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Rely-Guarantee References for Refinement Types ...

Rely-Guarantee References for Refinement Types over Aliased Mutable Data

Talk at PLDI'13

Colin S Gordon

June 17, 2013

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  1. Rely-Guarantee References for Refinement Types over Aliased Mutable Data Colin

    S. Gordon, Michael D. Ernst, and Dan Grossman University of Washington PLDI 2013
  2. Static Verification Meets Aliasing x:ref ℕ y:ref ℕ x :=

    !x+1; m(y); static_assert(!x > 0);  Pass or fail? 2 3
  3. Static Program Verification: Mutation + Aliases • Common approaches: –

    Restrict aliasing • Separation Logic, Linear & Uniqueness Types – Restrict mutation • Read-only access • Reference Immutability, Region & Effect Systems
  4. Our Approach: Describe Mutation • Arbitrary binary relations • Explicitly

    characterize: – How data may change over time • Side effects, type state, protocols, invariants, monotonicity… • Lots of prior work, all working around aliasing – Safe assumptions in the presence of mutation through aliases • Eye towards backwards compatibility: – Subsume standard references, reference immutability
  5. Rely-Guarantee References • New approach to static verification of imperative

    programs • Formal core type system + proofs – Uses dependent types • Implementation as Coq DSL • Characterized proof burden for 4 examples – Roughly on par w/ pure functional equivalents
  6. Outline • Concurrent Reasoning for Aliases • Typechecking Rely-Guarantee References

    • Technical Challenge: Nested References • Intuition for Soundness • Conclusions
  7. A Duality: Threads & Aliases • Mutation by aliases ≈

    thread interference • Actions through aliases can be seen as concurrent • Rely-Guarantee reasoning is good for threads – Summarizes possible interference • We can adapt concurrent analyses to treat aliasing – A few differences to discuss later
  8. Thread & Alias Interference Thread Interference let x = ref

    0 in atomic_inc(x) atomic_inc(x) assert(!x>0) assert(!x>0) Alias Interference let x = ref 0 in inc x; let y = x in inc x; assert(!y > 0); 0 0
  9. Rely-Guarantee for Threads • Characterize thread interference: 1. Rely summarizes

    expected interference 2. Guarantee bounds thread actions 3. Stable assertions are preserved by interference 4. Compatible threads: each rely assumes at least the other’s guarantee
  10. Rely-Guarantee for References • Characterize alias interference: 1. Rely summarizes

    alias interference 2. Guarantee bounds actions through this alias 3. Stable predicates preserved by interference 4. Compatible aliases: if x == y, then x.G ⊆ y.R && y.G ⊆ x.R • Subsumes ML references! (OCaml, SML, etc.)
  11. Alias Interference Revisited x:ref{ℕ|>0}{==,≤} y:ref{ℕ|>0}{≤,==} 2 3 x:=!x+1; ≤(2,3) ⇒

    ≤(2,3) 2 > 0 ∧ ≤(2,3) ⇒ 3 > 0 R G R G 1 Rely, 2 Guarantee, 3 Stable, 4 Compatible ❹ ❸ ❷ ❶
  12. Splitting for Compatible References • x:ref{nat|P}[≈,havoc] cannot be duplicated –

    Duplicates must be compatible (#4) – havoc ⊈ ≈ • Must track & restrict duplication: – let y = x in … could create • Two immutable refs (ref{nat|P}[≈, ≈]) • Two unrestricted refs (ref{nat|any}[havoc, havoc]) • Producer/consumer (ref{nat|any}[≥,≤] and ref{nat|any}[≤,≥])
  13. Outline • Concurrent Reasoning for Aliases • Typechecking Rely-Guarantee References

    • Technical Challenge: Nested References • Intuition for Soundness • Conclusions
  14. A Coq DSL for Rely-Guarantee References • Shallow DSL embedding

    in a proof assistant • Satisfying proof obligations – Separated from program text – Semi-automatic • Examples include – Monotonic Counter • Simple, but illustrative • Specify how data changes over time, not inc operation – Reference Immutability
  15. Example: A Monotonic Counter Definition increasing : hrel nat :=

    (λ n n’ h h’. n <= n'). Definition counter := ref{nat|pos}[increasing,increasing]. Definition read (c:counter) : nat := !c. Definition inc (p:counter) : unit := [p]:= !p + 1. Definition mkCounter (u:unit) : counter := Alloc 1. Example test_counter (u:unit) : unit := x <- mkCounter tt; inc x. Proofs automatically discharged
  16. Reference Immutability via Rely-Guarantee References • writable T ≝ ref{T|any}[havoc,havoc]

    • readable T ≝ ref{T|any}[havoc,≈] • immutable T ≝ ref{T|any}[≈, ≈] • Suggests a spectrum: ML refs ⊆ RI ⊆ ... ⊆ RGref
  17. Outline • Concurrent Reasoning for Aliases • Typechecking Rely-Guarantee References

    • Technical Challenge: Nested References • Intuition for Soundness • Conclusions
  18. References to References • Folding – If x.f is a

    ref, and x’s type disallows mutation to anything, type of !x.f should, too • Containment – ref{T|P}[R,G]: if T contains refs, R permits their interference as well • Precision – P,R,G only depend on heap reachable from the T they apply to Non-issues in concurrent program logics: no “threads to threads”
  19. Outline • Concurrent Reasoning for Aliases • Typechecking Rely-Guarantee References

    • Technical Challenge: Nested References • Intuition for Soundness • Conclusions
  20. How to Preserve Refinements • Well-formed ref{τ|P}[R,G] (e.g. ref{int|>0}[≤,≤]) –

    P is stable with respect to R (#3) – Enforce containment, precision • Aliases as x:ref{τ|P}[R,G] and y:ref{τ|P’}[R’,G’] – Relies summarize guarantees (#4): G’ ⊆ R, G ⊆ R’ – Ensured by splitting semantics and folding • Actions in x.G are included in alias y’s y.R, and thus by stability preserves y.P
  21. Outline • Concurrent Reasoning for Aliases • Typechecking Rely-Guarantee References

    • Technical Challenge: Nested References • Intuition for Soundness • Conclusions
  22. Future Work • We’ve worked out a core system •

    Route to a full system: – Non-atomic updates – Internalizing proof terms (in progress) – Better datatype definitions – Borrowing – Concurrency (in progress) – More examples / experience
  23. Related Work • Rely-guarantee program logics – Mostly concurrent –

    Explicit Stabilization (Wickerson’10) used for malloc – We apply RG at a much finer granularity • Reference Immutability, Ownership – Notion of per-reference read-only – Tschantz’05, Zibin’07, Dietl’07, Zibin’10, Gordon’12 – We generalize read-only to arbitrary relations • Dependent types for imperative programs – Types depend only on immutable data (DML, etc.) – Or bake in a low-level program logic (Ynot / Hoare Type Theory) – Our types directly treat interference
  24. Conclusion • Rely-Guarantee References – Directly address alias interference –

    Key challenge: nested references – Apply concurrent verification insights to aliasing • We applied rely-guarantee • Other correspondences exist • Promising early results – Modest proof burden – Backwards compatible with more traditional systems https://github.com/csgordon/rgref/