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December 07, 2011



December 07, 2011

More Decks by ckazu

Other Decks in Design


  1. ࠓ೔ͷ໨త̎ • UX (User Experience) • UI (User Interface) •

    IA (Information Architecture) • HCD (Human Centered Design) • Ubiquitous • Usability • HI (Human Interface) • Interactive Design • Interactive System • Man-Machine Interface • Tangible • HCI (Human Computer Interaction) • etc... UX ʹؔ͢Δ෼໺΍༻ޠ
  2. ೝ஌Պֶ •ϑϨʔϜ໰୊ •ϩϘοτͱόοςϦͱര஄ͷ໰୊ • Daniel Dennett, “Cognitive Wheels : The

    Frame Problem of AI,” The Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Margaret A. Boden, Oxford University Press, 1984, pp. 147-170. cite: http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~vaughan/teaching/415/papers/dennett- cognitivewheels.html
  3. User Interface • 1996, B. Reeves, C. Nass, The Media

    EquationʢϝσΟΞͷ౳ࣜʣ • “Media = Real Life” • ਓؒ͸ΠϯλϥΫγϣϯ͢ΔϝσΟΞΛ ਓ֨Λ࣋ͭର৅ͱͯ͠ѻ͏܏޲͕͋Δ
  4. ࠷ޙʹ • design ͱ͸Կ͔ʁʢݸਓతͳҙݟʣ • ৘ใΛ੔ཧ͢Δ͜ͱɽ • ຊ୨ͷ੔ཧ → ຊͷฒͼํΛσβΠϯ͢Δ

    • ίʔυͷϦϑΝΫλϦϯά → ίʔυͷઃܭ (design) Λݟ௚͢ • ಄ͷதΛ੔ཧ͢Δ → brain storming
  5. ࢀߟจݙ • D. Norman, ୭ͷͨΊͷσβΠϯʁ • J. J. Gibson, ੜଶֶతࢹ֮࿦

    • ࠤʑ໦ਖ਼ਓ, ΞϑΥʔμϯε ― ৽͍͠ೝ஌ͷཧ࿦ • ޙ౻෢, ࠤʑ໦ਖ਼ਓ, ਂᖒ௚ਓ, σβΠϯͷੜଶֶ • B. Reeves, C. Nass, ϝσΟΞͷ౳ࣜ • ࡔຊو࢙, IAγϯΩϯά