Slides for Lecture 05 of the Saint Louis University Course Introduction to GIS. These slides introduce basic cartographic practices using R and ArcGIS.
RColorBrewer, and viridis packages from CRAN WELCOME! GETTING STARTED Check out the stlData package’s README for how the package has changed:
1. Front Matter 2. GISc & Public Policy 3. Types of Maps 4. Cartographic Design 5. Working with Color 6. Design in R 7. Design in ArcGIS 8. Back Matter
simple features object ▸ varlist is an optional list of variables to look for duplicate observations in ▸ .keep_all = TRUE will retain all variables if a varlist is supplied; if FALSE (the default), only the variables in the varlist will be retained Available in dplyr Download via CRAN 1. FRONT MATTER DEALING WITH DUPLICATES Parameters: distinct(.data, varlist, .keep_all = TRUE) f(x)
simple features object ▸ varlist is an optional list of variables to look for duplicate observations in ▸ .keep_all = TRUE will retain all variables if a varlist is supplied; if FALSE (the default), only the variables in the varlist will be retained 1. FRONT MATTER DEALING WITH DUPLICATES Parameters: distinct(.data, varlist, .keep_all = TRUE) f(x)
TRUE) Using the stl_tbl_water data from stlData: > waterUnique <- distinct(stl_tbl_water) The resulting data frame or tibble will contain one observation for every unique observation in the original data. f(x)
.95 p < .90 no sig. p < .90 p < .95 p < .99 hot spot cold spot Hotspot Analysis (Inferential Map) Choropleth Map (Thematic Map) MAPPING MURDERS IN ST. LOUIS, ’08-‘15
important graphic elements (features) ▸ Important features are known as “figure” ▸ Assign drab colors to the graphic elements that provide orientation or context ▸ Contextual features known as “ground” 4. CARTOGRAPHIC DESIGN VISUAL CONTRAST All features in figure Circles in figure, squares and lines in ground