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As an Engineers, let's build the CRM system via...

Caesar Chi
November 30, 2024

As an Engineers, let's build the CRM system via LINE Official Account 2.0

As an Engineers, let's build the CRM system via LINE Official Account 2.0
工程師就用 LINE OA 親手打造自己的 CRM 系統

LINE 2023 - techpulse.line.me 創新技術分享


我們將使用 Rocket.Chat、LINE Webhook / LINE API 和 LIFF 來構建一個具備多狀態管理的可客製化 CRM 系統,同時探討資料傳輸的考量以及第三方服務解決方案的選擇。此外,我們將引入 N8N 或 Zapier,用於提升整合自動化的效率與彈性。

As applications grow increasingly complex, systems must handle numerous customizations and diverse integrations.

We will utilize Rocket.Chat, LINE Webhook / LINE API, and LIFF to build a customizable CRM system with multi-state management. Additionally, we will explore considerations for data transfer and selecting third-party service solutions. To enhance integration flexibility and automation, we will incorporate N8N or Zapier as part of the solution.

Caesar Chi

November 30, 2024

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  1. Caesar Chi 工 程師就 用 LINE OA 親 手 打造

    自 己 的 CRM 系統 As an Engineers, let's build the CRM system via LINE O ff i cial Account 2.0
  2. Outline • 為何採 用 LINE • LIFF 與 LINE Webhook

    達到 用戶 識別 • 透過 LINE Webhook 結合 Rocket Chat 機制打造訊息傳輸 • LINE Icon Switch + LINE Webhook 與 Rocket Chat 打造出轉接窗 口 機制 • CRM 系統串接資料轉拋需注意事項,以及如何採 用 第三 方 服務 方 案 • 身 為 工 程師,你還可以做更多(後記)
  3. Send message / email / SMS at same time to

    agent via middleware connector
  4. n8n, is an open source project, it support docker install,

    can be install and setup in 10 mins.
  5. line userid Middleware Connect data from LINE to Rocket.chat Connect

    data from Rocket.chart to LINE Database, can be any kind database for recording raw data
  6. line userid Middleware Connect data from LINE to Rocket.chat Connect

    data from Rocket.chart to LINE Database, can be any kind database for recording raw data Worker, execute job / send message and data transactions
  7. line userid Middleware Connect data from LINE to Rocket.chat Connect

    data from Rocket.chart to LINE Database, can be any kind database for recording raw data Worker, execute job / send message and data transactions Scheduler, Arrange schedule event, retry event, fail event …
  8. Final & !end • 想像 力 是你的超能 力 • No

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