must still be fast
  43. @chrisarcand @jrafanie 2. Total suite run time “The tests take

    forever.” “Let’s just push it to Travis lolzzzzz”
  44. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Why? *Besides the fact that it’s a large,

    successful codebase originally written over a decade ago and we have over 12,000 individual tests
  45. @chrisarcand @jrafanie % of total suite time vs. % of

    total specs 70.3% of the test suite accounts for 11.45% of total time 25.3% of the test suite accounts for 37.43% of total time
  46. @chrisarcand @jrafanie % of total suite time vs. % of

    total specs 70.3% of the test suite accounts for 11.45% of total time 25.3% of the test suite accounts for 37.43% of total time WAT
  47. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Promotes inefficiencies
 Creating a unused second record here!

    Remember this? …and this example doesn’t even include FG associations
  48. @chrisarcand @jrafanie Good news! We’re already making improvements • Fall

    2015: Moved to RSpec 3.x 
 (core performance ++) • In the future: 
 Pluggable providers split? Flag slow specs?
  49. @chrisarcand @jrafanie ✨Run your tests in parallel!✨ $ PARALLEL=true bundle

    exec rake test PR #8868 merged over the weekend (June 5th) Paired effort over the last few weeks First championed by Joe last year! Thanks Jason for reviewing/merge!
  50. @chrisarcand @jrafanie All benchmarks on Mid-2015 Macbook Pro 2.5 GHz

    Intel Core i7, ManageIQ commit #1689382 (May 18th, 2016) Time includes full load time Local vmdb test run before: ~7.5 minutes ~25 minutes Local vmdb test run after (8 cores):