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Performance - a challenging craft

Fabian Lange
September 03, 2011

Performance - a challenging craft

In my talk at socrates 2011, I descrived why performance is a craft and what to do to ensure great performance. I concluded with a few best practies and wonder if there are more

Fabian Lange

September 03, 2011

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  1. Customer Fabian  My day to day job is to

    help customers fixing software performance  People really struggle with performance  But most of them struggle with coding as well That‘s me  If creating good software is a craft, performance should be one as well
  2. Art  Some say: „creating software is art“  Art

    and software development need creativity
  3. Magic  Fixing performance is often considered magic  Magic

    is something  only you understand  you do in a hard to follow fashion
  4. Money (in parts of the world)  Value == Money

     We need a business case for performance  What is the impact of bad performance?
  5. Typical (?) retailer  Amazon measured the impact of 100ms

    delay  Sales dropped by 1%  In a year that would be 245 Million USD
  6. New?  Instable or slow software delays time to market

     Slow software is no longer accepted by customers
  7. Snail Mail  Insurances like to send paper via mail

     Not meeting deadlines can cause  Legal issues  Canceled contracts  Loss of money
  8. Performance Engineering  Calculate Execution Time  Code x =

    5ms  Code y = 2*x = 10ms  Know code in advance  Waterfall approach  Proving the performance of software is more difficult than proving the correct function
  9. Look closely  We prove functional correctness with automated tests

     High coverage  Run examples and see if they are fast
  10. How much load breaks the system?  Done late in

    project  If done at all  No chance to fix anything
  11. 42cm are fast?  Avoid human errors  Require machine

    decidable fail / pass check  What is the measure?
  12. Our Environment  Functionality is independent of the environment 

    Performance characteristics can vary  Unusable slow  Lightning fast
  13. Developers driving fast  Underpowered hardware  Loaded with tools

    and stuff  Luckily not the production environment
  14. Crawling Production  More power  But also more load

     How much faster is production than development?  Any estimation on how much better or worse the environments are is incorrect
  15. Stop playing  Real performance tests need real systems 

    Test in production  Clone production infrastructure
  16. Tweets per second  Amount of data is unpredictable 

    Application usage is unpredictable  How thought of using Twitter for build notification?
  17. Dev  Test Test1  Test Test2  Test Test3

     Showing 3/3  Fabian Lange  Uwe Friedrichsen  Mirko Novakovic  Showing 3/6,434,867 Prod
  18. Load Baselines  Syntethic load tests are unrealistic  No

    application has hundreds of users doing the same procedure again and again  Understanding real load is difficult
  19. Live Systems are live  Real usage cannot be generated

     Real usage can be captured & replayed  Be careful 
  20. App Monitor  Continous performance tests  Close to real

    setup  Observe production behavior  Fix issues fast
  21. Let users test?  Can‘t we do anything before production?

     We want to deliver something, which works perfectly!
  22. Sonar  Soft Measure  Works good for code quality

     Are there performance best practices?
  23.  Some people misuse it as loop  Results are

    unexpected behavior or slow execution
  24. Indeed finds bugs  Analyzes Java Bytecode  Knows 58

    Performance Bugs  Most are rather trivial
  25.  Art flickr.com/photos/37202375@N03/3490107873  Magic flickr.com/photos/princes_milady/4238912548  Crossroads flickr.com/photos/40481200@N06/4857965280 

    Envelopes flickr.com/photos/creatingmotherhood/3663914542  Test flickr.com/photos/cayusa/2159980025  Scales flickr.com/photos/reinvented/309512320  Tape Measure flickr.com/photos/hippie/2466583497  World flickr.com/photos/heimdahlrecounts/4346082743  Toys flickr.com/photos/sbluerock/364123380  TPS flickr.com/photos/twitteroffice/5681263084  Bananas flickr.com/photos/design-dog/1249337589  Dart flickr.com/photos/malavoda/2369876508  YSlow developer.yahoo.com/yslow  Pagespeed code.google.com/speed/page-speed  Java Locking en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-checked_locking  PHP Ternary Operator fabien.potencier.org/article/48/the-php-ternary- operator-fast-or-not  JavaScript for .. In stackoverflow.com/questions/500504/javascript-for- in-with-arrays  Findbugs findbugs.sourceforge.net  Jlint jlint.sourceforge.net  IBM Multicore SDK www- 01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21456945