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PWA Deep Dive: Offlineanwendungen im Griff

PWA Deep Dive: Offlineanwendungen im Griff

Zentrale Eigenschaft jeder Progressive Web App (PWA) ist die Verbindungsunabhängigkeit. Dank dem Service Worker funktioniert die App auch dann, wenn der Anwender gerade offline ist: Im Tunnel, im Park oder im Dschungel. Zur Generierung eines Service Workers hilft das Toolkit Workbox. Anwenderdaten werden hingegen in der Browserdatenbank IndexedDB hinterlegt. Wo Daten offline gehalten werden, müssen aber auch deren Synchronisierung und Konfliktauflösung in der Architektur bedacht werden. Christian Liebel von Thinktecture zeigt Ihnen am Beispiel einer in Angular geschriebenen Anwendung die Mechanik hinter der dem Service-Worker-Cache und der Browserdatenbank IndexedDB, sodass es auch Ihre PWA mit ihren nativen Gegenstücken problemlos aufnehmen kann.

Dieser Talk richtet sich an Entwickler, die grob wissen, worum es bei Progressive Web Apps geht. In diesem Track gibt es auch den passenden Grundlagenvortrag („Progressive Enhancement im Web: PWA-Grundlagen“), der Ihnen dieses Verständnis vermittelt. Bitte nehmen Sie ein Smartphone mit, um ggf. die Demoanwendung am eigenen Gerät ausprobieren zu können.

Christian Liebel

February 26, 2019

More Decks by Christian Liebel

Other Decks in Programming


  1. The image part with relationship ID rId3 was not found

    in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId3 was not found in the file. The image part with relationship ID rId3 was not found in the file. Special Day “Modern Business Applications” Thema Sprecher Datum, Uhrzeit Raum Pragmatische Microservices-Architekturen mit .NET Core – Patterns und Code Christian Weyer DI, 26. Februar 2019, 10.30 bis 11.30 Ballsaal 2 Serverless-Architekturen: Event-basierte Microservices mit Azure Functions und Co. Christian Weyer DI, 26. Februar 2019, 11.45 bis 12.45 Ballsaal 2 Real-World Angular: Erfahrungen aus (fast) vier Jahren Projektgeschäft Christian Liebel DI, 26. Februar 2019, 14.15 bis 15.15 Ballsaal 2 Progressive Enhancement im Web: PWA-Grundlagen Sebastian Springer DI, 26. Februar 2019, 15.30 bis 16.30 Gold 3 PWA Deep Dive: Offlineanwendungen im Griff Christian Liebel DI, 26. Februar 2019, 17.15 bis 18.15 Gold 3
  2. Hello, it’s me. PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Christian

    Liebel Follow me: @christianliebel Blog: christianliebel.com Email: christian.liebel @thinktecture.com Cross-Platform & Cloud & Enterprise Blockchain
  3. PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff - Das PWA-Anwendungsmodell -

    Web App Manifest - Service Worker und Cache API - Workbox: Toolkit für PWAs - Angular-Unterstützung für PWAs - Natives Look & Feel - Migrieren & veröffentlichen - Payment Request API & Apple Pay www.rheinwerk-verlag.de/4707
  4. PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Responsive Linkable Discoverable Installable

    App-like Connectivity Independent Fresh Safe Re-engageable Progressive
  5. Service Worker & Cache API Source Files & Assets App

    & IndexedDB Structured Data PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Connectivity Independent
  6. Offline First Service Worker Cache API Workbox Angular Demo App

    IndexedDB Dexie.js Background Sync API PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Talking Points
  7. Offline First Service Worker Cache API Workbox Angular Demo App

    IndexedDB Dexie.js Background Sync API PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Talking Points
  8. Offline Capability Challenge: Connection strength varies a lot (especially en

    route) Lie-Fi: Connection strength of a public WiFi is weak or even completely offline Goal: App works offline or with a weak connection at least within the possibilities (e.g. OneNote) PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Offline First
  9. Principle PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Offline First -

    Draft and implement offline support first - Think about synchronization & conflicts - Don’t treat offline as an error - Make offline the default - Everything must be offline capable
  10. PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Offline First System Website

    HTML/JS Local storage Central adapter Remote storage Server Internet
  11. Locking Pessimistic - System locks access to resource if it

    is used by another user - No conflicts - Users don’t like this (offline = no locking possible!) Optimistic - Users can access arbitrary resources anytime - Requires data synchronization & conflict resolution (strategies depend on domain) PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Offline First
  12. Offline First Service Worker Cache API Workbox Angular Demo App

    IndexedDB Dexie.js Background Sync API PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Talking Points
  13. Key Technology Service Worker Service Worker Internet Website HTML/JS Cache

    fetch Offlineanwendungen im Griff PWA Deep Dive
  14. Worker snippet is executed in an own thread Worker can’t

    manipulate the parent document’s DOM Communication via thin API (postMessage) + Acts as a controller/proxy/interceptor + Performs background tasks Has to be installed before usage Relation: Scope (origin + path) Lifetime: Unrelated to tab/window PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Service Worker
  15. Lifecycle PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Service Worker Installing

    Parsed Error Activated Idle Terminated fetch/ message
  16. Basic Implementation navigator.serviceWorker.register('sw.js') .then(subscription => console.log(subscription)) .catch(err => console.error('Fehler', err));

    self.addEventListener('install', event => {}); self.addEventListener('activate', () => {}); self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {}); PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Service Worker LIVE DEMO
  17. Offline First Service Worker Cache API Workbox Angular Demo App

    IndexedDB Dexie.js Background Sync API PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Talking Points
  18. Introduction Cache: Key-value storage Key: HTTP(S) request, value: HTTP(S) response

    Survives browser restarts (Safari: unused caches are cleared “after a few weeks”) Can be accessed from both service worker and website Isolated per origin (protocol + hostname + port) Multiple named caches per origin Cache operations are asynchronous (Promises) PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Cache API
  19. Usage 1. Open a cache 2. Store/read responses from the

    cache PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Cache API await caches.open('images') await cache.put(req, res) await cache.add(req) await cache.match(req)
  20. and Service Worker PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Cache

    API Installing Parsed Error Activated Idle Terminated fetch/ message Install cache content Remove old caches Deliver from cache
  21. Adding Requests to The Cache self.addEventListener('install', event => { event.waitUntil(

    caches.open('pwa-demo-v1') .then(cache => cache.addAll(['/', '/index.html'])) .then(() => self.skipWaiting()) ); }); PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Cache API LIVE DEMO
  22. Delivering from The Cache self.addEventListener('fetch', event => { event.respondWith( caches.match(event.request)

    .then(response => response || fetch(event.request)) ); }); PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Cache API LIVE DEMO
  23. Caching Strategies 1. Cache only 2. Network only 3. Cache

    falling back to network 4. Cache & network race 5. Network falling back to cache 6. Cache then network 7. Generic Fallback 8. Service-Worker-side templating PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Cache API https://jakearchibald.com/2014/offline-cookbook/
  24. PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Cache Then Network System

    Website HTML/JS Cache Storage Remote storage Server Internet 2. fetch HTTP Service Worker 1. lookup
  25. Use Cases Service Worker - everything that’s part of a

    website/app version - application source files - assets Application - dynamic content known during runtime - “read later”, profile images, … - lookup without fetch PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Cache API
  26. Offline First Service Worker Cache API Workbox Angular Demo App

    IndexedDB Dexie.js Background Sync API PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Talking Points
  27. Overview Toolchain by Google: Service Worker generator and runtime library

    Automatically creates a Service Worker implementation for you Can extend an existing Service Worker implementation with caching Command line tool: workbox npm i -g workbox-cli PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Workbox
  28. Offline First Service Worker Cache API Workbox Angular Demo App

    IndexedDB Dexie.js Background Sync API PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Talking Points
  29. Angular supports service worker and cache manifest generation (for productive

    builds only) npm i -g @angular/cli ng new myApp cd myApp ng add @angular/pwa ng build --prod PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Angular Demo App LIVE DEMO
  30. Offline First Service Worker Cache API Workbox Angular Demo App

    IndexedDB Dexie.js Background Sync API PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Talking Points
  31. Motivation The web platform has different techniques to store arbitrary

    data (e.g. application state) offline: • Web Storage API (Local Storage/Session Storage—synchronous!) • Cookies (inconvenient) • IndexedDB PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff IndexedDB
  32. Overview Indexed Database (IndexedDB) is a database in the browser

    capable of storing structured data in tables with keys and value Data is stored permanently (survives browser restarts) Service Worker and website share access to the same IndexedDB database (e.g. for synchronization purposes) PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff IndexedDB
  33. Offline First Service Worker Cache API Workbox Angular Demo App

    IndexedDB Dexie.js Background Sync API PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Talking Points
  34. Overview Dexie is a minimalistic wrapper for IndexedDB Operations are

    based on promises instead of callbacks Near native performance (also for bulk inserts) Open-source PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Dexie.js
  35. Table API const table = db.table('todos'); table.toArray() // get all

    items as an array table.add() // insert an object table.put() // update or insert an object table.filter(i => i.id !== 3) // apply JS filter on value table.where({ name: 'Peter' }) // query items by key PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Dexie.js
  36. …and TypeScript class MyAppDatabase extends Dexie { todos: Dexie.Table<Todo, number>;

    constructor () { super('MyTodoDatabase'); this.version(1).stores({ todos: '++id', }); this.todos = this.table('todos'); } } PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Dexie.js LIVE DEMO
  37. Offline First Service Worker Cache API Workbox Angular Demo App

    IndexedDB Dexie.js Background Sync API PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Talking Points
  38. Syncs data when the client is next online (if the

    client is already online, syncs immediately) This also works when the client application closed Currently only supports one-off synchronization PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Background Sync API
  39. self.addEventListener('sync', event => { if (event.tag === 'upload-photos') { event.waitUntil(/*

    … */); } }); registration.sync.register('upload-photos'); PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Background Sync API
  40. Make use of the Offline First pattern Use Cache API

    for HTTPS requests Use IndexedDB for structured data Use Service Workers for initial caching and delivering cached content Think about data synchronization & conflict handling for structured data Background Sync API can sync data even when the app is closed Make your users happy! PWA Deep Dive Offlineanwendungen im Griff Summary