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Using Your Umbrella – ElixirDaze

Using Your Umbrella – ElixirDaze

A look at what Applications and Umbrella Applications are in Elixir, as well as a deep dive into an approach for structuring your application as bounded contexts using Umbrella Apps.

Chris Bell

March 03, 2017

More Decks by Chris Bell

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  1. “In Elixir an application is a component implementing some specific

    functionality, that can be started and stopped as a unit, and which can be re-used in other systems.” Elixir Application Documentation
  2. defmodule MyApp do
 use Application def start(_, _) do import

    Supervisor.Spec, warn: false
 children = [worker(MyApp.Worker, [])] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one]
 Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end end
  3. An umbrella application is a single project that is made

    up of one or more local applications.
  4. $ mix test 
 # we can run this from

    the top level
 # (to run all tests in all apps)
 # or inside one of the apps
  5. $ iex -S mix
 # we can also run this

    from the top
 # level to start all the apps inside
  6. defmodule WebApp.MixFile do # rest of file omitted 

    deps do # declaring a dependency on an app under # your umbrella is easy [{:sub_app, in_umbrella: true}] end end
  7. “[Bounded Contexts are] a conceptual boundary where a domain model

    is applicable. It provides Ubiquitous Language that is spoken by the team and expressed in its carefully designed software model” Eric Evans: Domain Driven Design
  8. “[Bounded Contexts are] a conceptual boundary where a domain model

    is applicable. It provides Ubiquitous Language that is spoken by the team and expressed in its carefully designed software model” Eric Evans: Domain Driven Design Huh?
  9. Think about breaking your app into smaller pieces that have

    clear responsibilities and defined boundaries
  10. Ecommerce App • Processes Sales • Ships Orders • Manages

    Customer support requests • Manages product catalog
  11. • Be tested in isolation • Be developed in isolation

    • Be deployed independently (if you wish) • Hides its complexity from other applications through a defined public interface Each application can:
  12. Yes, you can think of them as microservices… Read more:

    http://blog.plataformatec.com.br/ 2015/06/elixir-in-times-of-microservices/
  13. We can introduce a single DB app that manages our

    migrations and has access to our database through an Ecto.Repo
  14. defmodule DB.Repo do
 use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: :db
 end defmodule DB.Mixfile

 defp deps do [{:ecto, “~> 2.1”}, {:postgrex, “~> 0.13”}] end
  15. defmodule Sales.Customer do
 use Ecto.Schema schema “customers” do
 # Relevant

    sales customer fields
 end defmodule Shipping.Customer do
 use Ecto.Schema schema “customers” do
 # Relevant shipping customer fields
  16. defmodule Sales.Customer do
 use Ecto.Schema schema “customers” do
 # Relevant

    sales customer fields
 end defmodule Shipping.Customer do
 use Ecto.Schema schema “customers” do
 # Relevant shipping customer fields
 end But we’re duplicating our schemas!
  17. defmodule Sales.Mixfile do def application do [mod: {Sales, []}, applications:

    [:db]] end 
 defp deps do [{:db, in_umbrella: true}] end
  18. Could also have a Repo per application instead of DB

    as separate app. OTHER OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE:
  19. defmodule API.V1.CheckoutController do plug :ensure_current_user
 plug :ensure_current_order 
 def create(conn,

    params) do user = get_current_user(conn) order = get_current_order(conn)
 Sales.OrderManager.complete_order(user, order, params)
 |> case do {:ok, order} -> render(conn, data: order) {:error, error} -> render_error(conn, 422, data: error) end end
  20. Our web layer concerns itself with all things web (parsing

    params, reading headers for auth’d users etc)
  21. We have a dependency flow that only points inwards, meaning

    nothing on the inside knows about something on the outside
  22. “Code that is loosely coupled isn’t necessarily easy-to-delete, but it

    is much easier to replace, and much easier to change too.” @tef – ‘Write Code That Is Easy To Delete, Not Easy To Extend’
  23. • Clear separation of concerns • Your Phoenix app becomes

    very thin • Your application more clearly signals its features and its intent • Simple, unit testable business logic separate from your UI layer What you end up with:
  24. Of course, this is just one way of doing things

    and it’s not necessarily the right way™
  25. release :api do set applications: [:api] end
 release :backoffice

    do set applications: [:backoffice, :another_app] end
 # distillery makes it easy!
 # https://hexdocs.pm/distillery/umbrella-projects.html
  26. You don’t have to start out with an Umbrella app

    on day 1. Refactoring into separate applications is easy. TIP