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Event-driven programming for the masses (WebMee...

Event-driven programming for the masses (WebMeetupCgn)

What makes nginx faster than Apache's original design? What makes Node.js applications faster than traditional web applications? How can we achieve the same benefits for our own applications? This talk discusses how event-driven programming can help in building high performance, non-blocking, reactive, concurrent, single-threaded applications (bingo). Don't worry, no need to install Node.js and npm install half the internet. Let's build high-performance applications from scratch with whatever language you're most comfortable with!


This talk was presented at WebMeetupCgn (https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Web-Meetup-Cologne/events/255796092/) as one of two talks this day (~30 min each). This implies that this is only supposed to be a 101 introduction. The talk includes a number of live demos and examples which are not included as part of the slides, so you may be missing some context here. See you at the next event perhaps?

Christian Lück

November 14, 2018

More Decks by Christian Lück

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Agenda - Hello! - 101 of event-driven programming - Examples

    from scratch - Putting into practice - Conclusions 2
  2. Who are you? 14 now that you know me… -

    programmers / developers? - architects / engineers?
  3. 57

  4. 58

  5. 5k requests/s 72 this is a local single core benchmark!

    dual core i3 => 10k requests/s 36M requests/h
  6. no polling 76 jobs instantly picked up thousands of jobs

    per second concurrently processing hundreds or more
  7. when? 85 app is I/O bound high(er) performance is wanted

    blocking and non-blocking can be separated